
The Board Meet­ing of the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict was called to order at 9:00 a.m., Feb­ru­ary 27, 2013 in the Air­port Board Room by Chair­man Pilcher.

The Invo­ca­tion was giv­en by Ms. Pat­ty Strick.

The Pledge of Alle­giance was led by Chair­man Pilcher.

The Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary called the roll and indi­cat­ed that all Board Mem­bers were present.

Approval of Minutes:

The Jan­u­ary 23, 2013 Board Meet­ing Min­utes were approved as distributed.


Mr. Wheat pre­sent­ed and reviewed both the activ­i­ty report and the finan­cial report to the Board.

Con­sent Agenda:

a. Approve Sky­tank­ing USA 2013 Budget

This item pro­vides for Board approval of the 2013 Oper­at­ing and Main­te­nance bud­get for Sky­tank­ing USA.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to approve the 2013 O&M bud­get for Sky­tank­ing USA. Ms. Moliter­no sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

b. Extend Sky­tank­ing USA Agreement

This item pro­vides for Board approval to extend the con­tract for the oper­a­tion of con­sol­i­dat­ed fuel farms at the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port until Sep­tem­ber 302013.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to approve extend­ing the con­tract with Sky­tank­ing USA through Sep­tem­ber 30, 2013 and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man or his designee to exe­cute any required doc­u­ments. Ms. Moliter­no sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

c. Approve Ban­ner Tow Agree­ment – Air­Sign Inc.

This item pro­vides for Board approval of a Ban­ner Tow Agree­ment between Air­Sign Inc. and the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict for the oper­a­tion of air­craft ban­ner tow activ­i­ties at the airport.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the Ban­ner Tow Agree­ment with Air­Sign Inc., con­tin­gent upon com­pli­ance with insur­ance and oth­er require­ments, and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man to exe­cute any required doc­u­ments. Mr. Koehne­mann sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

d. Autho­rize Check­ing Account for For­fei­ture Funds

This item pro­vides for Board approval and autho­riza­tion for staff to open an addi­tion­al account with Sun­Trust Bank in which to deposit fed­er­al for­fei­ture funds received by the District.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Math­is made a motion to approve autho­riza­tion for staff to open an account with Sun­Trust Bank in order to estab­lish a Law Enforce­ment Trust Fund. Mr. Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

e. Approve Sale of Items at Auction

This item pro­vides for Board autho­riza­tion to par­tic­i­pate in a pub­lic auc­tion to sell sur­plus main­te­nance equipment.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Ms. Moliter­no made a motion to approve par­tic­i­pa­tion in an auc­tion to sell sur­plus main­te­nance equip­ment. Mr. Scott sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

f. Revi­sion to Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Regulations

This item pro­vides for Board approval of revi­sions to the Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Reg­u­la­tions pol­i­cy pre­vi­ous­ly estab­lished by the Board gov­ern­ing the oper­a­tion of com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing ground trans­porta­tion ser­vice at the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve revi­sions to the Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Reg­u­la­tions. Mr. Bruett sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

g. Award Bid for New Ini­tial Attack Fire Truck

This item pro­vides for Board award of the bid for pur­chase of a new Ini­tial Attack Fire Truck to be uti­lized by the Air­craft Res­cue and Fire Fight­ing Depart­ment at the air­port, and to accept a sup­ple­men­tal Joint Par­tic­i­pa­tion Agree­ment with the Flori­da Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion to assist with the fund­ing of the truck.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Ms. Moliter­no made a motion to award the bid for the Ini­tial Attack fire Truck to Sun­belt Fire Equip­ment for the pur­chase of this item, accep­tance of the Joint Par­tic­i­pa­tion Agree­ment from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion, con­tin­gent upon FDOT approval, and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man or his designee to exe­cute any nec­es­sary doc­u­ments. Mr. Bruett sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

Busi­ness Items:

a. Com­mer­cial Apron and ATCT Fenc­ing Project Engi­neer­ing Services

This item pro­vides for Board award of a con­tract to AVCON, Inc. to pro­vide design ser­vices, bid­ding and award ser­vices, con­struc­tion admin­is­tra­tion and inspec­tion ser­vices, test­ing and sur­veys relat­ed to the Push­back Apron and ATCT Secu­ri­ty Fenc­ing project con­tained in the air­port FY 2013 cap­i­tal budget.

At the Jan­u­ary Board meet­ing, AVCON was select­ed as the top firm to pro­vide design, per­mit­ting and asso­ci­at­ed engi­neer­ing ser­vices for the com­mer­cial apron and ATCT fend­ing project. The Board autho­rized staff to nego­ti­ate a final agree­ment with AVCON for fees to per­form the nec­es­sary ser­vices for this project.

In asso­ci­a­tion with CCNA require­ments, staff nego­ti­at­ed a fee for engi­neer­ing ser­vices for this project with AVCON in the amount of $120,740.00. The fol­low­ing is a list of the com­po­nents asso­ci­at­ed with this total cost:

  • Design and per­mit­ting $ 53,520.00
  • Bid phase ser­vices 6,240.00
  • Con­struc­tion admin­is­tra­tion 42,480.00
  • Job relat­ed expens­es 2,000.00
  • Test­ing and sur­vey 16,500.00

This project will be fund­ed with a FY 2013 AIP grant that will cov­er 90% of the total costs.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Ms. Moliter­no made a motion to approve the nego­ti­at­ed fees and award of this con­tract to AVCON, Inc. and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man or his designee to exe­cute any nec­es­sary doc­u­ments pend­ing review by legal coun­sel. Mr.

Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

b. Com­mit­tee Rec­om­men­da­tion – Park­ing Lot Shade Structure

This item pro­vides for Board selec­tion of a qual­i­fied firm to design, fur­nish, ship, receive and install a com­plete shade struc­ture to cov­er approx­i­mate­ly 114,000 square feet of sur­face park­ing area.

In Decem­ber 2012 the air­port issued a Request for Pro­pos­al (RFP) for spe­cif­ic infor­ma­tion from qual­i­fied con­trac­tors with expe­ri­ence in con­struct­ing park­ing lot shade struc­tures. The gen­er­al scope of ser­vices includ­ed in the RFP com­prised the fur­nish­ing of all pro­fes­sion­al and tech­ni­cal ser­vices, labor, equip­ment, mate­ri­als and all oth­er func­tions and oper­a­tions includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, design, fab­ri­ca­tion, equip­ment, mate­ri­als, sup­plies, shipping/​receiving, mobi­liza­tion, erec­tion and relat­ed ser­vices and sur­vey­ing as nec­es­sary and required to accom­plish the shade struc­ture work at the airport.

In response to the RFP, the fol­low­ing four firms sub­mit­ted proposals:

  • Apol­lo Sun­guard Sys­tems, Inc.
  • C&S Canopy, Inc.
  • McIn­nis Builders, LLC
  • USA Shade & Fab­ric Struc­tures, Inc.

On Feb­ru­ary 20, 2013 a selec­tion com­mit­tee com­prised of Mr. Chris Fore­hand, Mr. John Wheat, Mr. Park­er McClel­lan, and Ms. Pamn Hen­der­son met to dis­cuss their eval­u­a­tions of the pro­pos­als from the four responders.

After review of the pro­pos­als by the com­mit­tee, it was deter­mined that all com­pa­nies were qual­i­fied to per­form the antic­i­pat­ed work and met all the require­ments con­tained in the RFP. All pro­posers pro­vid­ed work­able solu­tions and were very com­pet­i­tive in the selec­tion cri­te­ria; how­ev­er there was a large dif­fer­ence in the pric­ing sub­mit­ted by the four companies.

Due to the large dif­fer­ence in pric­ing the selec­tion com­mit­tee rec­om­mends USA Shade & Fab­ric Struc­tures, Inc. be select­ed as the appro­pri­ate ven­dor. USA Shade & Fab­ric Struc­tures, Inc. ranked high­est based on over­all val­ue to the air­port con­sid­er­ing design, aes­thet­ics, qual­i­ty of mate­ri­als, sched­ule of pro­duc­tion, capa­bil­i­ty of respon­der, expe­ri­ence with shade struc­tures, longevi­ty and price.

The over­all project bud­get is $1,491,000.00. Upon selec­tion of a firm to per­form the shade struc­ture fab­ri­ca­tion and instal­la­tion, staff will bid the remain­ing por­tions of the work to be per­formed. The air­port has obtained a FDOT grant that will cov­er 50% of the total project cost.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Scott made a motion to approve the selec­tion and award of the base bid and alter­na­tives A through D, includ­ing the exten­sion of the cov­ered por­tion of the cen­ter walk­way all the way to the ter­mi­nal build­ing, to USA Shade & Fab­ric Struc­tures, Inc. for the design, fab­ri­ca­tion, ship­ping and erec­tion of the shade struc­ture to cre­ate a cov­ered park­ing option for air­port users for a total price of $655,500.00, and autho­riza­tion for the Board Chair­man or his designee to exe­cute any nec­es­sary doc­u­ments. Mr. Fore­hand sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

c. Ground Trans­porta­tion Ter­mi­nal Concession

This item pro­vides the Board with infor­ma­tion regard­ing a Request for Pro­pos­als (RFP) for Ground Trans­porta­tion Ser­vices at the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport.

Staff dis­trib­uted an RFP for com­pa­nies inter­est­ed in pro­vid­ing ground trans­porta­tion ser­vices with a pres­ence in the ter­mi­nal build­ing and a pre­mi­um vehi­cle stag­ing area for pas­sen­ger pick up. Two com­pa­nies respond­ed and sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion for con­sid­er­a­tion. The com­pa­nies that respond­ed were Afford­able Lim­ou­sine Ser­vice and Trans­porta­tion, Inc., and Sun­shine Shut­tle and Limousine.

Both com­pa­nies sub­mit­ted pro­pos­als that met the cri­te­ria estab­lished in the RFP, to include a Min­i­mum Annu­al Guar­an­tee (MAG) to the air­port either through a per pas­sen­ger charge or a per­cent­age of rev­enue gen­er­at­ed by the company.

The eval­u­a­tion com­mit­tee, con­sist­ing of John Wheat, Park­er McClel­lan, Pamn Hen­der­son and Pat­ty Strick met to dis­cuss the pro­pos­als sub­mit­ted. After review of both pro­pos­als, the com­mit­tee agreed that while both com­pa­nies met the intent of the RFP and both could pro­vide the enhanced cus­tomer ser­vice, the fare struc­ture sub­mit­ted by both com­pa­nies did not pro­vide a ben­e­fit to the trav­el­ing pub­lic, and in some cas­es the fares were not dif­fer­ent than those being cur­rent­ly charged by oth­er operators.

Fol­low­ing Board dis­cus­sion, Mr. Bruett made a motion to delay any deci­sion regard­ing the RFP for ground trans­porta­tion ser­vices for 30 days, and fur­ther to direct the eval­u­a­tion com­mit­tee to rank the two com­pa­nies into a first and sec­ond choice and to meet again with a Board mem­ber as part of the eval­u­a­tion com­mit­tee and begin nego­ti­a­tions with the high­est ranked com­pa­ny to secure low­er fares and increased cus­tomer ser­vice. If unsuc­cess­ful in reach­ing terms with the high­est ranked com­pa­ny, the eval­u­a­tion com­mit­tee is direct­ed to nego­ti­ate terms with the sec­ond high­est ranked com­pa­ny and bring back a final rec­om­men­da­tion to the Board for con­sid­er­a­tion. Mr. Koehne­mann sec­ond­ed the motion. The vote was tak­en and the motion passed unanimously.

At the rec­om­men­da­tion of Ms. Dawn Moliter­no, the Chair­man appoint­ed Mr. Bruett as Board rep­re­sen­ta­tion on the RFP eval­u­a­tion committee.

Oth­er Business:

Mas­ter Plan Update: Mr. Paul Puck­li with RW Arm­strong updat­ed the Board by pro­vid­ing an overview regard­ing the sta­tus of the Mas­ter Plan process.

Stormwa­ter Man­age­ment Sys­tem aug­men­ta­tion Project Update: Mr. McClel­lan updat­ed the Board regard­ing the sta­tus of this project.

Bay Air­craft Own­ers Hangar Door Update: Mr. McClel­lan updat­ed the Board regard­ing the sta­tus of repair to the hangar door.

Pub­lic Comments:

There were no pub­lic comments.


The meet­ing was adjourned at approx­i­mate­ly 10:40 a.m.

Pat­ty Strick, Exec­u­tive Sec­re­tary John Pilch­er, Chairman