The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., December 18, 2024 by Chair, Mark Sheldon.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Will Cramer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Ms. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Ms. Holly Melzer, Mr. LesMcfatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Vice Chair Will Cramer, and Chair Mark Sheldon.
Public Comment:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Acceptance of Agenda:
Chair Sheldon asked if there were any items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board Member would like to move to a Business Item for further discussion, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Amended Agenda.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan updated the Board on the November’s Activity Reports. The Airport was down 0.2% from November of last year and is sustaining close to a 14% increase in total passengers year-to-date versus last year. The Market Share was maintained within the 20% margin for the month. Regional Comparison continues to show the Airport with substantial growth throughout the year.
Consent Agenda:
a. Approve Board Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2024
This item provides for Board approval of the November 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Change to Administrative Policy 3.8 Purchasing
This item provides information for the Board’s consideration of the change to Administrative Policy 3.8 — Purchasing.
c. Approve Purchase of Police Pursuit Vehicle
This item requests the Board to approve a Police Pursuit Vehicle purchase.
d. Approve Change to Administrative Policy 9.1 — Paid Leave
This item provides information for the Board’s consideration of the change ot Administrative Policy 9.1 — Paid Leave.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to Accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Florida State University InSPIRE
Mr. McClellan provided information to the Board that Mr. Cole Davis (ECP) and Mr. Dustin N. Dailey (FSU) have put together a Memorandum of Understanding in order to formalize the understanding between the Airport and FSU for the InSPIRE facility.
Ms. Melzer made a motion to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Florida State University — InSPIRE and Mr. Cramerseconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
b. Approve Performance Goals and Objectives in accordance with Florida Statutes 189.0694
Mr. McClellan updated the Board concerning performance goals and objectives in accordance with Florida Statute 189.0624. This statute was passed in July and requires special districts to develop performance goals, objectives, and performance metrics. Our master plan will be our guide for the goals and objectives.
Mr. Algarin made a motion to Approve the Performance Goals and Objectives in accordance with Florida Statutes 189.0694 and Mr.McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
c. Approve Triumph Gulf Coast Term Sheet Project Spinner- IAG Aero GrOJII!
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that Project Spinner can now formally be known as IAG AeroGroup, following the Triumph meeting last Wednesday. IAG Aero Group is a company based in Miami that will be expanding their operations in Bay County. They have already purchased a facility inLynn Haven for their logistics center. IAG Aero Group will be building a 125,000 square foot building on theAirport for engine overhaul as well as an engine test cell, which is part of the Triumph term sheet.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Cramer made a motion to Approve the Triumph Gulf Coast Term Sheet Project Spinner — JAG Aero Group and Ms. Williams seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
d. Approve Purchase of Escalator - Schindler Corporation
Mr. McClellan spoke to the Board about the purchasing process for the escalator. The contract with Cardella asthe CMAR for the project has been executed.
The process has begun for the purchase of the escalator, with Staff being in receipt of a bid from Schindler Escalator. Currently, the Airport is working with the FAA for getting a Buy American Waiver, with an exception needed due to the fact that many of the parts are not made in America. This item will approve Staff to moveforward with the escalator purchase once the approval from FAA is granted.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to Approve the Purchase of Escalator — Schindler Escalator Corporation and Ms. Williams seconded themotion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
e. ZHA Task Order - #55A6 North Terminal Concourse - Extended Construction Administration Services
Mr. McClellan presented for approval ZHA Task Order #55A6 North Terminal Concourse — Extended Construction Administration Services. This task order is for continuation of the construction administration services as a result of the amount of time it has taken Dominguez Design Build to complete the Terminal Buildout Project. Continuing construction administration and inspection services are necessary to ensure ongoing compliance by the contractor, and the additional extended services are directly a result of the delay of thecontractor.
Discussion among Board members followed regarding multiple performance issues on the project and future expectations when project issues occur.
David Seward with Dominguez stated that there is an expedited schedule agreed upon to complete the project,noting that inadequate manpower throughout the project along with other material delays had caused construction setbacks.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. McDonald made a motion to modify Task Order #55A6 line Eby striking through (a) under compensation for ZHA, and to approve the remaining items on the Task Order #55A6 - NorthTerminal Concourse - Extended Construction Administration Services. with Ardurra taking theadministration service portion on this project, and Ms. Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted “Yes”.
f. Approve Change Order 15 with Dominguez Design Build (QDB) for North Terminal Build Out
Mr. McClellan presented to the Board Change Order 15 with Dominguez Design Build for the North Terminal Build Out. This change order addresses project scope changes regarding gate boarding capabilities, structuralmodifications, podiums, and access control modification. Board members were told of some of the delays, resulting in a request for daily reviews of progress being requested.
Discussion ensued.
Ms. Williams made a motion to Approve the Change Order 15 with Dominguez Design Build for NorthTerminal Build Out and Mr. Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken, and all members voted“Yes”, with the exception of Ms. Melzer voting “No.”
Construction Updates (Information Only)
a. Terminal Buildout
Mr. Richard McConnell presented updates on the Terminal Buildout. The new restrooms are complete, the old restrooms demolishment is complete, and the exit lane is complete and operational with TSA scheduled to test,and the bag services offices downstairs are substantially complete.
Discussion ensued.
b. Bag Makeup Expansion
Mr. McConnell provided updates on the Outbound Baggage Expansion project. This project is substantially complete, and a walk through was done with the formal punch list items to be completed soon, after which the County will do their certification inspection.
Discussion ensued.
c. Terminal Ramp Expansion
Mr. McConnell gave an update on the Terminal Ramp Expansion. Plans are to have the area adjacent to Gates 2 and 4 complete bymid-February in order to accommodate the spring break activity. Once phase one is completed, phase two will begin to the north portion outside the operation area, with project completion by June Ist
d. Parking Update
Mr. McConnell presented an update on public parking. All spots in the paved lots were full by Wednesday before Thanksgiving with the overflow lot accommodating over six hundred vehicles. Mr. McConnell alsodiscussed that shuttles were in use, lighted signage was provided, and that the lot availability signage will be put into place in the near future.
Discussion ensued.
Planning Update (Information Only)
a. Project InSPIRE
No update necessary.
c. Rental Car Counter Facility Design
No update necessary
Bay EDA Update (Information Only)
Mr. Ben Moorman updated the Board on Project Spinner, which was announced as the JAG Aero Group with theterm sheet approved with Triumph Gulf Coast Grant. Also discussed was Project Horace (300 jobs, $40 million capital investment,) which is a Canadian maintenance repair and overhaul company that is considering ECP as apossible site, Project Opal, Project Amadeus, Project Express and lastly, Project Harmony, which had a site visit to ECP last week.
Discussion ensued.
The Moore Agency Update (Information Only)
Mrs. Jordan Jacobs shared that the website has been updated with travel tips and essential news regarding theupcoming holiday travel and that social media and email blasts will reinforce the information. She also discussed the dissemination of the Project Spinner announcement and the 2025 video campaign production which will debut during the Super Bowl.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan gave a reminder of the holiday luncheon Friday, December 20th at 11:00 a.m., and that the office will be closed next Tuesday and Wednesday as well as January 1st. Mr. McClellan reported on the recent successful trip to Washington, D.C. and that everyone was receptive to the Airport’s accomplishments and what is currently happening.
Next meeting scheduled: Board Meeting: January 22, 2025 — 9:00 a.m.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m.
_________________________________ _______________________________
Parker W. McClellan, Jr., AAE Mark Sheldon, Chair
Executive Director