The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., October 25, 2017 by Chairman Mathis.
The Invocation was given by Mrs. Rhonda Marchman. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Mathis.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Carey Scott.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Report. Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Report.
Consent Agenda:
a. Budget and By-Laws Workshop Minutes – September 14, 2017
This item provides for Board approval of the September 14, 2017 Budget and By-Laws Workshop Minutes.
b. Board Meeting Minutes – September 27, 2017
This item provides for Board approval of the September 27, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes.
c. Approve Vehicle Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of four (4) replacement vehicles to be used by Airport personnel.
d. Approve SCBA Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the second-year purchase of a five (5) year schedule to replace ARFF Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and SCBA Bottles.
e. Approve FY 2017 Uncollectible Accounts Write-off
This item provides for Board approval to write off uncollectible accounts for FY 2017.
Vice Chairman Lee made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.Business Items:
a. Accept FDOT Purchase Agreement for West Bay Parkway and State Road (SR) 388 Easement
This item provides for Board approval of a purchase agreement with FDOT for property located at the intersection of West Bay Parkway and SR388 and the temporary easement for a parcel on West Bay Parkway.
Mr. McClellan advised the Board and answered questions on how FDOT plans to realign SR 388 would impact the entrance to the Airport.
The improvements to SR 388 have been under discussion for several years with the realignment to the west of the Airport to SR 79 and the widening/potential realignment to the east to SR 77. The first funded phase of this multi-phased FDOT Project is from the Airport west to SR 79.
The improvements at the intersection of West Bay Parkway and SR 388 will include a roundabout that will become the new entrance to the Airport. FDOT has submitted Purchase Agreements for the improved property at the intersection and for the temporary use of airport property located on West Bay Parkway. The Purchase Agreement was based on an appraisal prepared by Deal Consulting, P.A. for FDOT.
Mr. McClellan and Mr. McDonald met with FDOT and it was determined the appraisal for the property was fair, but a mutually acceptable addendum needed to be developed, identifying the roles and responsibilities of each agency.
The purchase price includes the land value, improvements, and real estate damages (cost to cure). The agreement allows for the Airport to remove and reinstall the entrance road signage into the center of the roundabout and FDOT will provide access to the necessary utilities, which include water and electric. Overhead signage from the east and west bound directions will also be installed.
The purchase agreement for temporary use of the parcel on West Bay Parkway allows FDOT and its contractor to utilize this area as part of the construction and return it to the Airport in like original condition.
The maintenance of traffic (MOT) will be continually reviewed and FDOT will ensure continuous access to and from the Airport Property, i.e. West Bay Parkway.
Additionally, the Airport will be required to obtain a release from the FAA for the parcel that is being sold, as required by Federal Grant Assurances.
This Agreement will have no impact on the Airport Operations and Maintenance Budget.
Staff recommends approval of the purchase agreement with FDOT for the sale of Parcel 101 in the amount of $422,350 and the purchase agreement for the temporary use of Parcel 700 in the amount of $2,500.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to approve the purchase agreements for the sale of the easement Parcel 101 and temporary use of Parcel 700 with FDOT and for the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents associated with the agreements following satisfactory legal review. Vice Chairman Lee seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Bay EDA:
Ms. Becca Hardin recently returned from the MRO Europe Show where she met with 15 companies in two days. She was also able to meet with GKN executives trying to bring some of the advanced manufacturing from Bristol to the area.
Ms. Hardin and Mr. Garret Wright attended the NBAA Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition in Las Vegas. Several of the 17 companies they met with were interested in the assets that Bay County has to offer and they are busy following up with those companies.
Ms. Hardin updated the Board on the several active projects at ECP saying Project Blue Star and Project Soho are in the proposal phase. Another project, G‑Force, is looking at Venture Crossing and there are approximately 17 active projects in various stages. Project Pompano is still on the backburner; its scope has changed substantially and leadership is working through their long term strategic plan.
Ms. Hardin informed the Board that Bay EDA is meeting with suppliers for Airbus since their announcement of opening a new assembly plant in Mobile, Alabama. Bay County offers a central location between Boeing and Airbus that is valuable to their suppliers.
Ms. Hardin said that GKN is a great advocate for the Bay County area. They are telling their suppliers and business partners to look specifically at the opportunities and benefits of the area. GKN has afforded Bay EDA several opportunities to help grow business in Bay County.
Ms. Sims spoke about an exercise after the Gulf Power Symposium where teams gave mock presentation to site selectors for companies looking for prospective business locations. Mr. Wright was there representing Bay EDA in his second week and Bay County received the most interest of the counties that were represented. The site selectors were very impressed with the presentation and what Bay County has to offer.
Moore Communications Group:
Ms. Katie Spillman presented the Communications Activity Report to the Board.
Moore Communication Group is in the process of refreshing the ECP website content and updating the photos for the fall season.
The website has had an increase in traffic and the newsletters continue to get good engagement from consumers, rating above industry standards for views for ten consecutive months.
Ms. Spillman explained to the Board that the content on social media sites is monitored and adjusted in relation to the responses that are received so that people continue to be engaged by it.
The ECP Perk for September was a pilot of a digital coupon and was successful.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that Panhandle Engineering will be assisting in preparing packages for the pre-application process for the Triumph Committee.
Mr. McClellan said Staff and the Airport continue to be prepared in the event of a hurricane with plans are in place to get the Airport up and operating quickly.
Mr. McClellan reported that Southwest Airlines is working on developing the schedule for next summer’s Super Summer Saturdays and will include Sundays. He also said that Staff continues to have discussions with airlines to bring in new service that would offer flights from ECP to other destinations within the state.
Other Business:
Mr. McDonald thanked FDOT for their accommodation, helpfulness and professionalism in working with ECP on the SR388 realignment project.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 a.m.
Talisa Price, Executive Secretary Russ Mathis, Chairman