Cur­rent Job Openings

Job Appli­ca­tion

To apply for a posi­tion with us, please com­plete, print and sign our job appli­ca­tion. The form is avail­able to be filled out online, but you will need to bring it to the air­port in per­son, mail it or scan and email it to jobs@​pcairport.​com. Appli­ca­tions may also be obtained Mon­day – Fri­day, 9am – 4pm at the Air­port Admin­is­tra­tion Office (2nd Floor of Ter­mi­nal Build­ing) 6300 West Bay Park­way, Pana­ma City, FL 32409.

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port Employ­ment Application

Police Appli­ca­tion (sworn positions)

Appli­cants for sworn police depart­ment posi­tions are required to com­plete the Police Appli­ca­tion (not the gen­er­al appli­ca­tion above)

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port Police Application

Gen­er­al Requirements

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is a drug-free work­force and equal oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er. The Air­port will only respond to appli­cants who are qual­i­fied based on the post­ed job descrip­tion. If cho­sen for a posi­tion, a pre-employ­ment drug screen and a 10-year fin­ger­print based, crim­i­nal his­to­ry records check are required.

Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ty Employ­ment Statement

The North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er and all qual­i­fied appli­cants will receive con­sid­er­a­tion for employ­ment with­out regard to race, col­or, reli­gion, sex, age, mar­i­tal sta­tus, nation­al ori­gin, dis­abil­i­ty sta­tus, pro­tect­ed vet­er­an sta­tus, or any oth­er char­ac­ter­is­tic pro­tect­ed by law.