
The Board Meet­ing of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Octo­ber 25, 2017 by Chair­man Mathis.

The Invo­ca­tion was giv­en by Mrs. Rhon­da March­man. The Pledge of Alle­giance was led by Chair­man Mathis.

The Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary called the roll and indi­cat­ed that all Board Mem­bers were present except Mr. Carey Scott.


Mr. Park­er McClel­lan pre­sent­ed and reviewed the Activ­i­ty Report. Ms. Dar­lene Nel­son pre­sent­ed and reviewed the Finan­cial Report. 

Con­sent Agenda:

a. Bud­get and By-Laws Work­shop Min­utes – Sep­tem­ber 142017

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the Sep­tem­ber 14, 2017 Bud­get and By-Laws Work­shop Minutes.

b. Board Meet­ing Min­utes – Sep­tem­ber 272017

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the Sep­tem­ber 27, 2017 Board Meet­ing Minutes.

c. Approve Vehi­cle Purchase

This item pro­vides for Board approval for the pur­chase of four (4) replace­ment vehi­cles to be used by Air­port personnel.

d. Approve SCBA Purchase

This item pro­vides for Board approval for the sec­ond-year pur­chase of a five (5) year sched­ule to replace ARFF Self-Con­tained Breath­ing Appa­ra­tus and SCBA Bottles.

e. Approve FY 2017 Uncol­lectible Accounts Write-off

This item pro­vides for Board approval to write off uncol­lectible accounts for FY 2017.

Vice Chair­man Lee made a motion to approve the Con­sent Agen­da. Mr. McDon­ald sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unan­i­mous­ly.

Busi­ness Items:

a. Accept FDOT Pur­chase Agree­ment for West Bay Park­way and State Road (SR) 388 Easement

This item pro­vides for Board approval of a pur­chase agree­ment with FDOT for prop­er­ty locat­ed at the inter­sec­tion of West Bay Park­way and SR388 and the tem­po­rary ease­ment for a par­cel on West Bay Parkway.

Mr. McClel­lan advised the Board and answered ques­tions on how FDOT plans to realign SR 388 would impact the entrance to the Airport.

The improve­ments to SR 388 have been under dis­cus­sion for sev­er­al years with the realign­ment to the west of the Air­port to SR 79 and the widening/​potential realign­ment to the east to SR 77. The first fund­ed phase of this mul­ti-phased FDOT Project is from the Air­port west to SR 79.

The improve­ments at the inter­sec­tion of West Bay Park­way and SR 388 will include a round­about that will become the new entrance to the Air­port. FDOT has sub­mit­ted Pur­chase Agree­ments for the improved prop­er­ty at the inter­sec­tion and for the tem­po­rary use of air­port prop­er­ty locat­ed on West Bay Park­way. The Pur­chase Agree­ment was based on an appraisal pre­pared by Deal Con­sult­ing, P.A. for FDOT.

Mr. McClel­lan and Mr. McDon­ald met with FDOT and it was deter­mined the appraisal for the prop­er­ty was fair, but a mutu­al­ly accept­able adden­dum need­ed to be devel­oped, iden­ti­fy­ing the roles and respon­si­bil­i­ties of each agency.

The pur­chase price includes the land val­ue, improve­ments, and real estate dam­ages (cost to cure). The agree­ment allows for the Air­port to remove and rein­stall the entrance road sig­nage into the cen­ter of the round­about and FDOT will pro­vide access to the nec­es­sary util­i­ties, which include water and elec­tric. Over­head sig­nage from the east and west bound direc­tions will also be installed.

The pur­chase agree­ment for tem­po­rary use of the par­cel on West Bay Park­way allows FDOT and its con­trac­tor to uti­lize this area as part of the con­struc­tion and return it to the Air­port in like orig­i­nal condition.

The main­te­nance of traf­fic (MOT) will be con­tin­u­al­ly reviewed and FDOT will ensure con­tin­u­ous access to and from the Air­port Prop­er­ty, i.e. West Bay Parkway.

Addi­tion­al­ly, the Air­port will be required to obtain a release from the FAA for the par­cel that is being sold, as required by Fed­er­al Grant Assurances.

This Agree­ment will have no impact on the Air­port Oper­a­tions and Main­te­nance Budget.

Staff rec­om­mends approval of the pur­chase agree­ment with FDOT for the sale of Par­cel 101 in the amount of $422,350 and the pur­chase agree­ment for the tem­po­rary use of Par­cel 700 in the amount of $2,500.

Mr. McDon­ald made a motion to approve the pur­chase agree­ments for the sale of the ease­ment Par­cel 101 and tem­po­rary use of Par­cel 700 with FDOT and for the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor to exe­cute the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments asso­ci­at­ed with the agree­ments fol­low­ing sat­is­fac­to­ry legal review. Vice Chair­man Lee sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Bay EDA:

Ms. Bec­ca Hardin recent­ly returned from the MRO Europe Show where she met with 15 com­pa­nies in two days. She was also able to meet with GKN exec­u­tives try­ing to bring some of the advanced man­u­fac­tur­ing from Bris­tol to the area.

Ms. Hardin and Mr. Gar­ret Wright attend­ed the NBAA Busi­ness Avi­a­tion Con­ven­tion and Exhi­bi­tion in Las Vegas. Sev­er­al of the 17 com­pa­nies they met with were inter­est­ed in the assets that Bay Coun­ty has to offer and they are busy fol­low­ing up with those companies.

Ms. Hardin updat­ed the Board on the sev­er­al active projects at ECP say­ing Project Blue Star and Project Soho are in the pro­pos­al phase. Anoth­er project, G‑Force, is look­ing at Ven­ture Cross­ing and there are approx­i­mate­ly 17 active projects in var­i­ous stages. Project Pom­pano is still on the back­burn­er; its scope has changed sub­stan­tial­ly and lead­er­ship is work­ing through their long term strate­gic plan.

Ms. Hardin informed the Board that Bay EDA is meet­ing with sup­pli­ers for Air­bus since their announce­ment of open­ing a new assem­bly plant in Mobile, Alaba­ma. Bay Coun­ty offers a cen­tral loca­tion between Boe­ing and Air­bus that is valu­able to their suppliers.

Ms. Hardin said that GKN is a great advo­cate for the Bay Coun­ty area. They are telling their sup­pli­ers and busi­ness part­ners to look specif­i­cal­ly at the oppor­tu­ni­ties and ben­e­fits of the area. GKN has afford­ed Bay EDA sev­er­al oppor­tu­ni­ties to help grow busi­ness in Bay County.

Ms. Sims spoke about an exer­cise after the Gulf Pow­er Sym­po­sium where teams gave mock pre­sen­ta­tion to site selec­tors for com­pa­nies look­ing for prospec­tive busi­ness loca­tions. Mr. Wright was there rep­re­sent­ing Bay EDA in his sec­ond week and Bay Coun­ty received the most inter­est of the coun­ties that were rep­re­sent­ed. The site selec­tors were very impressed with the pre­sen­ta­tion and what Bay Coun­ty has to offer.

Moore Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Group:

Ms. Katie Spill­man pre­sent­ed the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Activ­i­ty Report to the Board.

Moore Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group is in the process of refresh­ing the ECP web­site con­tent and updat­ing the pho­tos for the fall season.

The web­site has had an increase in traf­fic and the newslet­ters con­tin­ue to get good engage­ment from con­sumers, rat­ing above indus­try stan­dards for views for ten con­sec­u­tive months.

Ms. Spill­man explained to the Board that the con­tent on social media sites is mon­i­tored and adjust­ed in rela­tion to the respons­es that are received so that peo­ple con­tin­ue to be engaged by it.

The ECP Perk for Sep­tem­ber was a pilot of a dig­i­tal coupon and was successful.

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Report:

Mr. McClel­lan informed the Board that Pan­han­dle Engi­neer­ing will be assist­ing in prepar­ing pack­ages for the pre-appli­ca­tion process for the Tri­umph Committee.

Mr. McClel­lan said Staff and the Air­port con­tin­ue to be pre­pared in the event of a hur­ri­cane with plans are in place to get the Air­port up and oper­at­ing quickly.

Mr. McClel­lan report­ed that South­west Air­lines is work­ing on devel­op­ing the sched­ule for next summer’s Super Sum­mer Sat­ur­days and will include Sun­days. He also said that Staff con­tin­ues to have dis­cus­sions with air­lines to bring in new ser­vice that would offer flights from ECP to oth­er des­ti­na­tions with­in the state.

Oth­er Business:

Mr. McDon­ald thanked FDOT for their accom­mo­da­tion, help­ful­ness and pro­fes­sion­al­ism in work­ing with ECP on the SR388 realign­ment project.

Pub­lic Comments:

There were no pub­lic comments.


The meet­ing was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 9:45 a.m.

Tal­isa Price, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary Russ Math­is, Chairman