Atlanta, Georgia skyline at twilight.

Work Trips Seem Like Less Work in Atlanta


From attrac­tions like World of Coke, CNN, Zoo Atlanta and Geor­gia Aquar­i­um to swanky nightlife and pre­mier shop­ping, it’s no won­der why Atlanta ranks among Lone­ly Planet’s 10 Top Places in the U.S. to Trav­el in 2017. It seems A‑Town’s got the recipe for fun – whether it’s din­ing at one of the city’s award-win­ning restau­rants, catch­ing a pop-fly at a sport­ing event or rock­ing out at the hottest music fes­ti­val around. Go wild at Zoo Atlanta and dis­cov­er his­toric land­marks dur­ing your busi­ness trip down­time. What­ev­er your rea­son to escape, make Atlanta your next stop.

Harts­field-Jack­son Atlanta Inter­na­tion­al Airport


Harts­field-Jack­son Atlanta Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is one of the busiest air­ports in the world. The air­port offers non­stop ser­vice to more than 150 domes­tic and near­ly 70 inter­na­tion­al des­ti­na­tions. These locales include major com­mer­cial cen­ters in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Africa, and South and Cen­tral America. 

In many ways, Harts­field-Jack­son is more than an air­port. It’s also a des­ti­na­tion. ATL’s bur­geon­ing con­ces­sions pro­gram fea­tures more than 300 com­mer­cial venues meet­ing guests’ shop­ping, din­ing and ser­vice needs. And its art pro­gram inte­grates per­ma­nent and rotat­ing exhibits and musi­cal per­for­mances into the fab­ric of the guest experience.

Air­port Information

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