The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., May 25, 2022 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Will Cramer.
Roll was called. Mr. James Johnson is expected, arrived at 9:05
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Mr. Will Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Mr. McClellan reported the passenger count for April 2022 once again exceeded all other previous reports. Year to date passenger activity for April are still up 15% compared to last year. We continue to maintain 20 – 25% market share. There is still continued growth regionally.
Mrs. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the last 7 months ending April 30, 2022. In the month of April, our total cash increased approximately $800,000.00 over March with a total cash balance of $32.9 million. Compared to April 2021, our total cash was $25.7 million. We are currently at 137% of our budget. Rental Car Concessions and Parking continue to surpass last year and account for $1.6 million over last year at this time. Overall our financials are strong.
We have been able to fill several open positions, to include an Accounting Assistant, a Fire Captain, some Maintenance Personnel and a Police Officer. Mr. McClellan explained our Employee Referral Incentive Program, which gives a bonus to staff who recommend new hires that stay employed.
At the request of the Chair, Mrs. Gordon also reviewed our various CARES Act rant balances, as well as other grant monies and how they are allocated.
Consent Agenda:
Board Meeting Minutes – April 20, 2022
This Item provided for Board approval of the April 20, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes.
This item provides for Board approval for a change in installation material and associated cost for runway hold position markings for Runway 16⁄34 at the Airport.
At the November 17, 2021 regularly scheduled meeting, the Board approved a purchase for the providing and installation of pre-formed thermoplastic markings for Runway 16⁄34 from FDOT State of Florida Purchasing Contract #BEA97 (Painting Services). Since that approval, the Airport has received and evaluated a recently amended State Contract, which includes the use of Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) paint material as an approved alternative to the installation of Thermoplastic Markings. MMA paint material is presented with like characteristics and useful life with a significantly lower price to provide and install. Following research and evaluation by Airport staff, it was determined MMA material will better meet the requirements of the Airport.
This is a budgeted item in the Airport’s FY2022 Operating and Capital Budget. This service is offered under State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) contract #BEA97 for painting services.
Staff recommends Board approval of the change from Thermoplastic Surface Painted Hold Position Markings to Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) Surface Painted Hold Position Markings and associated change in cost of acquisition from $90,252.97 to $56,960.81 from Florida Airfield Maintenance, JV.
Accept Bid for Ticketing Bag Belt Expansion
This item provides for Board approval of the purchase of a baggage conveyor belt extension in the ticketing lobby at the Airport.
The Airport owns and maintains a belt conveyor system for the purpose of transferring passenger checked baggage from the Terminal ticketing lobby, through TSA baggage screening, and finally to outbound aircraft. As part of a project to expand ticket counter and baggage processing capacity in the Terminal Building, the outbound baggage conveyance belt is being extended by approximately ten (10) feet in support of two (2) additional ticket counter positions being installed separately.
An “Invitation for Bid” was publicly advertised for the ten (10) foot extension to the Airport’s existing ticket lobby baggage conveyance belt. At bid opening on May 3, 2022, one responsive bid was received as follows:
ERMC Aviation, LLC — $34,704
This purchase is provided for in the Airport’s FY2022 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. Throughout the fiscal year, there have been savings during the procurement of other items.
Staff recommends Board acceptance of the single and responsive bid from ERMC Aviation, LLC for the Ticketing Bag Belt Extension in an amount of $34,704.
Approve Nate’s Sanitation Extension
This item provides for Board approval to extend the Agreement with Nate’s Sanitation Services, Inc. Waste Removal Services Agreement for an additional one (1) year term. Effective June 1, 2018, the Airport entered into a non-exclusive agreement with Nates Sanitation Services, Inc. for waste removal services at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport. The contract was for an initial three-year term with two additional one (1) year options. The first of two one-year options to the agreement was executed by the Board at the March 24, 2021 Meeting. This request to exercise the second one-year option.
The monthly service payment is included in the FY2022 Airport Operating and Capital Budget, and will also be included in the upcoming FY2023 Airport Operating and Capital Budget. Per the Service Agreement, the monthly service payment will increase from $1,960.03/month to $2,018.83/month for the contracted services with the ability to add dumpsters or additional pick-ups based on demand.
Staff recommends Board approval of the Nate’s Sanitation Services, Inc. Waste Removal Services agreement second one (1) year renewal option.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
Approve ZHA, Inc. Annual Review – May 2022
Mr. McClellan explained we do an Annual Review with ZHA, Inc., and that Staff is very happy with the performance of ZHA, Inc. this past year and recommend that the Board approve that we continue using ZHA, Inc. For the upcoming year.
Mr. Rick Mellin gave a presentation of activities they performed and accomplished over the last year and what they are planning to accomplish in the upcoming year.
During the past year, ZHA, Inc. has performed and completed numerous tasks for the Airport. The projects have ranged from providing and ensuring environmental oversight and compliance, providing planning services on multiple ongoing airport construction projects, and by providing design and construction oversight of ongoing projects.
During his past year, ZHA, Inc. strived to work in the best interest of the Airport Authority and has performed the projects in an exemplary manner.
Staff recommends approval of the annual renewal of the Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Service Agreement with ZHA, Incorporated for Year 2 of their agreement, based on their satisfactory performance in Year 1.
Mr. James Johnson made a motion to approve ZHA, Inc. Annual Review – May 2022, and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Construction Management at Risk – North Expansion — Presentation
Mr. Rick Mellin of ZHA, Inc. gave a presentation showing the pros and cons of different construction delivery methods. Mr. McClellan explained why we chose Construction Management at Risk (CM@Risk) when the build of the expansion was started, and that it saved $1.3 million. The reason for the presentation was so that the Board, especially the newer Board Members, may see why we chose the CM@Risk project delivery method.
Mr. McClellan advised based on this discussion, it appears we have consensus on using Construction Management at Risk for the North Building Expansion.
c. Adopt Peer to Peer Vehicle Sharing Operation Agreement – Turo, Inc.
Mr. McClellan explained that over the last several years, peer-to-peer vehicle sharing has grown in popularity and is used across the nation, including at ECP. The impact on the Airport has been difficult to determine, since there was no reporting mechanism in place. Recently Staff was contact by Turo, Inc. in order to establish an agreement for peer-to-peer vehicle sharing.
Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing allows owners of vehicles to rent their vehicles to interested parties, and it continues to develop with the increased use of technology. Peer-to-Peering companies use a mobile app to arrange for the use of a vehicle by an individual. The mobile app platform allows for individuals to review cars available in an area, select a vehicle, and coordinate pick-up and drop-off locations and cost. Passengers confirm the rental information on the app and owners deliver vehicles to a predetermined location at a specific date and time. There is no cash transaction at the Airport as everything is completed through the app. One of the largest peer-to-peer vehicle sharing is Turo, Inc.
He explained Turo, Inc. will be able to utilize any available parking spaces for the transactions established through the App, and the Airport does not have any responsibility in the transaction, but the Airport will be able to collect a 10% Concession Fee.
The Agreement developed with Turo, Inc. allows for users of the mobile app to pick up a vehicle at the Airport in the long/short term parking lots or at another pre-determined location close to the Terminal. Vehicles delivered to the Airport prior to the arrival of the renter will be parked in the long/short term parking lots. The location is then transmitted to the renter, and upon arrival, the renter will pay the parking fees upon exiting the lot. If it is determined the owner would like to physically hand the keys to the renter, the Airport will provide for a short-term parking location, at which location the vehicle will not be left unattended.
The Airport will receive parking and a 10% concession fee of the transaction amount, as defined in the Operating Agreement.
Staff and legal counsel have worked with Turo, Inc. to establish an operating agreement that is agreeable to all parties and allows for Turo, Inc. to begin operations at the Airport under an Agreement. Staff will also monitor other peer-to-peer vehicle sharing apps and utilize this Agreement as the basis. Turo, Inc. will send monthly compliance reports allowing audit capabilities, and will remit monthly revenues due the Airport. Turo, Inc. and its agents will follow all Airport Rules and Regulation and the Agreement allows the Airport to modify or terminate the agreement with 30 days’ notice.
It should be noted that the State of Florida has addressed Peer-to-Peer Car/Vehicle Sharing in Florida Statue 627.7483.
Staff recommends the adoption of the Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing Operating Agreement and authorize staff to utilize this agreement for Turo, Inc. and other future Peer-to-Peer Vehicle Sharing companies wishing to utilize the Airport.
Mr. James Johnson made a motion to Adopt the Peer to Peer Vehicle Sharing Operation Agreement – Turo, Inc., and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. Richard McConnell reported on the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout. FDOT has started the work on the actual Roundabout itself and the curbing has been added for the circle. It is moving forward and everything looks good.
b. Gate 7 Ramp Repair
Mr. McConnell reported that the Gate 7 Ramp Repair is now finished and the curing period is over, striping has been added and it is now operational.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Bay EDA President Ms. Becca Hardin reported that June 8th at 9:00am, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Central Moloney, Inc. She said that she, Chair McDonald and Mr. McClellan had a great trip to Dallas, TX. They met with ten companies and she will be following up. She is hoping to get two or three site visits from those meetings. She is getting ready for some upcoming international shows.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on marketing. She said she is going into planning for a new TV spot and has shared three storyboards since the last Boar Meeting and she is working with Mr. McClellan on finalizing the project. She expects production to being early to mid-June. They are currently working on a vehicle vinyl wrap design for the new Airport Shuttle.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave the Executive Director Report. He reported on the talk that he gave alongside Directors of airports from Dallas, Las Vegas and St. Louis went very well. He gave an update on a couple of projects with construction bids over budget, but said that we are looking at grant monies available through the FAA that we have applied for and are awaiting a decision. He said, we will make sure to maximize the amount of grant money. Summer schedule is out, we are expecting to have a very busy summer and are hoping to keep the Airport operating efficiently throughout the season. He is talking with Katie Spillman at the Moore Agency about having the Wheels Up Summer Music Series in the Airport in July, as we did last year. He also reminded everyone that just after the July Board Meeting, we will have Annual Mandatory Ethics Training and for everyone to allow extra time to attend. This is a State of Florida requirement for Appointed Board Members.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:02 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled: June 29, 2022 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m. ________________________________ ________________________________
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair
Airport Information