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Drink a Beer Straight from the Source in St. Louis

Where down-home BBQ meets sophisticated nightlife and where your inner child can come out to play. Meet up with friends in the Gateway City and catch a St. Louis Cardinals game at beautiful Busch Stadium, taste the tradition of St. Louis breweries and totally geek out at the Saint Louis Science Center and Museum of Transportation. From arts and culture to outdoor adventure, you can get a bird’s eye view of it from the top of the iconic Gateway Arch.
Learn More About St. Louis
St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL)

St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) is an international airport located 14 miles northwest of downtown St. Louis, Missouri. The airport strives to serve the needs of all travelers.
The Airport has an Information and Paging Booth with staffing from 7am to 11pm daily. Information Booth staff handle all passenger paging (voice and visual for hearing impaired) and can answer your questions including airport services, airlines, parking and ground transportation. Please call 314−890−1333 for assistance.
Airport Information
- Website: http://www.flystl.com/
- Address: 10701 Lambert International Blvd, Saint Louis, MO 63145
- Phone Number: (314) 426‑8000
- Rental Cars
- Ground Transportation