The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:07 a.m., January 23, 2019 by Chairman Lee.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Rhonda Marchman.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lee.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that Mr. Tusa, Mr. Nelson, Ms. Sims and Mr. Johnson were not present.
It was determined that without a quorum, there would only be an informational meeting.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports and a discussion ensued.
Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Reports and a discussion ensued.
Business Items:
- Presentation – 2018 in Review
Mr. McClellan addressed the Board and provided a presentation highlighting some of the Airport’s accomplishments over the past year. Some of the highlights included:
- American Airlines began operating at ECP
- Development of AA ticket office
- More non-stop flights
- Terminal expansion planning
- Super Summer Saturdays; Delta direct flight to Denver
- ECP Escape campaign video won national Gold Telly Award out of 1,200+ entries in all 50 states and 5 continents in Travel and Tourism category
- Passenger traffic growth
- Up and operating right after Hurricane Michael
- Home base for emergency and medical response crews after Hurricane Michael, including a military base
- President visited in Marine One
- Vice President visited in Air Force Two
- Welcomed 1 millionth passenger within one year
- Accomplished 98% of our flight plan
- Successful Financial Audit
- Roundabout Phase 1 – 42” waterline at entrance relocated
- Added two more signatory airlines (now have four: American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines)
- Implemented the digital 1‑second transfer for runway visual range information on foggy mornings
- New tug door and drive in Baggage Make-up
- Raised crosswalk at Main Entrance and Ground Transportation Entrance that would flood with rain
- New passenger loading bridge for Southwest
- Outreach to the community by hosting school field trips, community presentations and civic organizations
- Airport-wide employee thank you luncheon
- Employee Spot Rewards – Gave away 140 Spot Reward tokens (one token good for one hour off work),to staff who did extraordinary things and making a difference
- This item was for informational purposes only, and after Board discussion, required no formal Board action.
- FY 2018 Financial Audit Report
Mr. David Tipton, of Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain, The CPA Group – the firm who performed the Audit – presented the Audit to the Board. Mr. Tipton informed the Board that the financial statements received an unqualified opinion, and that there were no compliance issues. He said their Audit disclosed no findings that needed to be reported, no violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements, fraud, illegal acts or abuse regarding the Airport’s accounting practices – there were no discrepancies or deficiencies, and that ECP prepared their financial statements in accordance with GAAP.
Mr. Tipton indicated that the general-purpose financial statements represented the true financial position of the District and that operations and cash flows were in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. He added that the Report expressed an unmodified opinion on all major federal programs and Passenger Facility Charge Programs.
Mr. Tipton concluded that the Panama City – Bay County Airport and Industrial District was determined to be a low-risk auditee.
- ZHA Task Order – Overflow Parking Lot Improvement Project
Mr. Richard McConnell informed the Board of the necessity to expand and develop our overflow parking due to the significant increase in passenger growth and gave an overview of the project. It would involve – in accordance to our Master Plan – overlaying the current short-term overflow parking lot, adding revenue controls, lights, ticket spitters, and credit card machines to the area in the design, and using our shuttle services. He said that currently, it would only be utilized during holidays, not year-round. He reported that the Task Order would look into all possible design scenerios to make sure it would be the most safe and convenient for passengers.
The Bay EDA Update:
There was no Bay EDA Update.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported that December saw 134 clicks on through to airline websites as a result of our ongoing campaigns, more than 3,000 Escape pageviews, over 14,000 new website visitors, an above average 21% newsletter open rate, and over 500,000 earned media impressions; largely due to United Airlines’ addition of Chicago, and our 1 millionth passenger – with an onsite celebration and water cannon salute, and digital eblast to entire database – resulting in the most engaging social media post to date.
We ran a micro-campaign the 14 days leading up to Christmas promoting ECP with cleaver, seasonal messaging and creative to support planning an escape during the holidays, resulting in almost 1.5m organic media impressions, a lower cost per impression, 2,440 website visits, and 79% of the Facebook landing page views being viewed by women, with more single travelers than married.
The Moore Agency developed a fresh, creative concept for the new ECP commercial filmed earlier this month at the Airport, to be aired locally during the Super Bowl on Sunday, and used throughout the year when advertising flights in print, digital and TV spots. ECP sponsored the sold-out 30A Songwriters Festival with a great presence and brand awareness on stage at Caliza with a nice sign, online promotion on the app and the Songwriters’ social media channels.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that we had no significant delays as a result of TSA staffing due to the government shutdown. Mr. McClellan added that TSA has been sure to have appropriate staffing in place. ECP met with TSA to see how we could assist from an Airport standpoint, employees, and community members have been bringing in food, the Airlines have been bringing in food, lunches, etc.; everyone has been working as a Team and supporting TSA, however, federal employees are not permitted to accept gifts. He reported that Ms. Kathy Gilmore was the editor-in-chief of the new employee newsletter, The Airporter; and she is also working on an employee Wellness Program as requested by Ms. Sandy Sims.
Public Comments:
Mr. Craig St. Martin of Panama City Beach, father to 11-year-employee Adam St. Martin who “started working at the old Airport, this Airport, and has been working for Goodwill emptying the trash and making the grounds look great,” informed the Board that his son would be leaving ECP, and presented a letter to the Board expressing his concerns regarding Adam’s, and his fellow disabled Goodwill employees’ vacation time, pay raises, and accrued personal leave payments upon termination.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:22 a.m.
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Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman