The Board Meeting of the Panama CityBay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., July 27, 2016 by Vice Chairman Mathis.
The Invocation was given by Mr. Carey Scott.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Vice Chairman Mathis.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present.
Election of Officers:
The annual terms of Board Chairman and Vice Chairman are due for election by members of the Airport Authority Board.
Mr. Scott made a motion to nominate Mr. Mathis as Chairman and Mr. Lee as Vice Chairman. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes:
The June 22, 2016 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as distributed.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed both the Activity Report and the Financial Report.
Business Items:
a. Airport Insurance Program
This item provides for Board approval to notify Public Risk Management (PRM), the Airport’s insurance carrier, of its intent to withdraw from the insurance pool effective October 1, 2016, in order to seek competitive bids for insurance coverage.
The various insurance coverages associated with the Airport’s Insurance Program will expire on October 1, 2016. Insurance coverage includes the Airport’s liability, workman’s compensation, commercial fire (buildings), vehicle, public officials and employment practices liability, and law enforcement liability.
In accordance with the Contract & ByLaws contained in the Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement, the District is required to provide a 45 day Notice of Withdrawal from the Pool.
As part of this year’s budgeting process, Staff would like to solicit insurance quotes by providing local insurance agents with existing coverage limits and policies. In order to do this, Staff is requesting the Board adopt a Resolution notifying PRM of the District’s intent to withdraw from the insurance pool.
Following Board discussion, Mr. Scott made a motion to adopt the Resolution to submit notice of withdrawal from the insurance pool to PRM, and authorization for the Board Chairman to execute the Resolution. Mr. Lee seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that a short list of final candidates would be interviewed in late August to fill the vacant Director of Finance and Administration position.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board regarding the status of the FEMA claim.
Mr. McClellan advised the Board that there will be a Board Workshop on September 14, 2016 to review a draft version of the FY 2017 Airport Operating and Capital Improvement Budget.
Ms. Becca Hardin, President of the Bay Economic Development Alliance, updated the Board regarding her recent travels and the status of Project Gondola and Project Pompano.
Mr. Richard McConnell, Deputy Executive Director, advised the Board that the Airport was in the process of installing a Service Animal Relief Area, as required by 49 CFR 27. Compliance with this new requirement is mandatory by October 5, 2016 for airports receiving federal financial assistance.
Public Comments:
No public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:35 a.m.
Patty Mitchell, Executive Secretary Russ Mathis, Chairman