The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., November 17, 2021 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Jason Cutshaw.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present except Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. James Johnson, and Mayor Mark Sheldon.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
An Amended Agenda was presented to the Board. Chair McDonald asked if there were any Items on the Amended Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to accept the Amended Agenda, and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Mr. McClellan reported the passenger count for October 2021 exceeded all other previous years for October.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – October 20, 2021
This Item provided for Board approval of the October 20, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Approve 2022 Board Meeting Schedule
This Item provided for Board approval of the 2022 Board Meeting Schedule.
Staff completed the process of compiling a schedule for the 2022 monthly Board Meetings. According to the Florida Special District Handbook, all Special Districts must publish their meeting schedule. After approval from the Board, this schedule will be published in the local newspaper.
The 2022 Board Meeting dates and times are as follows:
Regular Meeting Wednesday January 26 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday February 23 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday March 23 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday April 20 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday May 25 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday June 29 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday July 27 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday August 24 9:00 a.m.
Budget Workshop Wednesday September 2 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday September 28 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday October 26 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday November 16 9:00 a.m.
Regular Meeting Wednesday December 14 9:00 a.m.
Ethics Training Wednesday July 27 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
(Req. HB No. 915, Section 332.0075 (4)(b). F.S.)
Staff recommended the Board approve the Board Meeting dates for 2022.
- Approve Ricondo & Associates, Inc.’s Task Order for Airport Consultant Services
This Item provided for Board approval for Ricondo & Associates to provide assistance with the preparation of the 2021 Settlement documents, development of 2023 Rates and Charges, and various airport consultation issues as needed.
Ricondo and Associates has provided airport financial consulting services to the District for several years, including developing the current Airline Agreement and assisting with budget and settlement calculations. The District has continued to utilize Ricondo and Associates on an ongoing basis for airline lease negotiations as well as the budget and settlement calculations.
The current Airline Agreement requires an annual settlement calculation, which includes revenue sharing with Signatory Airlines. This calculation is very complex and takes into consideration total revenues, operating expenses, capital equipment, debt service, and capital reserves, and Ricondo has developed a rate model for this calculation.
This Task Order will include assisting Staff in updating the rate model and review of the calculation of the Airline Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2023. The Task Order will also include providing assistance with preparation of the documentation for the airline budget meeting, participation in the meeting, and aiding with the calculation of the Settlement of the Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2021. The Settlement efforts will include the revisions/updates to the airline rates and charges model based on FY21 audit results, calculation of the final airline rates and charges, and the revenue sharing calculation for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021.
Additionally, the Task Order includes for miscellaneous consulting services on an as needed basis for FY22. A not to exceed budget of $30,142 is proposed for this work effort. Funding is available in the Airport FY22 budget. Staff recommended Board approval of the Task Order to Ricondo to provide assistance with the preparation of the 2023 Airline Rates and Charges, the 2021 Settlement calculation, and miscellaneous consulting services to the Airport.
- Approve Disposal of Surplus Property
This Item provided for the Board’s authorization for the sale and/or disposal of surplus inventory items.
It has been determined by Staff that the following items are no longer needed to support the operation of the Airport and should be declared surplus:
- Miscellaneous Computer/UPS Power Backup Equipment (Replaced in 2021)
- Miscellaneous Restaurant Equipment (Replaced/Upgraded in 2021)
Staff utilizes, and online auction for governments, for the disposition of surplus property and intends to continue to utilize for these and other items.
The FY22 Operating & Capital Improvement Budget will be positively impacted by proceeds gained from the sale of these items, and Staff recommended Board authorize the disposal of the listed items as surplus property sell by electronic auction or dispose of as appropriate.
- Approve Airport Domain and Exchange Server Purchase – Powernet Company
This Item provided for Board approval for purchase of two replacement computer servers for the Airport.
As part of the Airport annual budget process, an item was included for the scheduled replacement and updating of the airport domain and airport exchange computer servers. These computer servers are critical in the normal operation of the Airport and its business functions. The two servers are over 5 years old and are operating on non-supported server operating system software. Both servers are experiencing heavy use and are close to maximum storage capacity.
This purchase will provide for replacement of hardware, operating software, configuration, and installation and is purchased through State of Florida Purchasing Contract. Funds for the purchase of this replacement are approved in the Airport FY22 Operating & Capital Budget.
Staff recommended approval for the purchase of two, replacement, computer servers from Powernet Company in an amount not to exceed $40,000.
- Approve In-Building Radio Distribution Agreement – Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless
This Item provided for the Board’s approval of an agreement with Verizon Wireless for the use of certain airport terminal spaces in support of Verizon’s efforts to increase area service and reliability.
In response to Hurricane Michael impacts in 2018, Verizon Wireless has made significant efforts to increase service and reliability within the Region. Verizon Wireless recently approached Airport staff regarding the possibility of significantly increasing service reliability and capability in the areas around the Airport Terminal Building. This increased service capability is provided solely for the benefit of Verizon Wireless customers and does not impact other wireless capabilities or customers at the Airport.
Verizon has proposed to enter into an In-Building Radio Distribution Agreement with the Airport in order to facilitate securing the required space and access required to accommodate Verizon equipment. The agreement will be for an initial ten (10) year term and will include monthly compensation payments to the Airport.
This Agreement does not restrict other carriers from installing similar systems.
This agreement will have a positive impact on the Airport Operating & Capital Budget in an amount of $8,955 annually to be paid to the Airport in equal monthly installments, and Staff recommended Board approve the In-Building Radio Distribution Agreement with Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless.
- Accept the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant
This Item provided for Board acceptance of the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant. The grant is a 75% grant and is to be used for the purchase of a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Extractor (PPE Washing Machine).
The Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program was established by Florida Statute 633.137 and Florida Administrative Code 69A-37.503 to help protect the health and safety of firefighters. The Grant provides financial assistance to fire departments in order to procure equipment, supplies and educational training designed to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals. Grant funding is only available for PPE extractor units, and other equipment and supplies used to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals.
Staff applied for the grant on July 28, 2021 requesting $7,484.00 to purchase a PPE Extractor, and the State Fire Marshal’s Office approved the grant application on October 30, 2021. This grant is a 75/25% matching grant. In addition to the 25%, the Airport would also be responsible for shipping, installation, wiring, plumbing and any other accessories. In addition, as a condition of receiving funds, the Fire Department was required to undergo a full safety compliance audit conducted by the State Fire Marshal’s Office, which was conducted on October 29, 2021.
Sufficient funds were budgeted in the Airport’s FY22 Operating & Capital Budget. The extractor cost is $7,484.00, with the Airport’s 25% obligation being $1,871.00, and Staff recommended the Board accept the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant for the PPE Extractor.
- Approve Vehicle Purchase – Alan Jay Fleet Sales
This Item provided for Board approval for the purchase of a replacement vehicle to be used by the Airport Police.
The Airport FY22 Operating & Capital Budget provides for the replacement of a Police Responder vehicle. Upon contacting the State of Florida Contract Vendor for this area for fleet vehicle purchases, the Airport was informed the current State Contract for Vehicles would be expiring in November 2021 and that significant price increases are to be expected in the next contract. The current vehicle to be replaced is a 2013 Ford F150 with over 130,000 miles.
This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY22 Operating & Capital Budget. The equipment is being purchased through State of Florida Motor Vehicles Contract #25100000 – 19‑1, and Staff recommended the Board approve the replacement vehicle purchase, as described above, from Alan Jay Fleet Sales, in amount not to exceed $37,900 and the disposal of the existing vehicle being replaced, as surplus.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- Approve Termination of Lease with Florida National Guard and Approve New Land Lease Agreement
The Florida National Guard (“Guard”) and the Airport entered into a Non-Aviation Land Military Government Agreement for property located at the northwest corner of the intersection of West Bay
Parkway and Johnny Reaver Road on June 24, 2020.
Following Hurricane Michael, the existing Florida National Guard Armory and Readiness Center was significantly damaged. As a result, the Florida Guard established a “Tent City” at ECP, which was used for soldiers from other units assisting with various recovery efforts. While at ECP, the staff was approached as to the availability of land for relocating the Armory on Lisenby to the Airport. Other locations in Panama City and Bay County were also being identified. The Guard ultimately chose the Airport as its preferred location and negotiations began.
After much planning and legal work, a lease was approved at the June 24, 2020 Board Meeting. for the approximately 25 acres of property at ECP. The lease was a combination of previous airport leases as well as excerpts from other leases with the Florida Guard. The lease term is for 40 years with a 10-year option, the long term is required for funding purposes.
Earlier this year, the Guard engaged a design firm to develop the conceptual plan for the Armory and to begin the planning for the site. The Guard and its designer/contractor performed numerous site visits and infield soil and ground surveys and it was determined that the quantity of fill to bring the property to military specifications was approximately 20% of the construction budget.
The Guard, Staff and Legal Counsel began discussions of possible alternative funding sources and options available to the Guard. It was determined that the funding alternatives were limited and the best option was to look for a different location. The Guard proposed the west end of Johnny Reaver Road near the Airport’s western property boundary. After some initial surveys and further discussions, it was determined that this Site was outside the Phase I Environmental Assessment, but the Airport could utilize recent changes in the FAA rulings that would allow non-aviation parcels to be approved via alternative methods. The determination was that the best alternative was to move to the newly proposed site.
Additionally, the Johnny Reaver Road is unpaved and the Airport had no immediate plans to pave the road. The Guard and the Airport are working together to seek alternative funding sources from the State and it should be noted there is no commitment of Airport funding for the road.
In summary, the Item requested the approval to terminate the lease with Guard for the original parcel on the northwest corner of Johnny Reaver Road and West Bay Parkway and approve the execution a new land lease on the west end of Johnny Reaver Road.
There is no budgetary impact associated with the termination and executive of the new land lease. Staff recommended Board approval for the Chair to execute the associated documentation to terminate the existing lease and to execute a new lease with the Florida National Guard for an Armory and Readiness Center at ECP.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to Approve Termination of Lease with Florida National Guard and Approve New Land Lease Agreement, and Mr. Jason Cutshaw seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve ZHA Task Order #57 – Long Term & Employee Parking Expansion Planning, Design and Bid & Award
This Item provided for Board approval of Task Order #57 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform Engineering services to support the preparation of the design bid package, bid evaluation, and bid award of the Long Term and Employee parking expansion, as provided for in the Airport Master Plan Surface Parking and Access Plan.
As part of the ongoing, long term, Development Plan for the Airport, Staff submitted a grant project to FDOT to begin expansion of the Airport’s parking facilities in support of sustained increases in demand. In anticipation of that grant becoming available in July 2022, this task order provides for the planning,
design, and bid of a parking facility expansion. In line with Airport Master Plan Surface Parking and Access Planning Activity Level 1 (PAL 1) this project will begin the parking facility expansion by providing an additional 104 Long Term and 40 Employee parking spaces to be located directly adjacent to existing parking.
The not-to-exceed cost of this Task Order is $139,602. Funding is available in the Airport FY22 Operating & Capital Budget, and Staff recommended Board approval of Task Order #57 – Long Term &
Employee Parking Expansion Planning, Design and Bid & Award.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to approve ZHA’s Task Order #57 – Long Term & Employee Parking Expansion Planning, Design and Bid & Award, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve the Purchase of Thermoplastic Markings – Florida Airfield Maintenance, Joint Venture (JV)
This Item provided for Board approval for the purchase and installation of semi-permanent runway hold line thermoplastic markings for Runway 16 – 34 at the Airport.
The Airport is required to provide and maintain certain pavement markings in order to comply with Federal Airport Certification Standards. One such marking is a Surface Painted Hold Position Sign (SPHPS). This marking is located on taxiways at several locations, just prior to entering the active runway surface at an airport. This marking visually identifies a hold position point where pilots normally stop, change radio frequencies, and request clearance to enter onto a runway surface for such operations as takeoff. Historically, this marking has been difficult to maintain at ECP as a painted surface due to significant wear and tear with fading typically present. This purchase is for the acquisition and installation of FAA-Approved, semi-permanent, thermoplastic markings, which are estimated to maintain compliant SPHPS markings for up to 8 – 10 years.
This is a budgeted maintenance item in the Airport’s FY22 Operating & Capital Budget. This service is offered under State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Contract #BEA97 for painting services. Staff recommended Board approval of the purchase of Thermoplastic Surface Painted Hold Position Signs from Florida Airfield Maintenance, JV not to exceed $90,252.97.
Mr. McFatter made a motion to approve the purchase and installation of semi-permanent runway hold line thermoplastic markings for Runway 16 – 34, and Mr. Cutshaw seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Accept Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Adopt Resolution for Gate 7 Apron Repairs
This Item provided for the acceptance of a Florida Department of Transportation Public Transportation Grant Agreement that will provide funding for the construction portion of Gate 7 Apron Repair.
During the construction of the Terminal Expansion Project, aircraft parking on the asphalt surfaces surrounding Gate 7 caused rutting and pavement shifting. The Apron surfaces are not smooth and are in need of repair. Accordingly, a repair project was posted as an Invitation to Bid per the Airport’s approved purchasing policies, with the bids being received November 16, 2021. The project includes repairs to the existing pavement that has developed cracks and ruts by removing 780 SY of asphalt pavement and base material, and replacing pavement with 16” Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and specified base material.
The Florida Department of Transportation is providing a grant to repair the Apron in the amount of fifty percent of the cost. Staff was notified of FDOT’s participation in the project on November 16, 2021. The PGTA number will be assigned by FDOT when the grant is formalized.
The total estimated budget for the construction portion of the project is $400,000. Funding is anticipated to include participation in the amount of $200,000 by the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District, and participation in the amount of $200,000 by the Florida Department of Transportation through a PTGA. These funds are not budgeted, but will be paid with the use of existing Airport funds.
Staff recommended that the Board accept the Florida Department of Transportation – Public Transportation Grant Agreement and authorize the Board Chair to execute required documents.
Mr. Cutshaw made a motion to accept the Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Adopt Resolution for Gate 7 Apron Repairs, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- ZHA Task Order #58A – Gate 7 Apron Repairs — Design; and #58B – Gate 7 Apron Repairs — Construction Services
This Item provided for Board approval of Task Orders #58A and #58B to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform Engineering Services.
Task Order #58A is to support the preparation of the design bid package, bid evaluation, and bid award of the Gate 7 Apron Repairs.
Task Order #58B is for construction services related to the Gate 7 Apron Repairs.
As part of the Terminal Expansion Project at Gate 6 and 7, the aircraft parking positions were relocated moving portions of the aircraft parking area on the asphalt. During the hot summer months, the pavement shifted causing rutting at the aircraft wheel parking positions, as well as the wheel areas at the end of the passenger boarding bridge. This area was designed for taxiing aircraft and not to accommodate parked aircraft.
The not-to-exceed costs of Task Order #58A is $26,280 and Task Order #58B is $32,610. This Project is unbudgeted and the funding for #58A will be 100% from available excess Airport funds. Task Order #58B will be funded at 50% from a Grant from Florida Department of Transportation with the remaining 50% ($16,305) being paid with Airport funds.
Staff recommended Board approval of Task Orders #58A and #58B for Engineering, Design Services, and Construction Services for the Gate 7 Apron Repairs.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #58A – Gate 7 Apron Repairs — Design; and #58B – Gate 7 Apron Repairs — Construction Services; and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Award Bid – Gate 7 Apron Repairs
This Item provided for Board acceptance of a bid from Phoenix Construction Services, Inc. for Gate 7 Apron repairs. The project includes repairs to the existing pavement that has developed cracks and ruts by removing 780 SY of asphalt pavement and base material, and replacing pavement with 16” Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and specified base material.
On October 26, 2021, the Airport posted an Invitation to Bid for repair of the Gate 7 Apron. A non-mandatory Pre-bid meeting was held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in the Downstairs Conference Room at the Airport Terminal Building.
On Tuesday, November 16, two (2) bids were received and opened. All bids were determined to be
responsive. Bids were received from:
C. W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. Phoenix Construction Services, Inc.
Bid — $754,449.08 Bid — $365,210.00
This is an unfunded repair and will require use of Airport Funds. Additionally, Staff is seeking participation by FDOT in the amount of 50% matching funds. Airport portion will be approximately $182,605.00.
Upon review of Bid Tabulation and Recommendation of Award dated November 16, 2021, Staff and ZHA recommended acceptance of the responsive bid from Phoenix Construction Services, Inc. in an amount of $365,210.00 for the Gate 7 Apron Repairs.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to award Bid – Gate 7 Apron Repairs, to Phoenix Construction Services, Inc., and Mr. Cutshaw seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update:
Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment (information only):
Mr. McConnell reported that we have received preliminary mock drawings from the marketing/advertising company working with FDOT on the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout project on how traffic will be routed once the detour takes effect in the first quarter of next year. He said at that time, they will work on finishing the Roundabout itself, and that they will be here for the December Board Meeting to give a presentation.
Bay EDA Update:
Bay EDA President Ms. Becca Hardin reported that they have been very busy now that travel is opening up. She said Bay EDA Vice President Ben Moorman attended the National Business Aviation Association Show in Las Vegas and in two days got six leads; two weeks ago, they travelled to Amsterdam for the MRO Show in Europe for the first time in two years and met with 16 companies in 2 ½ days. She reported that since international travel opened up on November 8, many of the leads are anxious to come see us.
Ms. Hardin reported that while at the MRO Show they met with Project Venus who may come visit early next year. She said they are part of a huge aviation conglomerate in Eastern Europe, and their CEO introduced them to sister companies who fall under the same umbrella.
Ms. Hardin reported on Project Lightning Strike who is interested in the former GKN facility and Bay EDA is very close to being able to announce that facility: 200 jobs, $20M capital.
Ms. Hardin reported on Project Beacon, a defense contractor that services the Navy; and Project Arrow an advanced manufacturing company (200 jobs, $11M capital); are both interested in Venture Crossings.
Ms. Hardin reported continuing correspondence with Project Ace; they have received Project Tiger’s financial information; and they are working on getting Project Skyway here for a visit.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on their holiday-themed brand creative using connecting and reconnecting with loved ones. Ms. Spillman showed a short video that will be used in parts as content for advertising to reinforce our brand.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that yesterday we accepted a Grant for $6.6M for the Airport Rescue Act (“CARES 3”).
Last week we had a water leak that has since been repaired, and that Agenda Item will be brought to the Board next meeting for ratification.
Mr. McClellan announced several community briefings that he and various Board members will be attending in the near future.
Mr. McClellan invited the Board Members to the Employee Holiday Luncheon on Monday, December 20.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:29 a.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kathy Gilmore, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair