Charlotte, North Carolina skyline.

What Makes the Queen City Unique?

Charlotte Skyline

Man-made won­ders offer adven­tures and city explor­ers unpar­al­leled attrac­tions, while home­town spir­it – espe­cial­ly the spir­it of dis­cov­ery – often lays the foun­da­tion for a metrop­o­lis’ future. Mine for gold with the kids at Reel Gold Mine or vis­it the Levine Muse­um of New South to cel­e­brate the region’s his­to­ry. From the Carowinds amuse­ment park and the sprawl­ing Car­oli­na Har­bor water­park, to the NASCAR Hall of Fame and the U.S. Nation­al White­wa­ter Cen­ter, Char­lotte is the inter­sec­tion of fam­i­ly fun and adven­ture! Plan your escape now!

Learn More About Char­lotte Straight from the Source

Char­lotte Dou­glas Inter­na­tion­al Airport


Char­lotte Dou­glas Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is the sixth busiest air­port in the world offer­ing more than 160 non­stop des­ti­na­tions around the globe. CLT over­sees more than 700 depar­tures and land­ings each day, and is served by sev­en domes­tic car­ri­ers and three for­eign flag car­ri­ers. As Amer­i­can Air­lines’ sec­ond largest hub and the sec­ond largest air­port on the East Coast, CLT con­nects pas­sen­gers to exot­ic loca­tions through­out the world.

Air­port Information

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