The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:07 a.m., December 19, 2018 by Chairman Lee.
The Invocation was given by Ms. Rhonda Marchman. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Lee.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board members were present.
Ms. Sims made a motion to approve the Agenda. Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
First Class Concessions – Ms. Tasneem Vakharia, President of First Class Concessions Inc., made a presentation to the Board summarizing the financial history and changes they have made to improve their curb appeal, replace worn restaurant equipment, and increase sales over the years here at ECP. Ms. Vakharia said that the Airport also saw a profit from their sales, while space constraints made it more difficult for them to expand operations to meet the passenger loads. Ms. Vakharia thanked the Board and Mr. McClellan for the opportunity, and said that she predicted the numbers would continue to grow as larger aircraft and more flights came into play, and once the Extended Terminal was completed.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Reports. Mr. Parker McClellan presented and reviewed the Financial Reports. Consent Agenda:
a. Board Meeting Minutes – November 14, 2018
This item provides for Board approval of the November 14, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes.
b. Approve Menzies Aviation Services’ Lease Agreement
This item provides for Board approval of Menzies Aviation Services’ 5‑year Lease Agreement.
c. Ratification of Project Change Order – Airport Security System Upgrade Project
This item provides for Board ratification of a Change Order for the Airport Security System Upgrade Project.
d. Accept Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement 42563119401 with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Adopt Resolution
This item provides for the acceptance and execution of a supplemental FDOT Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that will provide funding for the projects including terminal expansion, the paving of the overflow parking lot, the master plan update, expanding of the maintenance building, terminal ramp rehab and expansion, infrastructure development, and various capital equipment included in the FY19 Operating and Capital Budget.
e. Distribution of the American Association of Airport Executives/Airport Council International – North America (AAAE/ACI-NA) Hurricane Relief Funds
This item provides for the concurrence with the distribution plan of equal amounts for any employee still displaced from their residence as of November 30, 2018.
f(1). Approval of Equipment Purchase – Homeland Manufacturing, Inc.
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a low-profile, personnel lift to be used by Airport Staff in maintaining Terminal Building and facilities at the Airport.
f(2). Approval of Equipment Purchase – Beard Equipment Company of Panama City
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a medium capacity, wheeled, front-end loader to be used in support of the Airport’s general maintenance and stormwater maintenance program operations.
f(3). Approval of Equipment Purchase – Duval Ford Fleet Sales, Jacksonville, FL
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a replacement ¾‑ton vehicle chassis with utility bed to be used by Airport Staff in support of ongoing Airport maintenance operations.
f(4). Approval of Equipment Purchase – Florida TransCor, Inc., Jacksonville, FL
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of a specialized paint striping machine to be used by Airport Staff to maintain Airfield pavement markings required by FAA and FDOT regulations.
f(5). Approval of Purchase of two (2) Scott Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and six (6) 4500 psi / 45-minute SCBA Bottles
This request is the third purchase in a rotational purchasing plan to replace ARFF Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus and SCBA Bottles over a five-year period.
Mr. Nelson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda and Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. ZHA Incorporated (ZHA) – Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement – Annual Review
This item provides for Board approval of the annual review for ZHA Incorporated (ZHA) as provided in the Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement.
ZHA President/CEO Mr. Rick Mellin made a presentation to the Board reviewing the Tasks and Projects regarding Environmental Services (Mitigation Program Acceleration and Funding; and Water Quality Monitoring); Planning Services (Gates 6 & 7 Terminal Expansion; and Master Plan Selection); Design Services (Transient Apron & E‑1Taxiway, Terminal Gate Apron Repair, Terminal Apron Expansion, American Airlines ATO, and Terminal Crosswalks); and Construction Services (Exit Lane Control System, Security System Upgrades, American Airlines ATO, and Baggage Make-up Cartway).
Ms. Sims made a motion to approve the annual review for ZHA Incorporated as provided in the Professional Engineering, Architectural, Project Inspection, Construction Management and Planning Services Agreement and Mr. Mathis seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
b. Accept Proposal from AeroCloud Systems, Inc. for Intelligent Airport Management System
This item provides for Board approval to accept a proposal from AeroCloud, Inc. for Integrated Airport Management System (IAM) and the associated Lease Management Module.
Mr. McClellan and Jonathan Legault informed the Board that the system creates a central, computerized, storage location for operational data as well as other information regularly used by Airport Staff. The Airport Staff has worked with AeroCloud developers to help develop a small airport software package, relevant to our size airport while looking toward the future with grant management and lease management modules. As a result of the development assistance provided by Airport Staff, AeroCloud has proposed discounted rates plus additional savings to continue as a development partner.
After Board discussion, Mr. Mathis made a motion to accept the proposal from AeroCloud, Inc. for Integrated Airport Management System (IAM) and the associated Lease Management Module, and Mr. Tusa seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
The Bay EDA Update:
Ms. Sandy Sims reported on behalf of Bay EDA saying that all were hoping for some big announcements to be coming soon.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported that they have been continuing on the momentum of eclipsing all of ECP’s marketing and communication goals for the calendar year, and monitoring the key performance indicators for each goal through the end of the calendar year to inform the plan for 2019.
Ms. Spillman added that paid, earned and owned integrated media mix strategies are being developed for 2019 to include an early kickoff with paid media strategy to address the shoulder season months which seasonally show lower passenger loads.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. Parker McClellan informed the Board that ECP Staff continued to express heartfelt thanks for the Hurricane Michael Relief Assistance. Mr. McClellan announced that United Airlines would be making their own announcement soon that they would be adding Chicago to enhance their Summer and Saturday/Sunday 2019 flight schedule. He reminded the Board of the upcoming Friday Staff Holiday Luncheon, and informed the Board that no ECP employees were lost as a result of Hurricane Michael. Vice Chairman Glen McDonald asked for a Triumph Projects status, and Mr. McClellan stated that the process was on-going, and that he would share any information as soon as it became available.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:18 a.m.
Kathy Gilmore, Executive Secretary Del Lee, Chairman