The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., January 27, 2021 by Chairman Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman McDonald.
Administrative Clerk, Sarah Thomas, called the roll and all Board members were present.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports.
Mrs. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports.
Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2020
This Item provided for Board approval of the December 16, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Exercise the Option to Extend Gary Wakstein & Associates, LLC Concession Agreement
This Item provided for Board approval to extend the Agreement with Gary Wakstein & Associates, LLC, for Airport News and Sundries Concessions for an additional five-year term. The initial term of the Agreement commenced in 2010. It was extended to February 28, 2016 and again to February 28, 2021. This additional 5‑year term in accordance with the Concession Agreement will expire February 28, 2026.
c. Approve Amendment 1 for the Purchase of Optional Equipment for the New ARFF Vehicle
This Item provided for Board approval, as recommended by Staff, for the purchase of the following optional equipment for installation on the new 1,500-gallon ARFF vehicle from Rosenbauer Minnesota, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $21,000 (Amendment 1):
— Under Truck Nozzles
— Safe to Approach Lights
— Airfield Driving Lights
— Exterior Water/Foam Level Lights
— Window Tinting
— In-Cab EMS Cabinet
— Rosenbauer Service Tool
— Little Giant Ladder
— Rechargeable Flashlights
— 5‑Year Extended Transmission Warranty
d. Approve Purchase of Scott Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
This Item provided for Board approval of the fourth purchase in a rotational purchasing plan to replace SCBA Units and Bottles over a five-year period.
Two quotes were received as follows for two (2) Scott Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and four (4) 4500psi/45-minute SCBA Bottles:
- Fisher Safety — $15,971.52
- 3M Scott Fire & Safety — $16,900
Staff recommended approval of the purchase from Fisher Safety.
Mr. James Johnson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Will Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. 2020 In the Rearview
Annual Presentation was given to the Board by Mr. Parker McClellan, Executive Director, starting with a brief video prepared by The Moore Agency. This presentation highlighted the accomplishments of ECP and the Staff over the past year, including:
- 10-Year Anniversary Virtual Celebration
- Initializing non-stop service to Washington DC, with new cities being added this coming summer, including Philadelphia
- Tri-Annual FAA emergency preparedness exercise
- Construction and Opening of the Terminal Expansion
- Projects Without Passengers, including repair to our Covered Parking Lot of damages that occurred during Hurricane Michael, painting of the entire parking lot, tile replacement in Terminal, numerous other projects
- Assessment of impacts from Hurricane Sally, which included damage to the drainage systems and various areas of water damage within multiple buildings
- Focus on partnership with Airlines and controlling cost to include revenue sharing
- Passenger rates that were up by 25% before COVID-19 and as of December 31, 2020 annual passengers down approximately 35%
- Staff Development included implementation of Phase II of the Employee Compensation Study, and the continued success of the Spot Reward Program (Employees Contributing Positively) where more than 230 Spot Rewards, good for one hour of leave, were awarded to Airport employees.
This Item was for informational purposes only, and required no formal action by the Board.
b. Review and Adopt FY 2020 Financial Audit Report
Report given by Mr. Easton Ramer, who was accompanied by Ms. Samantha McGhee, from Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain. The 2020 Audit Report was issued with no findings of non-compliance, no
deficiencies, and no recommendations. The Airport is in a strong financial position. The impacts from COVID ‑19 resulting in the loss in revenues is $10 million and includes $14 million in depreciation; the Airport Operations is actually up by $4 million. It should be noted the $9 million came from Grant Revenues, project reimbursement.
From the time the Airport opened, it has grown significantly. In 2011, revenues were at $8 million. In 2019, they were at $12 million. In 2020, despite the pandemic, we are only down 5% from 2019, but
still up from 2018 revenues. The report attributed these numbers to the efforts of Airport Staff and Leadership.
Mr. Johnson moved to adopt the report. Vice Chair Melzer seconded. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. FY 2020 Rates and Charges Settlement for Signatory Air Carriers (information only)
Mr. McClellan reported that based on the Financial Settlement of the budget, the Airport was able to give our airline partners $1.7 million back in revenue sharing.
d. COVID-19 Update
- Ratify – Temporary COVID-19 Leave Policy
- Mr. McClellan presented a temporary personnel policy to address impacts of COVID-19 on employees. As the result of the Executive Order signed by President Trump in April 2020, each employee was given 80 hours of leave for COVID-19. The Policy has since expired, but the Airport wishes to extend it to June 30, 2021 and revisit the Policy at that time. The requirement to provide COVID – 19 Sick Leave is no longer required, but the Airport has chosen to continue to provide COVID-19 Sick Leave, as an effort to slow the spread of the virus amongst employees.
- Mayor Mark Sheldon made the motion to accept the ratification. Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
- Engineering Services RFQ
Mr. McClellan reported on the recent advertisement for Airport General Consultant. The Airport advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in late November for the Airport General Consultant (Engineering). As part of the bidding process, a Pre-Bid Meeting was attended by five firms and a subsequent airport tour was organized. In early January, the Airport opened the single RFQ received from ZHA. The Consultant Selection Committee met in mid-January and reviewed the concerns expressed by the FAA, to include concern expressed over only one response and discrepancies as a result new DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise) policy. The FAA recommended the Airport make the corrections to the DBE portions and ensure the FAA-required forms are included and re-advertise. Based on the FAA recommendation, the Consultant Selection Committee recommended to rebid the RFQ and extend the contract with ZHA for 3 months.
Vice Chair Melzer made the motion to approve the Extension of the current Contract with ZHA for
three months and authorize Staff to re-advertise the RFQ. Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion was passed unanimously.
- Project Gator Update (information only)
Mr. McClellan reported that Project Gator continues to move forward. A consultant has been hired to review the company’s plans and hopefully bring costs down. They anticipate the analysis back from their consultant in mid-March.
Construction Update (information only):
- Terminal Expansion
Mr. Richard McConnell reported this project is complete.
- Taxiway E1 and Transport Apron
Mr. McConnell reported this project is complete.
- State Road 388 and Roundabout
Mr. McConnell reported the construction company (Superior) is currently installing the drainage fixtures on SR 388. On the west side of the project, grading is almost complete on the bypass road that will have to be completed before the rest of the project moves forward. The scheduled completion is mid-year 2023. According to the project consultants, it is currently on schedule. Since the completion of the flyover at the Port of Panama City, many of the workers have been assigned to this project.
Bay EDA Update:
Ms. Becca Hardin, Bay EDA President, reported speaking with the Project Gator managers the previous day and the managers will be here in town in the week following the Board meeting. She will be working with Mr. McClellan to schedule meetings with them. Project Emerald is still ongoing, though progress is slow, due to a large contract they got at the end of the year. They believe it will pick back up at the end of February or beginning of March.
There have been several companies looking at the former GKN facility in Venture Crossings. One such company, Project Spectrum, a European advanced manufacturing company, would create about 220 jobs and invest about $40 million dollars in our Community. Their site consultants were in town over the weekend, and Venture Crossings is one of two sites under consideration. The president of the European company will be in town early next week. Following the visit, the Bay EDA hopes that a decision will be announced quickly.
Project Venus will start to progress as the COVID-19 vaccine is administered more and the project managers can visit the United States.
The Moore Agency Report:
Jordan Jacobs and Katie Spillman, of The Moore Agency, focused on the paid media coverage. The
Agency is concentrating on maximizing the coverage the Airport gets for its advertising expenditures. Katie Spillman explained the types of ad campaigns The Moore Agency utilized and how they differed from ad campaigns they used in the past.
At present, The Moore Agency is utilizing Google Paid Search, which uses keywords. In the past, the keywords were primarily focused on travel competitors. At this time, keywords have been added that focus on competitive ways of travel. Campaigns have also been added to Facebook and Instagram that target users in Northwest Florida, and the demographics that have income to travel.
The campaign has begun once again running print and newspaper ads, as it ultimately runs through a
network of publications. It is an integrated approach that runs through multiple age groups and targets local residents, more than visitors to Northwest Florida. It also adds digital versions of the campaign for the smaller publications.
The campaign is also focusing on broadcast advertising. Ms. Spillman reports that while the way people view video broadcast is changing, the fact that they are watching has not. According to a recent study, the average person watches around 215 minutes of TV a day. Cable TV spots allow for viewing through non-
traditional methods, like Roku and Firestick. There will also be a spot aired throughout the day on February 7, the day of the Superbowl, and the week following.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:08 a.m.
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Sarah Thomas, Administrative Clerk Glen McDonald, Chairman