Washington DC

Expe­ri­ence Our Nation’s His­to­ry in Wash­ing­ton, DC

City tab washington dc

From food and wine to cul­tur­al events to Amer­i­can his­to­ry, our nation’s cap­i­tal awaits your next escape. Rich in his­to­ry, walk the halls of free Smith­son­ian muse­ums, or take a Seg­way tour of all of DC’s mon­u­ments and memo­ri­als, vis­it dur­ing the spring­time and see the icon­ic Cher­ry Blos­soms in full bloom, and take some time to check out the local brew­eries and the crave-wor­thy food and drink scene – it’s as unique as each of DC’s eclec­tic neigh­bor­hoods. See what the food buzz is all about and dis­cov­er the culi­nary cap­i­tal where top chefs come to share their craft. It’s no won­der the city received its first Miche­lin Guide and was recent­ly named restau­rant city of the year by Bön Appétitand hottest food city by Zagat.

Ronald Rea­gan Wash­ing­ton Nation­al Air­port (DCA)

City tab washington dc

Ronald Rea­gan Wash­ing­ton Nation­al Air­port is in Vir­ginia sit­u­at­ed on a total of 860 acres. The air­port has a total of 44 gates: 9 in Ter­mi­nal A and 35 in Ter­mi­nal B/C. Today, the air­field con­tains three run­ways. Rea­gan Nation­al’s cur­rent facil­i­ties were designed to serve 15 mil­lion pas­sen­gers per year. But more than 23 mil­lion pas­sen­gers trav­eled through the air­port in 2016, set­ting new records and strain­ing the exist­ing infra­struc­ture. In response, the air­port launched Project Jour­ney, a $1 bil­lion invest­ment to trans­form the trav­el­er expe­ri­ence inside ter­mi­nals, at the gates and along the roads. The result will pro­vide pas­sen­gers with greater con­nec­tiv­i­ty, more shop­ping and din­ing choic­es and a more pleas­ant post-secu­ri­ty envi­ron­ment. Future improve­ments to road­way and park­ing con­fig­u­ra­tions will address the vehi­cle con­ges­tion pro­duced by record-break­ing pas­sen­ger activity. 

Air­port Information

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