The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., January 24, 2024 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Holly Melzer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Will Cramer, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Accept the Agenda, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Mr. McClellan reported that in 2023, 1.66 million passengers went through the Airport, making it a record year since the airport opened in 2010. There was steady growth every month of 2023. The market share remains steady around 20%. There has been very similar growth at all of the airports in our Region.
Ms. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports for the first 3 months of the Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2023. Ms. Gordon said that the Audit Report will be presented at the February Board Meeting, with all indications that it will be an excellent report with no findings to discuss.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – December 20, 2023
This Item provides for Board approval of the December 20, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Special Board Meeting Minutes – January 11, 2024
This item requests for Board approval of the January 11, 2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda, and Vice Chair Sheldon seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Presentation – 2023 Year in the Rearview
Mr. McClellan presented “2023 Year in the Rearview” which included a “sizzle reel with news stories over the last year highlighting the growth and success of the airport. Mr. McClellan also presented the following information and highlights:
- Continue Financial Planning Efforts — (Budgeting and 5 years Capital Plan)
- Terminal Development Plan
- Enhance Passenger Service — Ongoing
- Commercial Development – Maximizing Non-Airline Revenue — Ongoing
- Maximize Economic Development Opportunities – Projects in the Pipeline and Funding Sources Maximized
- Process Improvements – Technology (Administration, Safety and Security) — Ongoing
- Community Outreach and Partnership — Ongoing
- Expand Efforts to further develop more State and Federal Partnerships — Ongoing
- Continued Professional Development — Ongoing
- Financials
- Process Improvement/Efficiency – Ongoing
- FDOT State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loan Approval
- Airline Activity
- General Aviation/Military Activity
- Military
- Business Development Partners
- Project Goodwrench II
- Project Stamper – Dayton, OH
- Project Maple – Announced Premier Aviation Services
- Investor with Florida’s Great Northwest
- Project InSPIRE
Things Worth Mentioning:
- Approval of one-time Cost of Living Stipend ‑Thank You for your Support!
- Continued Staff Support – Thanks!
- Transitioned Parking Lot for Holidays
- Selected new Janitorial Services Provider
- Worked with Lobbyist for Federal Affairs
- Replaced rental car quick turnaround equipment
- Roof Cleaning
- Traffic Safety Devices (Crosswalk Lights and Speed Trailer)
- Enhanced Runway Markings
- School Tours/Airport Tours
- TURO Contract
This Item was for informational purposes only, and required no formal action by the Board.
b. FY 2023 Rates & Charges Settlement for Signatory Air Carriers (Information Only)
Mr. McClellan presented the FY 2023 Rates and Charges Settlement for the Signatory Airlines with a Cost per Emplaned Passenger (CPE) of $2.02. It was noted this is reported to be one of the lowest in the country.
Information for this Item was provided to the Board concerning signatory airline rates and charges for Fiscal Year 2023 in accordance with the Airline Use and Lease Agreements that went into effect October 1, 2021.
No formal action is required regarding this Board Item. It was presented for informational purposes only.
c. Review ZHA Task Orders
Mr. McClellan said that he, along with the Airport Staff, Legal Counsel, ZHA, the new consultants and their staff, as well as the Board Chair have all reviewed all of the remaining ZHA Task orders. ZHA has recognized that there was an error on their part with the CMAR Escalator Project and they have agreed to rebid that job at no cost to the Airport. The list was divided into sections that each of the new consulting companies specialize in. Mr. McClellan asked for Board consensus to allow him to work with Legal Counsel with the development of the contract modification for ZHA, as well as the ability to present the task orders to the new companies at the Special Board Meeting on February 9, 2024.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to allow the Executive Director and Legal Counsel to develop the contract modification with ZHA and allowing them the ability to present the task orders to the new companies, and Mr. McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
a. Terminal Buildout
Mr. Richard McConnell reported on the Terminal Buildout. The exit lane and the stairwell have been removed. There was a delay, but the project is now on track. The foundation has been cut out for the piers for the steel erection. The steel will now be installed and the second floor will be poured. The contractor has given a tentative date of March 1, 2024 for the exit lane to be operational again. March 9, 2024 is the first busy weekend of Spring Break, so there has been a firm deadline set for the contractor.
b. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McConnell reported that the bag makeup project is moving along steadily. The cinder block walls and foundation have been put up and the existing tug drive has been torn out in preparation for the concrete to be poured. The contractor has been given a tentative deadline of March 1, 2024, to have the tug drives back in operation for the preparation of the increased traffic during Spring Break.
c. Sheltair
Mr. McConnell said that the hangar at Sheltair will be completed and ready for occupancy by the end of February. The ramp and parking expansion to the north of their leased area is moving along and on schedule.
d. Southern Sky Aviation
Mr. McConnell reported that Southern Sky has completed their ramp. Their project is running as planned. They are in anticipation of the completion of the taxi lane tie ins.
Planning Update (information only):
a. North Terminal Expansion:
- North Terminal Design – Mr. Rick Mellin provided a written update of the North Terminal Project.
Bay EDA Update (Information Only):
Mr. McClellan said that Ms. Becca Hardin and Mr. Ben Moorman with Bay EDA are at out of town meetings and were unable to attend.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only):
Ms. Katie Spillman updated on the progress of the development of the “Junior Flyer Zone” for families who are travelling with children. Ms. Spillman said they have created coloring sheets and crayons, fun customizable bag tags, and activity sheets and stickers featuring Pilot the Pelican. The “Junior Flyer Zone” activities and perks, along with small kid’s tables and chairs, will be located in an area at Gates 6 & 7, and the activities will also be available on the ECP website so that parents can download them prior to travelling. Ms. Spillman said that the project should be completed prior to the busy Spring Break travel season. Ms. Williams suggested that the activities be available for children to upload them to their digital devices with a QR code as well.
Ms. Spillman said that ECP was the official airport sponsor of the 30A Songwriter’s Festival last weekend. The stage sponsorship was at Caliza in Alys Beach. There was coverage of the airport in the festival programs, and the airport branded commercial played several times at the main stage on Grand Boulevard throughout the festival. Ms. Spillman said that she will report on the performance results at the next meeting. Mr. McClellan said that the Caliza venue is very large and the Airport gets great exposure at this event. He said that there were 337 people in attendance just on Sunday morning at the Gospel Hour.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan said that the bids for the new FBO Tie-Ins and the Admin Parking Lot were rejected and have been re-bid as separate projects. It is still anticipated that the work can be done prior to April 1, 2024. Mr. McClellan said that planning is still underway for the 2024 Gulf Coast Air Show that will be held the first weekend in May with all of the civilian acts being held at the Airport. Vice Chair Sheldon said that the VIP Event will be held Friday night with Thunderbirds and full day shows being held on Saturday and Sunday.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 a.m.
Next meetings scheduled:
February 9, 2024 9:00 a.m. – Special Board Meeting
February 28, 2024 9:00 a.m. – Board Meeting
_________________________________ ________________________________
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant Holly Melzer, Chair
Enhanced Government Partnerships- FDOT
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