SUB­JECT: Adopt Res­o­lu­tion to Ded­i­cate the Entrance Road to Joseph K. Tan­nehill, Sr.

DATE: June 242020 

INTRO­DUC­TION: This item pro­vides for Board adop­tion of a Res­o­lu­tion to ded­i­cate West Bay Park­way on the Air­port to Joseph K. Tan­nehill, Sr.

BACK­GROUND: Mr. Joseph K Tan­nehill, Sr. was appoint­ed to the Air­port Board in 2005 and served until 2010. He was Chair­man of the Board from July 2005 to June 2010

Mr. Tan­nehill was very active in the devel­op­ment of the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port. Under his lead­er­ship as the Chair­man of the Board, he led the Air­port through the chal­leng­ing time of devel­op­ment through its open­ing in 2010

The vision of Chair­man Tan­nehill and the Boards of the past is com­ing to fruition with the sig­nif­i­cant growth of pas­sen­ger traf­fic, enhanced busi­ness and edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties, and the Air­port becom­ing a vital asset to our Region.

The Res­o­lu­tion rec­og­nizes Mr. Tannehill’s efforts to con­tin­ue avi­a­tion growth in our Region and ded­i­cates West Bay Park­way from State Road 388 to the Air­port Ter­mi­nal Com­plex as Tan­nehill Park­way. Staff will install 2 ded­i­ca­tion signs on the road­way and ensure the His­to­ry Hall” locat­ed out­side the Board­room reflects the ded­i­ca­tion and efforts of Mr. Joseph K. Tan­nehill, Sr.

BUD­GET IMPACT: Lim­it­ed bud­getary impacts.

REC­OM­MEN­DA­TION: Staff rec­om­mends adopt­ing the Res­o­lu­tion rec­og­niz­ing the exem­plary lead­er­ship and sup­port Mr. Joseph K Tan­nehill, Sr. pro­vid­ed to the relo­ca­tion, devel­op­ment and growth of the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

ACTION REQUIRED: Board approval and autho­riza­tion for the Chair­man or designee to exe­cute the Res­o­lu­tion, fol­low­ing sat­is­fac­to­ry legal review.

(Res­o­lu­tion to be pro­vid­ed pri­or to the Board Meeting)