
The Board Meet­ing of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 10:00 a.m., July 25, 2012 in the Air­port Board Room by Vice Chair­man Pilcher.

The Invo­ca­tion was giv­en by Ms. Pat­ty Strick.

The Pledge of Alle­giance was led by Vice Chair­man Pilcher.

The Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary called the roll and indi­cat­ed that all Board Mem­bers were present except Mr. Chris Forehand.

Elec­tion of Officers:

The annu­al terms of Board Chair­man and Vice Chair­man are due for elec­tion by mem­bers of the Air­port Author­i­ty Board.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Scott made a motion to nom­i­nate Mr. Pilch­er as Chair­man and Mr. Bruett as Vice Chair­man. Ms. Moliter­no sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes:

The June 11, 2012 Spe­cial Board Meet­ing Min­utes and the June 27, 2012 Board Meet­ing Min­utes were approved as distributed.


Mr. Wheat pre­sent­ed and reviewed both the activ­i­ty report and the finan­cial report to the Board.

Con­sent Agenda:

a. Approval to Sell Sur­plus Property

This item pro­vides for Board autho­riza­tion for the sale of sur­plus inven­to­ry items.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to approve the Con­sent Agen­da, and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man to exe­cute any required doc­u­ments. Ms.

Moliter­no sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Busi­ness Items:

a. Selec­tion of Auditor

This item pro­vides for the Board to act as the Audi­tor Selec­tion Com­mit­tee for the Dis­trict by review­ing the three pro­pos­als which were received in response to the District’s Request for Pro­pos­als for audit­ing ser­vices for the years end­ing Sep­tem­ber 30, 2012, 2013 and 2014.

State statute requires that audit­ing ser­vices asso­ci­at­ed with Spe­cial Dis­tricts be secured by a Request for Pro­pos­als (RFP) process, and that the actu­al selec­tion be per­formed by an Audi­tor Selec­tion Com­mit­tee. On July 2, 2012, Staff issued a Request for Pro­pos­als (RFP) to audit the District’s finan­cial state­ments for fis­cal years end­ing Sep­tem­ber 30, 2012, 2013, and 2014.

With­in this RFP, the Board was iden­ti­fied as the Audi­tor Selec­tion Com­mit­tee. The fol­low­ing three firms sub­mit­ted proposals:

  • Carr, Rig­gs & Ingram, LLC (CRI)
  • Tip­ton, Mar­ler, Gar­ner & Chas­tain The CPA Group (TMGC)
  • War­ren Averett O’Sullivan Creel (WAOC)

Staff reviewed each pro­pos­al and deter­mined that all three con­form to the require­ments set forth in the RFP. The total fees pro­posed by each firm for per­form­ing audit­ing ser­vices are as follows:




Year 1




Year 2




Year 3




Selec­tion of a firm will not impact the bud­get as funds have been includ­ed in the FY-13 Air­port Oper­at­ing and Cap­i­tal Improve­ment Budget.

Fol­low­ing dis­cus­sion, Mr. Math­is made a motion to select Tip­ton, Mar­ler, Gar­ner & Chas­tain to per­form the audits for FY 2012, 2013 and 2014, and autho­riza­tion for the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor to exe­cute an engage­ment let­ter with that firm. Mr. Koehne­mann sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

b. Con­sent Order #3 – Esti­mat­ed Costs and Financ­ing Plan

This item pro­vides the Board with a detailed fund­ing plan and cost esti­mate of all work required under Con­sent Order #3 between the Dis­trict and the Flori­da Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Protection.

On May 23, 2012 the Flori­da Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion exe­cut­ed Con­sent Order #3 with the Air­port out­lin­ing penal­ties for pre­vi­ous vio­la­tions and cor­rec­tive actions required to resolve out­stand­ing envi­ron­men­tal con­cerns. The cor­rec­tive actions includ­ed eight items which are list­ed as follows:

  1. Sub­mit main access road as-built certification.
  2. Devel­op and imple­ment an oper­a­tion and main­te­nance stormwa­ter sys­tem plan.
  3. Devel­op a turf man­age­ment and main­te­nance plan and com­plete sta­bi­liza­tion of site.
  4. Per­form an assess­ment of Mor­rell Branch, and asso­ci­at­ed trib­u­taries down­stream of the prop­er­ty all the way to and into West Bay. Sub­mit a restora­tion plan and com­plete any required restora­tion in Mor­rell Branch as required.
  5. Per­form an assess­ment of Kel­ly Branch. Sub­mit a restora­tion plan and com­plete any required restora­tion in Kel­ly Brach as required.
  6. Per­form an assess­ment of two Pond C out­falls and the north­ern side of the ser­vice road that con­nects to the Kel­ly Branch. Sub­mit a restora­tion plan and com­plete any required restora­tion as required.
  7. Con­duct a stormwa­ter assess­ment on the qual­i­ty and veloc­i­ty of dis­charges from the per­mit­ted out­falls of Pond C and sub­mit a plan for per­for­mance enhancement.
  8. Con­tin­ue veg­e­ta­tion mon­i­tor­ing of Wet­lands B and D.

The esti­mat­ed cost to com­plete the work required under the Con­sent Order is $3,833,910. The Air­port has obtained a grant from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion in the amount of $239,540 and antic­i­pates receiv­ing a grant from the FAA in August of 2012 in the amount of $2,043,720. The remain­ing $1,550,650 will be fund­ed by the Air­port with monies received in the recent court settlement.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Ms. Moliter­no made a motion to approve the bud­get and financ­ing plan for accom­plish­ing the work required under Con­sent Order #3. Mr. Bruett sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

c. Stormwa­ter Man­age­ment Sys­tem Improve­ments Design

This item is for infor­ma­tion­al pur­pos­es only and required no Board action. Mr. Zip­per­ly, the Airport’s engi­neer, pro­vid­ed the Board with an overview of the stormwa­ter man­age­ment sys­tem aug­men­ta­tion project, includ­ing issues relat­ed to Pond C, and out­lined the project schedule.

Oth­er Business:

Mr. Paul Puck­li with RW Arm­strong pro­vid­ed the Board with an update regard­ing the Mas­ter Plan process.

Pub­lic Comments:

There were no pub­lic comments.


The meet­ing was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 11:30 a.m.

Pat­ty Strick, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary John Pilch­er, Chairman