
The Board Meet­ing of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Octo­ber 28, 2015 by Chair­man Bruett. 

The Invo­ca­tion was giv­en by Ms. Pat­ty Mitchell. 

The Pledge of Alle­giance was led by Chair­man Bruett. 

The Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary called the roll and indi­cat­ed that all Board Mem­bers were present except Mr. Carey Scott and Ms. Cindy Meadows. 

Approval of Min­utes:

The Sep­tem­ber 9, 2015 Spe­cial Board Meeting/​Budget Work­shop Min­utes and the Sep­tem­ber 23, 2015 Board Meet­ing Min­utes were approved as distributed. 


Mr. McClel­lan pre­sent­ed and reviewed both the Activ­i­ty Report and the Finan­cial Report. 

Con­sent Agen­da:

  1. Rat­i­fi­ca­tion of Equip­ment Replace­ment

This item pro­vides for Board rat­i­fi­ca­tion of a sole source pur­chase for the replace­ment of the secu­ri­ty sys­tem com­put­er server. 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Pilch­er made a motion to rat­i­fy the sole source pur­chase from Gor­rie Regan and Asso­ciates for the secu­ri­ty sys­tem serv­er in an amount not to exceed $11,750.00. Mr. Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unan­i­mous­ly.

  1. Approve Air­craft Ser­vice Inter­na­tion­al Group, Inc. (ASIG) 2016 Bud­get

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the 2016 Oper­a­tions and Main­te­nance (O&M) bud­get for ASIG

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Lee made a motion to approve the ASIG 2016 O&M bud­get. Mr. Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

  1. Estab­lish Engi­neer­ing Con­sult­ing Selec­tion Com­mit­tee

This item pro­vides for Board estab­lish­ment of an Engi­neer­ing Con­sult­ing Selec­tion Com­mit­tee (Selec­tion Com­mit­tee) to assist the Dis­trict in the selec­tion of an engi­neer­ing firm. 

The Selec­tion Com­mit­tee would be com­prised of the fol­low­ing people: 

  • Chris Fore­hand, Board Member 
  • Del Lee, Board Member 
  • Park­er McClel­lan, Exec­u­tive Director 
  • Richard McConnell, Deputy Exec­u­tive Director 
  • Pamn Hen­der­son, Direc­tor of Finance and Administration 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Math­is made a motion to approve the estab­lish­ment of an Engi­neer­ing Con­sult­ing Selec­tion Com­mit­tee com­prised of the rec­om­mend­ed per­son­nel.

Mr. Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

Busi­ness Items:

  1. ZHA Task Order – Water Qual­i­ty Mon­i­tor­ing Post Con­struc­tion Fall 2015 and Spring 2016

This item pro­vides for Board approval of a task order to ZHA to per­form the required water qual­i­ty mon­i­tor­ing ser­vices at nine­teen (19) sites as required under the airport’s envi­ron­men­tal permits. 

In accor­dance with FDEP WRP Per­mit #03 – 0212186-004-DF, USACOE 404 Per­mit SAJ-2001- 5264-IP-GAH, and the Con­struc­tion and Post Devel­op­ment Water/​Sediment Qual­i­ty and Bio­log­i­cal Mon­i­tor­ing Plan, the air­port is required to con­duct water, sed­i­ment and bio­log­i­cal mon­i­tor­ing twice a year for a six year peri­od fol­low­ing con­struc­tion. FDEP Con­sent Order #3 deter­mined the post con­struc­tion date would be the date that the final stormwa­ter cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for the entrance road was sub­mit­ted and accept­ed, there­fore, the effec­tive date is May 252012

Approval of this task order ini­ti­ates the fourth year of mon­i­tor­ing and will allow the air­port to main­tain com­pli­ance with per­mit require­ments for water qual­i­ty mon­i­tor­ing. The total cost of this task order is $55,000. Fund­ing for this task order is con­tained in the FY 2016 Oper­at­ing Expense Budget. 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Fore­hand made a motion to approve the task order with ZHA for water qual­i­ty mon­i­tor­ing and autho­riza­tion for the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor to exe­cute any nec­es­sary doc­u­ments pend­ing review by legal coun­sel. Mr. Math­is sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

  1. ZHA Task Order – Ter­mi­nal Secu­ri­ty Exit Lane Improve­ments

This item pro­vides for Board approval of a task order to ZHA to per­form required design, bid and award and con­struc­tion admin­is­tra­tion for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the air­port ter­mi­nal con­nec­tor hall exit lane. 

Under Fed­er­al Trans­porta­tion Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion (TSA) reg­u­la­tions, the air­port is required to mon­i­tor and secure the exit lane locat­ed between the ter­mi­nal ster­ile area (secure) and ter­mi­nal non-ster­ile area (non-secure pub­lic). Cur­rent­ly, the air­port accom­plish­es this func­tion through both tech­nol­o­gy and human com­po­nents. Recent­ly, TSA-approved tech­nol­o­gy has advanced to the point that secu­ri­ty of the exit lane can be accom­plished through tech­nol­o­gy with­out the require­ment to have a guard sta­tioned at the exit lane. 

The total cost of this task order is $89,700. Fund­ing for this is includ­ed in the FY 2016 Oper­at­ing Bud­get with por­tions being reim­bursed to the air­port through FAA and FDOT grants. This only pro­vides for engi­neer­ing and con­sult­ing ser­vices relat­ed to the project. Approval of con­struc­tion costs for the project would be pre­sent­ed to the Board for con­sid­er­a­tion at a lat­er date. 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Fore­hand made a motion to approve the task order with ZHA and approval for the Board Chair­man or his designee to exe­cute any nec­es­sary doc­u­ments pend­ing review and approval by legal coun­sel. Mr. Lee sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

  1. Rental Car Con­ces­sion Agree­ment Adden­dum

This item pro­vides for Board approval of an amend­ment to the cur­rent Rental Car Con­ces­sion Agreements. 

Sev­er­al years ago, the Dis­trict imple­ment­ed a Car Rental Cus­tomer Facil­i­ty Charge (CFC) that would allow the Dis­trict to recoup the debt ser­vice cost of the rental car facil­i­ties at ECP and would also gen­er­ate funds for future design and con­struc­tion of new rental car facil­i­ties. While that CFC is a rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by car rentals, it was nev­er intend­ed to be sub­ject to the 10% con­ces­sion fee that the rental car com­pa­nies remit to the District. 

Staff is request­ing that the Board approve the First Amend­ment to Rental Car Con­ces­sion and License Agree­ment which would exclude the CFCs from inclu­sion as part of gross rev­enues which are sub­ject to the 10% rental car con­ces­sion fee paid to the District. 

Approval of this amend­ment would not impact the FY 2016 Oper­at­ing and Cap­i­tal Budget. 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Math­is made a motion to approve the amend­ment to the rental car con­ces­sion agree­ments, and autho­riza­tion for the Chair­man to exe­cute the required doc­u­ments. Mr. Pilch­er sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

  1. Air­port Cred­it Card Pro­cess­ing

This item pro­vides for Board approval of a man­age­ment com­pa­ny for admin­is­tra­tion of the airport’s cred­it card processing. 

In 2011, the Dis­trict entered into an agree­ment with Sun­Trust Bank to allow the Dis­trict to begin accept­ing cred­it cards for pay­ments made to the Dis­trict. Under that agree­ment, the Dis­trict has leased two cred­it card pro­cess­ing machines at a month­ly cost of $77. That agree­ment will expire on Decem­ber 12015

Mer­chant Man­age­ment Group (MMG), a Pana­ma City com­pa­ny that han­dles cred­it card pro­cess­ing, recent­ly con­tact­ed the Dis­trict. MMG has com­mit­ted to plac­ing two updat­ed cred­it card pro­cess­ing machines at the air­port at no cost to the Dis­trict. Under the Pass Through Pric­ing Plan offered by MMG, only the fees that are passed through by the cred­it card com­pa­nies (Visa, Mas­ter­Card, Amer­i­can Express and Dis­cov­er) are passed through to the cus­tomer (the Dis­trict). A com­par­i­son of charges for the month of March 2015 reflect­ed a sav­ings in fees paid by the Dis­trict. It is antic­i­pat­ed that the sav­ings would only grow as more cred­it card trans­ac­tions are processed. 

The City of Wewahitch­ka Flori­da recent­ly went through the process of select­ing a man­age­ment com­pa­ny for cred­it card pro­cess­ing, and in June 2015, award­ed pro­cess­ing of on-line pay­ment access for cred­it cards to MMG. The City of Wewahitch­ka deter­mined that MMG offers the low­est cost to the City while pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al and cour­te­ous cus­tomer ser­vice. In order to save time and effort, Staff has elect­ed to pig­gy-back” on the bid process com­plet­ed by the City of Wewahitchka. 

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Fore­hand made a motion to approve enter­ing into a three- year con­tract with Mer­chant Man­age­ment Group for pro­cess­ing of cred­it cards. Mr.

Pilch­er sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously. 

  1. Risk Man­age­ment Pro­gram

This item was deferred to the Novem­ber Board Meeting. 

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Reports:

Mr. McClel­lan advised the Board that the Request for Qual­i­fi­ca­tions for Engi­neer­ing Ser­vices had been adver­tised, and it is antic­i­pat­ed that a final rec­om­men­da­tion would be pre­sent­ed to the Board in December. 

Mr. McClel­lan advised that South­west Air­lines announced the return on dai­ly non-stop ser­vice to Dal­las, Texas dur­ing April, May and June of next year. 

Mr. McClel­lan updat­ed the Board regard­ing the sta­tus of the FEMA project on air­port property. 

Mr. McClel­lan updat­ed the Board regard­ing the recent announce­ment from the Bay Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Alliance con­cern­ing an indus­tri­al project. 

Mr. McClel­lan updat­ed the Board regard­ing his recent trip to Savan­nah, Geor­gia to attend an air­line round­table dis­cus­sion regard­ing expand­ed air service. 

Pub­lic Com­ments:

No pub­lic comments. 


The reg­u­lar meet­ing was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 9:35 a.m.

Pat­ty Mitchell, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary­Till Bruett, Chairman