The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., May 19, 2021 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair McDonald.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present in person with the exception of Mr. James Johnson.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Items on the Amended Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Vice Chair Melzer made a motion to accept the agenda, and Mayor Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports, and announced that April had the highest number of passengers in the history of the Airport (26% over 2019).
Mrs. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – April 21, 2021
- This Item provided for Board approval of the April 21, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Approve Disposal of Surplus Property
This Item provided for the Board’s authorization for the sale and/or disposal of surplus inventory items.
It was been determined by Staff that the following items are no longer needed to support the operation of the Airport and should be declared surplus:
- Building Light Wallpacks (Replaced in 2021 with LED)
- Parking Management Control Equipment (Replaced in 2021 with new/updated equipment)
- Fuel Management Control Equipment (Replaced in 2020 with new/updated equipment)
Staff was seeking Board authorization to dispose of the listed items as surplus property, sell by electronic auction, or dispose of as appropriate. In the past, Staff has utilized and intends to continue to utilize for these and other items. The FY21 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget will be positively impacted by proceeds gained from the sale of these items.
- Accept Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) – for Facility Rehab — Doors and Equipment, and Adopt Resolution – Project: 423364−7−94−01
This Item provided for the acceptance of a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) that will provide funding for Facility Rehab — Doors and Equipment at Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport.
The Airport opened for commercial air service in May 2010. Growth rates over the last several years have increased passenger levels and the total number of customers entering and exiting the Terminal building.
There are four entrances in the front of the Terminal Building, each of which contain two sets of automatic opening entrance doors to the Terminal Building. These doors are beginning to fail mechanically and need replacing. The doors have outlived their useful life, and refurbishment is cost prohibitive.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is providing a grant to replace the door sets in the amount of fifty percent of the cost. The door replacement project will be contracted through the Airports approved purchasing policies.
The total estimated budget for the project and the grant amount is $274,000. Funding is anticipated to include participation in the amount of $137,000 by the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District, and participation in the amount of $137,000 by the Florida Department of Transportation through PTGA 423364−7−94−01.
Staff recommended the Board accept this Florida Department of Transportation – Public Transportation Grant Agreement and authorize the Board Chairman to execute required documents.
Mayor Sheldon made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- COVID-19 Update
Mr. McClellan began the update recognizing Mr. Ron Jarmon, aerial photographer, as a great asset to the Airport, and directed the Board to one of the photos taken by Mr. Jarmon showing the parking lots are finally starting to fill up again since the pandemic. Mr. McClellan informed the Board that according to an article published by Simple Flying, an aviation news website, ECP’s passenger capacity for this summer is more than 58% greater than during the summer of 2019 (575,000 available seats); and that is the fourth largest percentage of growth compared to other airports across the U.S. And, in the Top Ten, the Panhandle has three of the spots. Mr. McClellan added that our costs will increase, including labor, janitorial, etc., and contract amendments will not require Board approval unless there was an objection.
This Item was for informational purposes only and required no formal action by the Board.
- Award Engineering Consultant Services Contract to ZHA, Inc.
This Item provided for Board approval of the ZHA Engineering Consulting Services Contract to provide continuing engineering services for the Airport.
- A Request for Qualifications was issued in November 2020 and again in February 2021, due to lack of response, and questions involving the DBE Program. The Board-appointed Engineering Consulting Selection Committee reviewed the four submittals and presented a recommendation to the Board as to the ranking of the firms.
- The Selection Committee met on April 9, 2021 to review and discuss the submittals and unanimously ranked ZHA as the highest ranked firm. At the April 21, 2021 Board Meeting, the Board approved the ranking of the firms and authorized Staff to negotiate with ZHA and return with a contract at the May 21, 2021 Board Meeting.
- The Contract was included in the RFP and ZHA had no exceptions to the Contract. The rate schedule is very similar to the last contract with an average increase of approximately 6.2%, with the exception of a couple of positions.
- Costs associated with this contract will be included in projects, annual budget and approved task orders.
- Staff recommended the award of the contract to ZHA, Inc. for Engineering Consulting Services, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the required documents following satisfactory legal review.
- Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to Award Engineering Consultant Services Contract to ZHA, Inc., and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Approve Change Order #2 – Transient Apron Project, C.W. Roberts, Inc.
This Item provided for the Board’s approval of Task Order #50-A2 to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform Professional Material Testing Services in support of the Airport’s Aircraft Parking Apron Phase 1 construction project at the Airport.
On January 28, 2021, the Airport began a project to expand the recently completed Public Transient Aircraft Parking Apron. The current project involves the construction of a 210’ x 225’ addition adjacent to the west side of the current transient apron.
This Task Order is to provide for Material Testing Services during the construction of the additional aircraft parking apron project.
The not-to-exceed cost of this Task Order is $14,700. Funding is available in the FY 2021 Operation and Maintenance Budget and is reimbursable through a Public Transportation Grant Agreement (PTGA) with the Florida Department of Transportation at a ratio of 50/50.
Mr. McClellan invited Mr. Rick Mellin to approach the Board. Mr. Mellin first thanked the Board for awarding ZHA the contract for another five years, and reiterated the Item description.
Mr. Del Lee made a motion to approve Change Order #2 – Transient Apron Project, C.W. Roberts, Inc. and Mr. Jay Tusa seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
- Aircraft Parking Apron Expansion
Mr. Richard McConnell reported on the Aircraft Parking Apron Expansion Project Phase 1 stating the
project must be completed by July 1 per our funding deadline, and it is on schedule with the asphalt base with concrete on top being poured. He said the only hold up has been weather delays.
- Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. McConnell reported the curb and gutter are being poured and the detour allowing room for the Airport Entrance Roundabout construction is being done. He explained how the detour for drivers travelling east out of the Airport Entrance (drivers will turn right (west) out of the Airport, merge onto the new four-lane SR 388, cross over to the old SR 388, and then drive east to avoid the Roundabout work) is estimated to be ready for use in August. He said there will be public notices and signage to alleviate any issues for our passengers with the detour. Mr. McConnell reported the bridge between the Airport Entrance and SR 79, and the entrance at SR 79, are being worked on and the SR 388 Project is still on budget and on schedule. To answer Chair McDonald’s question on when the new four-lane SR 388 to SR 77 will begin (to the east), Mr. McConnell reported the TPO has moved the project up on the list, but it is only approved for design and not for construction, and no funding is available yet for that construction.
Bay EDA Update:
Bay EDA President Ms. Becca Hardin introduced new Bay EDA Vice President Mr. Ben Moorman, past Senior Project Manager for The St. Joe Company.
Ms. Hardin reported that Chair McDonald, Mr. McClellan, and she attended the MRO Show in Orlando, and attended 15 meetings in 1 ½ days, with six companies anticipated to turn into real prospects with visits here. Last week one visited, one would be visiting today, and another tomorrow.
Ms. Hardin reported Project Gator’s president and vice president would be visiting all day next week, along with their key project manager engineering firm, Space Florida, and the Airport – the meeting would hopefully result in a stake in the ground. She reiterated the importance of the Transient Apron in bringing future projects.
The Moore Agency Update:
Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency shared a brief update on recent activity including Instagram posts named “This and That” – a fun way to interact with followers. Ms. Spillman reported on their print execution using one of the ECP Ready Summer Creative Campaign Concepts (emotional impact of traveling again), that it will be in eight newspapers across the Panhandle, and in an ad in Emerald Coast Magazine. Next up will be the business travel concept in Bay Biz and the Circuit run. Ms. Spillman described the water cannon salute for American Airlines’ Philadelphia inaugural flight, and reported that Parker was on the Don and Veronica Live Morning Radio Show reporting on passenger growth, non-stop destinations, and the upcoming business season.
Looking ahead will be finalizing the digital pieces supporting the ECP Ready 2.0 Campaign (both static and animated assets), and celebrating ECP’s 11th anniversary. Ms. Spillman announced an original photography shoot next week at ECP that will give us tools for our social media, updating our website, and shots available for the media and our stakeholders. Ms. Spillman also reported reminding our passengers via social media – and an email blast went out last night, and reminders will continue throughout our busy season – to make ground transportation reservations well in advance if they can.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board by describing American Airlines’ inaugural Philadelphia flight and how surprised the crew and passengers were when they saw the water cannon salute; and announced the
opening of a Mother’s nursing room near Gate 7 (down the escalator), reporting it has been used 20 times in the last 1 ½ weeks – after only a half dozen requests in the past year for such a room. He said it can be unlocked by calling the AOC phone number posted on a sign at the door, and can be locked from the inside (but can be unlocked from the outside in an emergency).
Mr. McClellan announced Assistant Maintenance Manager Mr. Jabo Jackson’s retirement after 24 years of service, and that Thomas Davidson will be replacing him in that position.
Mr. McClellan ended his report informing the Board that First Class Concessions should have their food and beverage restaurant open in the Gate 7 area mid-June, with a temporary kiosk opening this weekend to help with the great demand, and remarked what an outstanding job they have been doing.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:42 a.m.
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Kathy Gilmore, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair