The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., October 28, 2015 by Chairman Bruett.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Patty Mitchell.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Bruett.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Carey Scott and Ms. Cindy Meadows.
Approval of Minutes:
The September 9, 2015 Special Board Meeting/Budget Workshop Minutes and the September 23, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed both the Activity Report and the Financial Report.
Consent Agenda:
- Ratification of Equipment Replacement
This item provides for Board ratification of a sole source purchase for the replacement of the security system computer server.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Pilcher made a motion to ratify the sole source purchase from Gorrie Regan and Associates for the security system server in an amount not to exceed $11,750.00. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Aircraft Service International Group, Inc. (ASIG) 2016 Budget
This item provides for Board approval of the 2016 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget for ASIG.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Lee made a motion to approve the ASIG 2016 O&M budget. Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Establish Engineering Consulting Selection Committee
This item provides for Board establishment of an Engineering Consulting Selection Committee (Selection Committee) to assist the District in the selection of an engineering firm.
The Selection Committee would be comprised of the following people:
- Chris Forehand, Board Member
- Del Lee, Board Member
- Parker McClellan, Executive Director
- Richard McConnell, Deputy Executive Director
- Pamn Henderson, Director of Finance and Administration
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the establishment of an Engineering Consulting Selection Committee comprised of the recommended personnel.
Mr. Forehand seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- ZHA Task Order – Water Quality Monitoring Post Construction Fall 2015 and Spring 2016
This item provides for Board approval of a task order to ZHA to perform the required water quality monitoring services at nineteen (19) sites as required under the airport’s environmental permits.
In accordance with FDEP WRP Permit #03 – 0212186-004-DF, USACOE 404 Permit SAJ-2001- 5264-IP-GAH, and the Construction and Post Development Water/Sediment Quality and Biological Monitoring Plan, the airport is required to conduct water, sediment and biological monitoring twice a year for a six year period following construction. FDEP Consent Order #3 determined the post construction date would be the date that the final stormwater certification for the entrance road was submitted and accepted, therefore, the effective date is May 25, 2012.
Approval of this task order initiates the fourth year of monitoring and will allow the airport to maintain compliance with permit requirements for water quality monitoring. The total cost of this task order is $55,000. Funding for this task order is contained in the FY 2016 Operating Expense Budget.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve the task order with ZHA for water quality monitoring and authorization for the Executive Director to execute any necessary documents pending review by legal counsel. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- ZHA Task Order – Terminal Security Exit Lane Improvements
This item provides for Board approval of a task order to ZHA to perform required design, bid and award and construction administration for the modification of the airport terminal connector hall exit lane.
Under Federal Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, the airport is required to monitor and secure the exit lane located between the terminal sterile area (secure) and terminal non-sterile area (non-secure public). Currently, the airport accomplishes this function through both technology and human components. Recently, TSA-approved technology has advanced to the point that security of the exit lane can be accomplished through technology without the requirement to have a guard stationed at the exit lane.
The total cost of this task order is $89,700. Funding for this is included in the FY 2016 Operating Budget with portions being reimbursed to the airport through FAA and FDOT grants. This only provides for engineering and consulting services related to the project. Approval of construction costs for the project would be presented to the Board for consideration at a later date.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve the task order with ZHA and approval for the Board Chairman or his designee to execute any necessary documents pending review and approval by legal counsel. Mr. Lee seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Rental Car Concession Agreement Addendum
This item provides for Board approval of an amendment to the current Rental Car Concession Agreements.
Several years ago, the District implemented a Car Rental Customer Facility Charge (CFC) that would allow the District to recoup the debt service cost of the rental car facilities at ECP and would also generate funds for future design and construction of new rental car facilities. While that CFC is a revenue generated by car rentals, it was never intended to be subject to the 10% concession fee that the rental car companies remit to the District.
Staff is requesting that the Board approve the First Amendment to Rental Car Concession and License Agreement which would exclude the CFCs from inclusion as part of gross revenues which are subject to the 10% rental car concession fee paid to the District.
Approval of this amendment would not impact the FY 2016 Operating and Capital Budget.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to approve the amendment to the rental car concession agreements, and authorization for the Chairman to execute the required documents. Mr. Pilcher seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Airport Credit Card Processing
This item provides for Board approval of a management company for administration of the airport’s credit card processing.
In 2011, the District entered into an agreement with SunTrust Bank to allow the District to begin accepting credit cards for payments made to the District. Under that agreement, the District has leased two credit card processing machines at a monthly cost of $77. That agreement will expire on December 1, 2015.
Merchant Management Group (MMG), a Panama City company that handles credit card processing, recently contacted the District. MMG has committed to placing two updated credit card processing machines at the airport at no cost to the District. Under the Pass Through Pricing Plan offered by MMG, only the fees that are passed through by the credit card companies (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) are passed through to the customer (the District). A comparison of charges for the month of March 2015 reflected a savings in fees paid by the District. It is anticipated that the savings would only grow as more credit card transactions are processed.
The City of Wewahitchka Florida recently went through the process of selecting a management company for credit card processing, and in June 2015, awarded processing of on-line payment access for credit cards to MMG. The City of Wewahitchka determined that MMG offers the lowest cost to the City while providing professional and courteous customer service. In order to save time and effort, Staff has elected to “piggy-back” on the bid process completed by the City of Wewahitchka.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Forehand made a motion to approve entering into a three- year contract with Merchant Management Group for processing of credit cards. Mr.
Pilcher seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Risk Management Program
This item was deferred to the November Board Meeting.
Executive Director Reports:
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that the Request for Qualifications for Engineering Services had been advertised, and it is anticipated that a final recommendation would be presented to the Board in December.
Mr. McClellan advised that Southwest Airlines announced the return on daily non-stop service to Dallas, Texas during April, May and June of next year.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of the FEMA project on airport property.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the recent announcement from the Bay Economic Development Alliance concerning an industrial project.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding his recent trip to Savannah, Georgia to attend an airline roundtable discussion regarding expanded air service.
Public Comments:
No public comments.
The regular meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 a.m.
Patty Mitchell, Executive SecretaryTill Bruett, Chairman