Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Regulations

Pana­ma City — Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al District
















































It is the intent of the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict to enable par­ties fur­nish­ing ground trans­porta­tion for hire at the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port to con­duct busi­ness in an order­ly, safe fash­ion and to afford the patrons of North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port a safe, effi­cient method of obtain­ing ground trans­porta­tion ser­vices. It is also the intent of the Dis­trict to gen­er­ate suf­fi­cient rev­enue to sup­port, oper­ate and main­tain the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port facil­i­ties. The fees and charges set forth here­in are intend­ed to gen­er­ate rev­enue and to aid in rea­son­ably allo­cat­ing the cost and expens­es relat­ed to the facil­i­ties among the oper­a­tors of com­mer­cial activ­i­ties that ben­e­fit from their use of the Air­port. These Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Reg­u­la­tions are not intend­ed to, and shall not, gov­ern the use of Pri­vate Pas­sen­ger Vehi­cles or Pub­lic Buses.

The Dis­trict express­ly reserves the right to amend these CGTRR at any time and in any respect, as well as the right to amend con­ces­sion agree­ments entered into by the Dis­trict and its concessionaires.



20.00 Def­i­n­i­tions. When­ev­er used in these CGTRR, the term set forth in the Sec­tion 20.00 shall have the mean­ings ascribed to them below.

20.01 Active Flight Oper­a­tions” means the time peri­od from ten min­utes pri­or to the arrival of a flight until thir­ty min­utes after arrival of a flight; and/​or any time pas­sen­gers are present at the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing.

20.02 Affil­i­ate” means any oth­er enti­ty or com­pa­ny direct­ly or indi­rect­ly con­trol­ling or con­trolled by Com­pa­ny or under direct or indi­rect com­mon con­trol with the Com­pa­ny. For the pur­pos­es of this def­i­n­i­tion, con­trol” when used with respect to any enti­ty or com­pa­ny means the pow­er to direct the man­age­ment and poli­cies of such enti­ty or com­pa­ny, direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, through the own­er­ship of vot­ing secu­ri­ties, by con­tract or oth­er­wise; and the term con­trol­ling” and con­trolled” have mean­ings cor­rel­a­tive to the fore­go­ing. Affil­i­ate also includes an own­er, part­ner, share­hold­er, offi­cer, employ­ee, dri­ver, inde­pen­dent con­trac­tor, indi­vid­ual, or agent of a per­son or com­pa­ny, whether indi­vid­u­al­ly, col­lec­tive­ly or in any com­bi­na­tion, hold­ing a Con­ces­sion Agree­ment or who engages in the busi­ness of pro­vid­ing com­mer­cial ground trans­porta­tion oper­a­tions at NWF­BIA.

20.03 Air­port” means the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port locat­ed in Bay Coun­ty, Flori­da.

20.04 Air­port Police” means the air­port police depart­ment of the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al dis­trict assigned and autho­rized to per­form law enforce­ment func­tions at the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port.

20.05 Com­pa­ny” means any per­son or busi­ness enti­ty that engages in a Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty, and any per­son act­ing under the actu­al or appar­ent author­i­ty of the Com­pa­ny.

20.06 Con­ces­sion Agree­ment” can be a Queue Con­tract and or a Pre-Arranged con­tract for ground trans­porta­tion ser­vices and fur­ther defined as a con­tract gov­ern­ing the Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties of Cour­tesy Vehi­cles, Lim­ou­sine Ser­vices, Off-Air­port Park­ing Oper­a­tors, Off-Air­port Rental Car Com­pa­nies and Taxi­cab Com­pa­nies. Com­pa­nies may have mul­ti­ple agree­ments with the Air­port.

20.07 CGTRR” means Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Reg­u­la­tions estab­lished by the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict for use at North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port in Bay Coun­ty, Flori­da.

20.08 Cour­tesy Vehi­cle” means any motor vehi­cle oper­at­ed by hotels, motels, rental car com­pa­nies or gov­ern­ment enti­ties which pro­vide trans­porta­tion ser­vices for their guests or employ­ees only are exempt if the hotel or motel or enti­ty does not charge a trans­porta­tion fee, sur­charge or ser­vice fee for the trans­porta­tion ser­vices pro­vid­ed.

20.09 Dis­trict” means the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict.

20.10 Dri­ver” means any per­son who dri­ves any Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle who has suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed the Badg­ing Appli­ca­tion Form and Dri­ver Qual­i­fi­ca­tions.

20.11 Exec­u­tive Direc­tor” means the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Air­port, or their designee.

20.12 Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty” means all activ­i­ties direct­ly or indi­rect­ly relat­ed to the trans­porta­tion of per­sons or prop­er­ty to or from the Air­port in a Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle.

20.13 Ground Trans­porta­tion Badge” means the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion media issued by the Air­port to a dri­ver who is work­ing for an autho­rized ground trans­porta­tion com­pa­ny. All badge media issued by the Air­port remain the prop­er­ty of the Air­port and may be sus­pend­ed, or revoked for any rea­son to include the best inter­est of the Air­port.

20.14 Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel” means Per­mit­tees, Com­pa­nies and their agents, employ­ees, rep­re­sen­ta­tives, and any per­son act­ing under the actu­al or appar­ent author­i­ty of a Per­mit­tee or Com­pa­ny.

20.15 Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle” means any com­mer­cial motor vehi­cle oth­er than a Pri­vate Vehi­cle or Pub­lic Bus, which is reg­u­lar­ly or occa­sion­al­ly used by a com­mer­cial busi­ness for the pur­pose of trans­port­ing per­sons or prop­er­ty to or from the Air­port, includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion:

(a) Con­ven­tion and Tour Bus­es;
(b) Cour­tesy Shut­tles;
© Cus­tomer Shut­tles;
(d) Lim­ou­sines; and
(e) Taxi­cabs.

20.16 Lim­ou­sine” means a vehi­cle des­ig­nat­ed by its man­u­fac­tur­er and vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion as a lim­ou­sine or large lux­u­ri­ous chauf­feur-dri­ven 4‑door sedan. Unmetered, lux­u­ri­ous, large pas­sen­ger vehi­cle, built or mod­i­fied for the pur­pose as a lux­u­ry lim­ou­sine or a vehi­cle rec­og­nized by the indus­try as a lux­u­ry vehi­cle seat­ing fif­teen pas­sen­gers or less includ­ing the dri­ver, engag­ing in trans­porta­tion of per­sons for hire.

20.17 Lim­ou­sine Ser­vice” means the trans­porta­tion of pas­sen­gers in a Lim­ou­sine by or through any busi­ness locat­ed off Air­port premis­es and on a pre-sched­uled, advance reser­va­tion basis.

20.18 Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel” means the per­sons who are the employ­ees, agents, or con­trac­tors of pre­arranged con­tract­ed groups or pre­arranged con­tract­ed indi­vid­u­als, which employ the use of signs, uni­forms, or oth­er means of iden­ti­fi­ca­tion to ini­ti­ate con­tact in the Ter­mi­nal with their clients and cus­tomers.

20.19 NWF­BIA” means North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port locat­ed in Bay Coun­ty, Flori­da.

20.20 Off-Air­port Park­ing Oper­a­tor” means any per­son or busi­ness enti­ty that is engaged in the busi­ness of oper­at­ing one or more park­ing facil­i­ties locat­ed off Air­port prop­er­ty and pro­vid­ing trans­porta­tion to and from the Air­port either direct­ly or through an affil­i­ate.

20.21 Off-Air­port Rental Car Com­pa­ny” means any per­son or busi­ness enti­ty that oper­ates a vehi­cle rental facil­i­ty locat­ed off the Air­port premis­es and that uti­lizes an Off-Air­port Rental Car Shut­tle to trans­port clients.

20.22 Oper­at­ing Agree­ment” means the con­tract gov­ern­ing the Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties of Cour­tesy Vehi­cles, Lim­ou­sine Ser­vices, Off-Air­port Park­ing Oper­a­tors, Off-Air­port Rental Car Com­pa­nies and Taxi­cab Companies.

20.23 Per­mit­tee” means any Com­pa­ny that holds a valid per­mit to engage in Ground Trans­porta­tion Activities.

20.24 Per­mit” or Vehi­cle Decal” means taxi­cab per­mit, shut­tle per­mit, lim­ou­sine per­mit or bus per­mit obtained from NWF­BIA after an inspec­tion of a vehi­cle is com­plete and is affixed to the vehi­cle. The per­mit or decal will be issued only after the Con­ces­sion Agree­ment has been approved and exe­cut­ed by the Per­mit­tee and the Air­port and Cer­tifi­cates of Insur­ance have been sub­mit­ted and approved by the Air­port. Vehi­cle decals are non-trans­fer­able. Vehi­cle decals expire after 12 months and must be renewed on an annu­al basis.

20.25 Pri­vate Pas­sen­ger Vehi­cle” means a motor vehi­cle which is owned or leased by an indi­vid­ual for per­son­al use which is not used, direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, for com­mer­cial trans­porta­tion of per­sons or prop­er­ty to or from the Airport.

20.26 Pub­lic Bus” means a motor vehi­cle oper­at­ed as, or con­tract­ed to oper­ate as, pub­lic trans­porta­tion, by a gov­ern­men­tal entity.

20.27 Shut­tle” means a motor vehi­cle used for hire to trans­port mem­bers of the gen­er­al pub­lic for com­pen­sa­tion on an on demand” basis over routes deter­mined by the des­ti­na­tion of the passenger.

20.28 Solic­i­ta­tion” means the act of engag­ing poten­tial cus­tomers, in any man­ner, for the pur­pose of gen­er­at­ing business.

20.29 Taxi” means a motor vehi­cle used for hire to trans­port mem­bers of the gen­er­al pub­lic for com­pen­sa­tion on an on demand” basis over routes deter­mined by the des­ti­na­tion of the passenger.

20.30 Taxi Queue Area” means the area des­ig­nat­ed for taxi com­pa­nies to stage in front of the ter­mi­nal build­ing while wait­ing for a pas­sen­ger. There may be 4 vehi­cles in the queue but the con­fig­u­ra­tion may change based on oper­a­tional need. The Exec­u­tive Direc­tor may lim­it, exceed or des­ig­nate the num­ber of vehi­cles or spe­cial needs in the queue area based on the oper­a­tional demands placed on the Air­port. For the exact loca­tion see Exhib­it A

20.31 Taxi Stag­ing Area” means the area des­ig­nat­ed area for taxi com­pa­nies to stage while wait­ing to pro­ceed to the Taxi Queue Area. For the exact loca­tion see Exhib­it A.

20.32 Ter­mi­nal” means the Pas­sen­ger Ter­mi­nal Build­ing from which Air­port pas­sen­gers arrive and depart.

20.33 Trans­porta­tion Net­work Com­pa­ny” or TNC” means a com­pa­ny that meets the def­i­n­i­tion of trans­porta­tion net­work com­pa­ny under State law or, if no such def­i­n­i­tion exists, TNC means a com­pa­ny that uses an online-enabled plat­form to con­nect pas­sen­gers with dri­vers using their per­son­al vehicles.


30.10 Reg­is­tra­tion and Per­mit Required

No com­pa­ny shall engage in Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty at the Air­port Ter­mi­nal with­out first enter­ing into a Ground Trans­porta­tion Con­ces­sions Agree­ment with the Air­port and obtain­ing an Air­port per­mit autho­riz­ing the Com­pa­ny to engage in a spe­cif­ic cat­e­go­ry of Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty. Com­pa­nies must obtain a sep­a­rate per­mit for each vehi­cle to be oper­at­ed at the Air­port. Per­mits will be issued for a stat­ed peri­od of time and only after sat­is­fy­ing all require­ments. Per­mits for each vehi­cle shall be issued in the name of the Com­pa­ny des­ig­nat­ed on the Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle. Per­mits for cat­e­gories of activ­i­ties that require Oper­at­ing Agree­ments will be issued to only those per­sons or orga­ni­za­tions which are par­ties to such Oper­at­ing Agreements.

30.20 Per­mit Eligibility

No com­pa­ny shall be eli­gi­ble to obtain a per­mit if:

(a) The com­pa­ny is in arrears to the Dis­trict for any amount due and payable; includ­ing with­out lim­i­ta­tion per­mit fees, fines, rent, or any oth­er charge, whether or not direct­ly or indi­rect­ly relat­ed to the Company’s Ground Trans­porta­tion activ­i­ties; or

(b) The Com­pa­ny is in default with any term or con­di­tion under any pri­or or cur­rent agree­ment with the Dis­trict, whether or not direct­ly or indi­rect­ly relat­ed to the Company’s Ground Trans­porta­tion Activities.

For the pur­pose of this Sec­tion 30.20, Com­pa­ny” shall include the Com­pa­ny, its prin­ci­pals, and any Affil­i­ates of the Company.

30.30 Mul­ti­ple Activities

Com­pa­nies engag­ing in more than one cat­e­go­ry of Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty shall apply for and obtain a sep­a­rate permit(s) for each category.

30.40 Appli­ca­tion

Pri­or to issuance of a per­mit, a Com­pa­ny shall sub­mit a writ­ten appli­ca­tion for a vehi­cle per­mit which shall set forth, at a min­i­mum, the fol­low­ing information:

(a) The full name, mail­ing address and tele­phone num­ber of the Com­pa­ny request­ing a permit.

(b) A descrip­tion of the legal sta­tus of the Com­pa­ny (i.e., sole part­ner­ship, part­ner­ship, cor­po­ra­tion, etc.), includ­ing whether or not the Com­pa­ny is a fran­chise, and the names of the prin­ci­pals of the Company.

© A state­ment as to whether Com­pa­ny or any of its prin­ci­pals and affil­i­ates have pre­vi­ous­ly oper­at­ed at the Air­port under any oth­er name and whether the Com­pa­ny or any of its prin­ci­pals or affil­i­ates have ever had a Ground Trans­porta­tion per­mit sus­pend­ed or revoked.

(d) A descrip­tion of the pro­posed activ­i­ty. Sep­a­rate appli­ca­tions and per­mits are required for each cat­e­go­ry of Ground Trans­porta­tion Activity.

(e) The full name, mail­ing address and tele­phone num­ber of a con­tact per­son with the Com­pa­ny who will have respon­si­bil­i­ty for ensur­ing com­pli­ance with these CGTRR.

(f) A full descrip­tion of all vehi­cles, whether owned or leased, which will be used in con­nec­tion with pro­posed activ­i­ties, includ­ing year, make, mod­el, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­bers, license plate num­ber and manufacturer’s seat­ing capac­i­ty of each vehicle.

(g) A state­ment from the Com­pa­ny cer­ti­fy­ing that its dri­vers meet the qual­i­fi­ca­tions set forth in Sec­tion 30.50 or per con­tract requirements.

The Air­port shall be noti­fied with­in five (5) busi­ness days of any changes in the infor­ma­tion required in the appli­ca­tion men­tioned herein.

30.50 Dri­ver Qual­i­fi­ca­tions for Badging

The Com­pa­ny shall be respon­si­ble for ensur­ing that all of its Dri­vers meet the fol­low­ing qual­i­fi­ca­tions before start­ing and at all times dur­ing work at the Airport:

(a) The dri­ver is at least 21 years of age.

(b) The dri­ver is legal­ly autho­rized to work in the Unit­ed States.

© The dri­ver holds a valid U.S. Gov­ern­ment issued; i.e. State of Flori­da driver’s/operator’s license.

(d) Be rea­son­ably con­ver­sant in the Eng­lish language.

(e) Pass an Air­port approved back­ground check and drug test as ver­i­fied by the Airport.

(f) The dri­ver does not have any active arrest war­rants, or have been con­vict­ed of a felony with­in the last five years. If a dri­ver has be arrest­ed for a felony, but not con­vict­ed or await­ing tri­al, the appli­ca­tion may be delayed, denied or a waiv­er may be granted.

(g) The dri­ver has not fur­nished false or mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion in con­nec­tion with the per­mit application.

(h) The dri­ver must attend and suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete a Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Train­ing Pro­gram in accor­dance with stan­dards accept­able to the Air­port. Excep­tions can only be approved by the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor or his designee.

(i) The dri­ver must fur­nish a three year dri­ving his­to­ry from the Flori­da Depart­ment of High­way Safe­ty and Motor Vehi­cles (DHSMV).

(j) Com­plete the Air­port Badg­ing Application.

(k) Com­plete Secu­ri­ty Threat Assess­ment through the Airport.

30.60 Proof of Insurance

Pri­or to issuance of a per­mit, a Com­pa­ny shall sub­mit evi­dence of com­pli­ance with Sec­tion 50.00, Insur­ance, below.

30.70 Fee

For each per­mit, the Per­mit­tee shall pay an applic­a­ble fee in accor­dance with a sched­ule of fees estab­lished by the Air­port Dis­trict (See exhib­it C). Fees may change from time to time. Fail­ure to prompt­ly pay required per­mit fees shall be grounds for denial of addi­tion­al per­mits until the ground trans­porta­tion per­mit fee is cur­rent. A Com­pa­ny whose per­mit has been revoked or sus­pend­ed shall not receive a rebate, cred­it or com­pen­sa­tion for loss of revenue.

30.80 Replace­ment Per­mits or Badges

If replace­ment of an exist­ing per­mit is required, the exist­ing per­mit must be returned to the Air­port in order to receive a replace­ment. A replace­ment fee may be charged.


40.10 Per­mit and Ground Trans­porta­tion Dri­vers Permit

Each Per­mit­tee engag­ing in a Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty on the Air­port shall dis­play a per­mit issued by the Air­port so that per­mits are plain­ly visible.

40.20 Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Badge/​Name Tags Displayed

Dri­ver iden­ti­fi­ca­tion badges/​name tags shall be promi­nent­ly dis­played on the driver’s cloth­ing, at all time, clear­ly vis­i­ble to the hir­ing pas­sen­ger, and shall include the driver’s first and last name and com­pa­ny name.

Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel com­pa­ny iden­ti­fi­ca­tion badges/​name tags shall be promi­nent­ly dis­played on the per­son at all times while con­duct­ing busi­ness in, or around, the Ter­mi­nal, and shall include the driver’s first and last name and com­pa­ny name. Pre-Arranged Taxi Com­pa­nies shall sign in at the Ter­mi­nal secu­ri­ty exit lane area for pre-arranged fares.

40.30 Dri­ver Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion in Vehicle

Each taxi/​shuttle shall have clear­ly dis­played on the dash­board, read­i­ly vis­i­ble to the pas­sen­ger, a 4×6 inch iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card, with a pic­ture of the dri­ver, the name of the com­pa­ny, and phone num­ber of the company.

40.40 Taxicab/​Shuttle Com­pa­ny Name and Rates

Taxi/​shuttle shall have the full name of the com­pa­ny and phone num­ber pro­fes­sion­al­ly applied on both sides of the vehi­cle. Let­ters stat­ing the name of the com­pa­ny must be per­ma­nent­ly affixed to the vehi­cle shall be in Eng­lish and shall be no less than four (4) inch­es in height.

Rates and charges shall be post­ed with clear, leg­i­ble let­ters and fig­ures inside the vehi­cle, read­i­ly vis­i­ble to the pas­sen­ger. Let­ters and fig­ures for rates and charges and phone num­ber shall be in Eng­lish and shall be no less than two inch­es in height. If a com­pa­ny uti­lizes more than one vehi­cle at the Air­port, each vehi­cle must be assigned a num­ber and the num­ber is to be locat­ed in two (2) places on each vehi­cle, vis­i­ble to the pas­sen­ger, with loca­tions to be consistent.

Mag­net­ic signs are not permitted.

Vehi­cles used for Pre-arranged pick up only may be exempt from sec­tion 40.40.

The Dis­trict has adopt­ed the sched­ule of max­i­mum rates and charges for taxi­cabs as estab­lished by the City of Pana­ma City.


50.10 Insur­ance Requirements

A Com­pa­ny must com­ply with all statu­to­ry insur­ance require­ments applic­a­ble to its oper­a­tion and to main­tain motor vehi­cle com­bined lim­it lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance, includ­ing unin­sured motorist cov­er­age, cov­er­ing each vehi­cle oper­at­ing at the air­port in the min­i­mum amounts required under State law. Any deductible or self-insur­ance reten­tion that applies to any insur­ance required here­un­der must be declared to and approved by the Dis­trict. The insur­ance pol­i­cy or poli­cies shall name the Dis­trict as addi­tion­al insured and shall be issued by a com­pa­ny that is duly autho­rized to trans­act the busi­ness of insur­ance in the State of Flori­da, that is of sound and ade­quate finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty and that is accept­able by the Dis­trict. Each such pol­i­cy shall pro­vide that such insur­ance will not be reduced or can­celled with­out at least thir­ty days pri­or writ­ten notice to the Dis­trict. The Dis­trict reserves the right to increase the lim­its of insur­ance here­in spec­i­fied from time to time, and the Com­pa­ny will apply all rea­son­able request of the Dis­trict with respect thereto.

50.20 Proof of Insurance

Pri­or to issuance of a per­mit, Com­pa­ny shall sub­mit to Dis­trict a cer­tifi­cate of insur­ance issued by insur­ance com­pa­ny or its autho­rized rep­re­sen­ta­tive in a form accept­able to the Dis­trict show­ing the amount and type of insur­ance then in effect that is required to be pro­cured and main­tained as described in Sec­tion 50.10 and stat­ing the date, num­ber and term of the poli­cies evi­denc­ing such insurance.

By apply­ing for and accept­ing a per­mit, each Per­mit­tee agrees to indem­ni­fy, hold harm­less and defend the Air­port from all claims aris­ing out of the Permittee’s activ­i­ties set forth in the Permit/​Concessions Agree­ment. Each Per­mit­tee shall obtain and main­tain con­tin­u­ous­ly in effect at all times dur­ing the term of the per­mit, at its sole expense, auto­mo­bile lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance cov­er­ing ground trans­porta­tion oper­a­tions at the Air­port. All auto­mo­bile lia­bil­i­ty insur­ance shall pro­vide not less than THREE HUN­DRED THOU­SAND ($300,000) dol­lars Com­bined Sin­gle Lim­it (CSL) bod­i­ly injury and prop­er­ty dam­age lia­bil­i­ty.. The Per­mit­tee shall fur­nish to the Air­port Cer­tifi­cates of Insur­ance con­firm­ing the required insur­ance is in force. The Cer­tifi­cates of Insur­ance shall con­tain endorse­ments by the insur­ers that the Air­port shall be giv­en not less than (30) days notice pri­or to can­cel­la­tion or change of cov­er­age. The Air­port shall be list­ed upon the Cer­tifi­cates of Insur­ance as addi­tion­al insured. The Cer­tifi­cates of Insur­ance shall be deliv­ered to and approved by the Air­port pri­or to the Permittee’s exer­cise of rights and priv­i­leges pro­vid­ed by the Per­mit Agreement.

Proof of insur­ance must be in the vehi­cle or each vehi­cle at all times.


60.10 Park­ing, Stag­ing and Loading

Dri­vers may oper­ate per­mit­ted vehi­cles on the Air­port entrance and exit road­ways as is nec­es­sary and inci­den­tal to their per­mit­ted Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties. Dri­vers of per­mit­ted vehi­cles may stage their vehic­u­lar oper­a­tions on the Air­port only in those loca­tions designed by the Air­port and indi­cat­ed by signs as described and dis­played on Exhib­it A. The Air­port reserves the right to change the des­ig­nat­ed loca­tion of all cat­e­gories of Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties as is nec­es­sary from time to time. Notice of such changes will be giv­en to all per­sons who hold per­mits for Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties. Com­pa­nies may not stage vehi­cles on Air­port prop­er­ty pri­or to 4:30 a.m. unless oth­er­wise approved by the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor or designee.

Vehi­cles shall not be left unat­tend­ed in des­ig­nat­ed load­ing spaces for Cour­tesy Shuttles.

Load­ing of pas­sen­gers out­side the active des­ig­nat­ed load­ing areas is pro­hib­it­ed unless oth­er­wise autho­rized. While uti­liz­ing the load­ing areas, dri­vers must ful­ly enter the load­ing slot and only load pas­sen­gers while stopped direct­ly adja­cent to the curb. Oper­a­tors of per­mit­ted vehi­cles shall not stop or park their vehi­cles on any cross­walk. Dri­vers must be phys­i­cal­ly at their vehi­cles (with­in 5 feet) and ready to accept pas­sen­gers dur­ing times of active flight operations.

Vehi­cles shall not be left unat­tend­ed at any time in the Taxi Stag­ing Area. Any dri­ver leav­ing the Taxi Stag­ing Area for any rea­son must go to the end of the line. There will be no excep­tions. In the event there is more than one employ­ee from a Com­pa­ny assigned to or asso­ci­at­ed with a sin­gle vehi­cle while that vehi­cle is in the Taxi Stag­ing Area, each employ­ee with that Com­pa­ny must stay with that vehi­cle at all times. A sin­gle dri­ver or employ­ee may not attend mul­ti­ple vehi­cles. If mul­ti­ple employ­ees from one Com­pa­ny leave a sin­gle dri­ver at the vehicle(s) while one or more employ­ees enter the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing, this and will be con­sid­ered pro­hib­it­ed solicitation.

In the event a dri­ver must leave a vehi­cle unat­tend­ed and enter the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing, the dri­ver will be allowed to park the vehi­cle in the Bus Park­ing Lot, locat­ed at the north­ern end of the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing, in the area marked in Exhib­it A.

Dri­vers are pro­hib­it­ed from sleep­ing in their vehi­cles on Air­port property.

Solic­i­ta­tion of pas­sen­gers is strict­ly pro­hib­it­ed at any place on the Airport.

Pas­sen­gers shall be picked up only at the loca­tions des­ig­nat­ed on Exhib­it A. (Unless oth­er­wise autho­rized by the Exec­u­tive Director).

No per­son shall park a vehi­cle while engag­ing in a Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty on the Air­port, except in accor­dance with the loca­tions des­ig­nat­ed on Exhib­it A; pro­vid­ed, how­ev­er, that cus­tomers may be allowed to dis­em­bark in oth­er appro­pri­ate locations.

60.20 Oblig­a­tion to Trans­port Passengers

Dri­vers of Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cles are pro­hib­it­ed from refus­ing trans­port to a per­son who requests ser­vice unless:

(a) The trans­port includes a child required by law to be in a child restraint seat and a child restraint seat is not available;

(b) The per­son is disorderly;

© The Dri­ver has rea­son to believe that the per­son is engaged in unlaw­ful con­duct; or

(d) The Dri­ver is in fear of his or her per­son­al safety.

In the event of a refusal to trans­port a per­son for any of the above rea­sons, a Dri­ver shall call Air­port Police imme­di­ate­ly, and Dri­ver shall make a report at the time of the occur­rence. If a pas­sen­ger is refused trans­porta­tion for any oth­er rea­son, the Dri­ver and the Driver’s com­pa­ny shall be sub­ject to penal­ties as pro­vid­ed in Sec­tion 110.00, Vio­la­tions. If the refused per­son is trans­port­ed by anoth­er reg­u­lat­ed vehi­cle, the Dri­ver must obtain the name, address and phone num­ber of the per­son and is oblig­at­ed to report the inci­dent to the Airport.

60.30 Use of Airport

Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall not deposit trash, debris or oth­er waste mate­r­i­al except in an autho­rized trash recep­ta­cle. Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall not use any Air­port facil­i­ties or prop­er­ty in a man­ner oth­er than that for which it is intended.

60.40 Knowl­edge and Skill

Com­pa­nies and Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel must be knowl­edge­able of District’s CGTRR, city geog­ra­phy includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, city land­marks, streets and address­es, map usage, and pub­lic rela­tions and com­mu­ni­ca­tions skills. Com­pa­nies are respon­si­ble to keep Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel informed on all infor­ma­tion­al notices, mate­ri­als or direc­tives received from the Air­port. Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel must be able to clear­ly com­mu­ni­cate and thor­ough­ly under­stand the Eng­lish lan­guage. Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall be

cour­te­ous in deal­ing with the pub­lic and pas­sen­gers and shall con­form to all laws and these CGTRR while a Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle is in his or her custody.

Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel must attend and suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete a Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Train­ing Pro­gram accept­able by the Air­port with­in six months of being per­mit­ted to oper­ate at the Air­port and peri­od­i­cal­ly there­after in accor­dance with stan­dards accept­able to the Airport.

60.50 Breach of Peace; Crim­i­nal Activ­i­ty; Etc.

Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall not engage in rude or bois­ter­ous behav­ior, or con­ver­sa­tion, pro­fan­i­ty or fight­ing or any activ­i­ty which con­sti­tutes a breach of the peace. These per­sons shall not harass prospec­tive cus­tomers, nor shall they pro­vide mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing oth­er Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty ser­vices. Dri­vers shall not solic­it, or engage in, any activ­i­ties on the Air­port which are con­trary to the CGTRR or which con­sti­tute a crim­i­nal activ­i­ty. Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall not be under the influ­ence of alco­hol, drugs or any oth­er con­trolled sub­stance while engag­ing in Ground Trans­porta­tion Activities.

60.60 Vehi­cle Main­te­nance on Air­port Property

Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel oper­at­ing a vehi­cle shall not per­form, or attempt to per­form on Air­port prop­er­ty, main­te­nance includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, car wash­ing, oil change, or ser­vic­ing or repair on any vehicle(s), except such activ­i­ty min­i­mal­ly nec­es­sary for removal of an inop­er­a­tive vehi­cle from the Air­port premises.

60.70 Dri­ver Attire

Every Dri­ver shall be hygien­i­cal­ly clean, well groomed, neat and suit­ably dressed while engag­ing in Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ties. Each Dri­ver engag­ing in a Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty shall com­ply with the fol­low­ing cloth­ing requirements:

(a) Driver’s hair shall be clean and neat­ly trimmed. If a beard or mous­tache is worn, it shall be well groomed and neat­ly trimmed at all times in order not to present a ragged appearance.

(b) The term suit­ably dressed” shall mean the dri­ver shall wear a dress, skirt, trousers, slacks, jeans with no holes, shorts, a shirt or blouse with a col­lar (with or with­out a tie), shoes, and, if desired, appro­pri­ate out­er garments.

© Cloth­ing that is con­sid­ered inap­pro­pri­ate and is not per­mit­ted when the Dri­ver, male or female, is in charge of a vehi­cle for hire includes, when not cov­ered by gar­ments described in the para­graphs above: t‑shirts, under­wear, tank tops, body shirts, swimwear, jog­ging suits, low cut pants, swim trunks or sim­i­lar types of attire. Torn, stained or fad­ed cloth­ing is con­sid­ered inappropriate.

(d) Shorts shall be clean and have a fin­ished hem. Cut-offs are con­sid­ered inap­pro­pri­ate. Shirts with col­lars, socks and shoes or sneak­ers are required.

60.80 Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel or Pre-Arranged Rides

Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel may only meet groups for which they or their Com­pa­ny are under a bind­ing con­tract to meet. Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel who are in the Ter­mi­nal to greet indi­vid­u­als or groups must dis­play a com­pa­ny badge with their name and shall con­duct their busi­ness at the meet/​greet areas des­ig­nat­ed by the Air­port; or as autho­rized by the Air­port. Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel may uti­lize a sign, the size not to exceed 18×24 inch­es, to dis­play the name of the com­pa­ny, group or passenger(s) they are con­tract­ed to meet. If Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel are con­tract­ed to pick up six or few­er pas­sen­gers, the signs used to meet the pre­arranged passengers(s) shall have the pas­sen­ger name or names on them; signs with only a com­pa­ny name will not be permitted.

In order to con­duct meet/​greet busi­ness at the Air­port Ter­mi­nal, Pre-Arranged Con­tract only Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel must reg­is­ter with the Air­port Police Depart­ment or sign in at the secu­ri­ty exit lane area. Ground Trans­porta­tion Com­pa­nies shall not con­duct busi­ness that is not cov­ered in their con­tract with the Airport.

Solic­i­ta­tion of pas­sen­gers by Meet/​Greet Per­son­nel or ground trans­porta­tion oper­a­tor is strict­ly prohibited.

60.90 Ground Trans­porta­tion Companies

Only those who have been approved by the Air­port are eli­gi­ble to be Ground Trans­porta­tion ser­vice providers on the Air­port for arriv­ing pas­sen­gers. Ground Trans­porta­tion com­pa­nies shall exe­cute an Oper­at­ing Agree­ment in the form approved by the Board of the Dis­trict. Addi­tion­al stan­dards and require­ments for ground trans­porta­tion ser­vice are set forth in the Oper­at­ing Agree­ment and Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules & Regulations.

60.100 Off-Air­port Park­ing Operators

Off-Air­port Park­ing Oper­a­tors shall exe­cute an Oper­at­ing Agree­ment in the form approved by the Board of the Dis­trict. Off-Air­port Park­ing Oper­a­tors shall pick up and drop off pas­sen­gers only in des­ig­nat­ed areas.

60.110 Off-Air­port Rental Car Companies

Off-Air­port Rental Car Com­pa­nies shall exe­cute an Oper­at­ing Agree­ment in the form approved by the Board of the Dis­trict. Off-Air­port Rental Car Com­pa­nies shall pick up and drop off pas­sen­gers only in des­ig­nat­ed areas.

60.120 Smok­ing Policy

No smok­ing is per­mit­ted in the Taxi Load­ing Area in front of the Ter­mi­nal Build­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, all Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cles autho­rized to oper­ate at the Air­port shall be smoke free”.

60.130 Ground Trans­porta­tion – License Inspec­tion and Reporting

Every com­pa­ny engaged in Ground Trans­porta­tion activ­i­ties with the Dis­trict is required to pro­vide a copy of the Flori­da Dri­vers License of each dri­ver employed with their com­pa­ny. Dri­vers must pro­duce a valid license dur­ing the badg­ing process and is sub­ject to inspec­tion at any­time while on Air­port Property.


A vehi­cle used in Ground Trans­porta­tion shall not be dri­ven on the Air­port unless it is in safe oper­at­ing con­di­tion and in good repair. This require­ment shall include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, the following:

(a) Inside and out­side light­ing equip­ment shall be in work­ing order as per Flori­da Statute.

(b) There shall be no cracked or bro­ken wind­shield, win­dows or mirrors.

© The exhaust sys­tem shall be in good work­ing order.

(d) The paint, body, grill, bumper and oth­er exte­ri­or fea­tures shall not be bent or dam­aged oth­er than with minor dents and scratch­es and should not detract from the over­all sat­is­fac­to­ry appear­ance of the vehicle.

(e) The vehi­cle shall be main­tained in a clean and san­i­tary con­di­tion on the inte­ri­or and exterior.

(f) All Ground Trans­porta­tion Activ­i­ty Vehi­cles oper­at­ed on the Air­port by a sin­gle Com­pa­ny (regard­less of who is dri­ving them) shall have exte­ri­or paint that is free of sig­nif­i­cant chip­ping, fad­ing, scratch­es and oxi­da­tion. In addi­tion, all Taxi­cabs oper­at­ed by a sin­gle Com­pa­ny shall have a uni­form col­or scheme, which shall be uni­form and iden­ti­cal in col­or, no lat­er than thir­ty (30) days from the date the Com­pa­ny receives a per­mit to con­duct busi­ness on the Air­port. Vehi­cles oper­at­ing exclu­sive­ly under the Pre-Arranged Con­tracts are exempt from the col­or scheme requirement.

(g) The inte­ri­ors shall be in good and clean con­di­tion, with ful­ly uphol­stered or cov­ered seats that are free of rips, tears and stains.

(h) The vehi­cle shall have prop­er­ly installed and main­tained heat­ing and air con­di­tion­ing sys­tems ade­quate to pro­vide suf­fi­cient pas­sen­ger comfort.

(i) No part of any vehi­cle, or acces­so­ry there­to (includ­ing the wheel cov­ers), shall be inop­er­a­ble, bro­ken, miss­ing, bent or dent­ed out of shape, or vis­i­bly cracked or

dam­aged or oth­er­wise detract from the over­all sat­is­fac­to­ry con­di­tion of the vehi­cle appearance.

(j) Each com­mer­cial­ly licensed vehi­cle shall be equipped with a UL-rat­ed fire extin­guish­er and a First Aid Kit.

(k) Vehi­cles must accept cred­it cards from pas­sen­gers for pay­ment of fares, at no addi­tion­al cost to the pas­sen­ger (for exam­ple, VISA, Mas­ter­Card, Amer­i­can Express). Vehi­cles must dis­play notice of each cred­it card accept­ed for pay­ment in a read­i­ly vis­i­ble man­ner on the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or of the vehicle.

(l) All oper­a­tors must accept ECP Air­line issued vouch­ers for ground transportation.

(m) Vehi­cles must main­tain full com­pli­ance with all applic­a­ble local, state and fed­er­al laws and regulations.


A vehi­cle used in Ground Trans­porta­tion shall not be dri­ven on the Air­port unless it is in safe oper­at­ing con­di­tion and in good repair. This require­ment shall include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, the following:

(a) Com­pa­ny shall inspect the clean­li­ness of each vehi­cle at the begin­ning of each day of ser­vice and assure such vehi­cle is free from dirt, trash and debris.

(b) The exte­ri­or of each vehi­cle in ser­vice shall be kept clean from road dust, mud and grime and shall be washed at least once each day (24 hours) of service.

© The inte­ri­or of each vehi­cle in ser­vice shall be swept/​vacuumed pri­or to begin­ning dai­ly service.

(d) Every vehi­cle shall be struc­tural­ly sound and main­tained as to pro­vide for the safe­ty of the pub­lic in accor­dance with Flori­da Statutes.

(e) Wheel cov­ers shall be mount­ed on all wheels at all times.

(f) Vehi­cles shall be oper­at­ed and main­tained in com­pli­ance with all applic­a­ble laws, rules and reg­u­la­tions. All vehi­cles shall be and remain in com­pli­ance with all applic­a­ble safe­ty stan­dards upon com­mence­ment of oper­a­tions on the Airport.

(g) Com­pa­nies shall have a vehi­cle main­te­nance pro­gram which is in accor­dance with the vehi­cle manufacturer’s war­ran­ty spec­i­fi­ca­tions. This pro­gram shall describe the main­te­nance facil­i­ty, equip­ment, num­ber of per­son­nel, sched­ule of main­te­nance and main­te­nance record-keeping.

(h) The vehi­cle must be inspect­ed by the Air­port Police in order to receive a permit.


Com­pa­ny shall per­mit the Air­port to inspect its per­mit­ted vehi­cles and relat­ed busi­ness records for pur­pos­es of mon­i­tor­ing com­pli­ance with these CGTRR and/​or with any inspec­tion pro­ce­dures imple­ment­ed by the Airport.

Com­pa­nies shall make vehi­cles avail­able for inspec­tion as request­ed by the Air­port at the loca­tion designed by the Air­port. Such inspec­tions will be made to deter­mine iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of vehi­cles as list­ed with the Air­port and com­pli­ance with all applic­a­ble vehi­cle stan­dards and safe­ty require­ments. The Air­port will have the right to inspect the Company’s books and facil­i­ties dur­ing reg­u­lar busi­ness hours to audit for com­pli­ance with the CGTRR.

The Air­port may inspect any vehi­cle at any time and if the inspec­tion reveals that any vehi­cle is not in good repair or oper­at­ing con­di­tion as pro­vid­ed above, the vehi­cle shall be tak­en out of ser­vice until reme­di­al repairs and cor­rec­tions have been made. Com­pa­ny, at the time the vehi­cle is tak­en out of ser­vice, shall advise the Air­port when the vehi­cle will be ready to resume ser­vice. Com­pa­ny may resume oper­a­tions after the vehi­cle has been re-inspect­ed and approved by the Air­port Police Depart­ment. In no case shall the vehi­cle be per­mit­ted to resume its oper­a­tions until the vehi­cle has been re-inspect­ed by the Air­port Police Depart­ment after the repairs and cor­rec­tions have been made. If a Com­pa­ny fails to make avail­able a vehi­cle for inspec­tion, the vehi­cle shall not be con­sid­ered in com­pli­ance with these CGTRR, and the vehi­cle shall be removed from ser­vice until it is inspect­ed and brought into compliance.


Upon enter­ing into a sep­a­rate oper­at­ing agree­ment with the Dis­trict, a Trans­porta­tion Net­work Com­pa­ny (TNC) and its oper­a­tions shall be gov­erned by that oper­at­ing agree­ment and not be sub­ject to pro­vi­sions con­tained with­in these Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and Reg­u­la­tions. Until such time that the Dis­trict and a TNC have entered into an oper­at­ing agree­ment, the TNC and any vehi­cles oper­at­ing under TNC tech­nol­o­gy must com­ply with these Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules and such vehi­cles shall be con­sid­ered Con­ven­tion and Tour Bus­es, Cour­tesy Shut­tles, Cus­tomer Shut­tles, Lim­ou­sines, or Taxi­cabs. In the event that only a por­tion of a business’s oper­a­tions qual­i­fy as TNC oper­a­tions, the remain­der of that business’s oper­a­tions must com­ply with these Com­mer­cial Ground Trans­porta­tion Rules even if the busi­ness has entered into a TNC oper­at­ing agreement.


Com­pa­nies and all Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel shall be in com­pli­ance with all applic­a­ble Fed­er­al, State and local laws, statutes, ordi­nances, rules and reg­u­la­tions includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, all Motor Car­ri­er Safe­ty Reg­u­la­tions. Com­pa­nies shall oper­ate in com­pli­ance with the CGTRR, as they may be amend­ed from time to time. Fail­ure to com­ply shall con­sti­tute grounds for sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion of per­mits and/​or badges and impo­si­tion of penal­ties as pro­vid­ed herein.


110.00 Vio­la­tion and Penalty

The Air­port shall have the right to enforce these CGTRR and to impose penal­ties on any Com­pa­ny or Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel for vio­la­tion of any of these CGTRR.

The penal­ties for vio­la­tions are set forth on Exhib­it B attached here­to. A vio­la­tion by a Company’s Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel or by any­one using a Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle with such Company’s per­mis­sion shall be deemed a vio­la­tion by the Company.

A dri­ve or com­pa­ny whose per­mit has been revoked shall not receive rebate, cred­it or com­pen­sa­tion for loss of revenue.

A Com­pa­ny is respon­si­ble for all actions of its per­son­nel and for dis­cour­ag­ing, pre­vent­ing or cor­rect­ing vio­la­tions of all of its per­son­nel. A Com­pa­ny that knows or has rea­son to sus­pect any of its per­son­nel has failed to com­ply with the CGTRR or laws, shall not allow such per­son to con­duct busi­ness at the Air­port or to oper­ate a Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cle until the vio­la­tion is corrected.

110.20 Cumu­la­tive Vio­la­tions by a Sin­gle Company

Penal­ties for vio­la­tions shall be cumu­la­tive as to all vio­la­tions attrib­ut­able to a Com­pa­ny and its Ground Trans­porta­tion Vehi­cles and Personnel.

For exam­ple, if a Com­pa­ny holds five per­mits autho­riz­ing five dif­fer­ent vehi­cles to be oper­at­ed under its name by Dri­vers at the Air­port, then any two vio­la­tions in the same cat­e­go­ry attrib­ut­able to the Com­pa­ny through any of its per­mits, whether asso­ci­at­ed with the same dri­ver and vehi­cle or not, shall result in the penal­ty for a sec­ond offense for the same cat­e­go­ry as set forth on Exhib­it B attached hereto.

If the penal­ty is sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion and the violation(s) result­ing in the penal­ty involved more than one dri­ver or vehi­cle, the permit(s) to be sus­pend­ed or revoked shall be one of the permit(s) asso­ci­at­ed with the vio­la­tions. The Com­pa­ny shall have the right and option to select which of such per­mits will be sus­pend­ed or revoked if such selec­tion is com­mu­ni­cat­ed in writ­ing to the Air­port with­in two days after notice of the most recent vio­la­tion; oth­er­wise the Air­port will

make the selec­tion. The per­mit select­ed shall be sur­ren­dered to the Air­port imme­di­ate­ly after the Com­pa­ny has been giv­en notice of the selec­tion or imme­di­ate­ly after it has made the selec­tion, whichev­er the case may be. When assess­ing cumu­la­tive penal­ties each vio­la­tion will remain on the dri­vers per­mit his­to­ry for a peri­od of two years.

110.30 Notice

If the Air­port deter­mines that Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel or a Com­pa­ny has failed to com­ply with these CGTRR, Com­pa­ny will be giv­en writ­ten notice of warn­ing, sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion deliv­ered to Company’s offi­cial address (phys­i­cal, in per­son or elec­tron­ic) on file with the Air­port. The notice shall include: a descrip­tion of the vio­la­tion, date the sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion begins, dura­tion of the sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion, and a state­ment inform­ing Com­pa­ny of rights to a hear­ing, if any.

110.40 Effec­tive Date

Warn­ings and sus­pen­sions shall be effec­tive on the day the notice there­of is sent. Revo­ca­tions shall be effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly. Sus­pend­ed and revoked per­mits shall be sur­ren­dered imme­di­ate­ly to the Air­port Police Department.

110.50 Appeal

Com­pa­ny may request a hear­ing with the Dis­trict by sub­mit­ting a writ­ten request to the Air­port Police Depart­ment with­in five busi­ness days after the date of notice. A hear­ing shall be set for a date not more than ten busi­ness days after such request is received and Com­pa­ny shall be giv­en at least three busi­ness days’ notice of the time and place for the hear­ing. In the event a hear­ing date may not be estab­lished with­in the 10 days, an exten­sion may be grant­ed, if agreed upon by both par­ties. At the hear­ing, Com­pa­ny shall have the right to present evi­dence on its behalf but shall be lim­it­ed to no more than 15 min­utes to present its case. The hear­ing shall be informal.

The rules of evi­dence shall not apply. The Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, may affirm, reverse or mod­i­fy the sus­pen­sion and/​or revo­ca­tion. The deci­sion of the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor shall be final and will be sent in writ­ing to the indi­vid­ual and/​or Company.

110.60 Oth­er Action

Enforce­ment here­un­der will be sep­a­rate and apart from, and in addi­tion to, any action that may be tak­en by law enforce­ment offi­cials for statu­to­ry vio­la­tions, action tak­en by the Dis­trict against a vio­la­tor who does not hold a per­mit or does not work for a Com­pa­ny hold­ing a per­mit, and action tak­en by the Dis­trict against any Ground Trans­porta­tion Per­son­nel who was involved in the con­duct con­sti­tut­ing the vio­la­tions. It shall also be in addi­tion to the reme­dies of the Dis­trict under any Oper­at­ing Agreement.


120.10 Vari­ance of Waiver

The Air­port may grant rea­son­able vari­ances or adjust­ments from any CGTRR imposed here­in. The grant­i­ng of a vari­ance shall not oper­ate to waive any of the CGTRR here­in for any pur­pose except as to the par­tic­u­lar pro­vi­sion cov­ered by the vari­ance, and only for so long as the spe­cial cir­cum­stances war­rant­i­ng the vari­ance exist. The waiv­er of or fail­ure to enforce any breach or vio­la­tion of any rule or reg­u­la­tion shall not be deemed to be a waiv­er or aban­don­ment of the rule or reg­u­la­tion or a waiv­er of the right to enforce any sub­se­quent breach or vio­la­tion of such CGTRR.

120.20 Imple­men­ta­tion

The Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Air­port may autho­rize and direct infor­ma­tion­al and direc­tion­al signs be pre­pared and installed in appro­pri­ate loca­tions, adopt instruc­tions and pro­ce­dures to be dis­trib­uted by the Air­port Police Depart­ment which are con­sis­tent with and sup­ple­men­tary to these CGTRR; and take all oth­er steps rea­son­ably required in order to imple­ment these CGTRR.

120.30 Sev­er­abil­i­ty

If any pro­vi­sion of these CGTRR or the appli­ca­tion there­of to any per­son, enti­ty or cir­cum­stance is held invalid, the inva­lid­i­ty shall not affect any oth­er pro­vi­sions or appli­ca­tions of the CGTRR which can be giv­en effect with­out the invalid provision.

120.40 Notices

All notices required to be giv­en or sent here­un­der shall be deemed sent when post­ed to a phys­i­cal address or elec­tron­ic address to the Com­pa­ny at the last address on file or when per­son­al­ly delivered.

120.50 Con­ces­sion Agreements

An Oper­at­ing Agree­ment will be entered into between the ground trans­porta­tion com­pa­ny and the Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict. After this agree­ment is exe­cut­ed com­pa­ny may pro­ceed with vehi­cle per­mit­ting and dri­ver badg­ing process.

There are two types of agree­ments avail­able; Queue Con­tract and Pre-Arranged Con­tract. The Queue Con­tract allows vehi­cles to wait in the queue for any avail­able pas­sen­gers and to make Pre-Arranged pas­sen­ger pick up. This agree­ment requires a month­ly fee of $225. The Pre- Arranged only allows for pre-arranged pick­ups to be made. This agree­ment requires a $10 per pick­up fee.

120.60 Lost and Found Prop­er­ty Left in Vehicle

Any prop­er­ty left in a vehi­cle by a pas­sen­ger will be imme­di­ate­ly turned into the Air­port Police Department.






- Fail­ure to dis­play iden­ti­fi­ca­tion badge/​name tag, per­mit or rates

- Smok­ing in unau­tho­rized area

- Dress code

- Fail­ure to main­tain inspec­tion standards

- Improp­er sig­nage on vehi­cle (could lead to revo­ca­tion of permit)

- Sleep­ing on Air­port Property

- Unat­tend­ed Vehi­cle or not with­in 5 feet dur­ing operations

- Fail­ure to update per­mit infor­ma­tion with­in five busi­ness days

- On site pri­or to per­mit­ted time

- Lit­ter­ing

- Oth­er vio­la­tions of CGTRR not list­ed here, but of a sim­i­lar nature or mag­ni­tude to those listed


First offense: Air­port Vio­la­tion Notice (Writ­ten Warn­ing) Sec­ond offense: One day suspension

Third offense: One 3 days suspension


- Mov­ing traf­fic violations

- Non-mov­ing traf­fic violations

- Ver­bal Alter­ca­tions among dri­vers regard­less of fault (non-crim­i­nal)

- Over­charg­ing

- Solic­i­ta­tion of passengers

- Pick­ing up or drop­ping off pas­sen­ger in unau­tho­rized areas

- Fail­ure to com­ply with meet and greet procedures

- Oth­er vio­la­tions of CGTRR not list­ed here, but of a sim­i­lar nature or mag­ni­tude to those listed


First offense: Three day sus­pen­sion Sec­ond offense: One week sus­pen­sion Third offense: One month suspension


- Vio­la­tions of Flori­da State Statutes defined as a mis­de­meanor may result in a 3‑day sus­pen­sion pend­ing review by Air­port Police in coor­di­na­tion with Air­port Administration.

- Oper­at­ing a vehi­cle with an invalid per­mit or badge (busi­ness may also incur penalty)

- Ver­bal alter­ca­tion with passenger

- Refusal to trans­port a passenger

- Fail­ure to accept cred­it cards

- Dis­or­der­ly Conduct

- Fail­ure to obey a law­ful order/​Obstruction

- Oth­er vio­la­tions of CGTRR not list­ed here, but of a sim­i­lar nature or mag­ni­tude to those listed


First offense: Sus­pen­sion of per­mit (rec­om­men­da­tion of two weeks) Sec­ond offense: Sus­pen­sion of per­mit (rec­om­men­da­tion of thir­ty days) Third offense: Sus­pen­sion of per­mit (rec­om­men­da­tion of six months)

CAT­E­GO­RY 4 VIO­LA­TIONS: (exam­ples) Penal­ties that may result in sus­pen­sion and revocations.

- Flori­da State Statute Vio­la­tions defined as felonies may result in imme­di­ate sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion of permits.

- Insur­ance or reg­is­tra­tion non-com­pli­ance may result in sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion until the issue is resolved.

- Non-com­pli­ance with Con­ces­sions Agreement/​Contract may result in sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion until the issue is resolved.

- Oth­er vio­la­tions of CGTRR not list­ed here, but of a sim­i­lar nature or mag­ni­tude to those list­ed may result in sus­pen­sion or revo­ca­tion until the issue is resolved.

Change in Oper­a­tions: Any changes in the infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted in the appli­ca­tion process must be sub­mit­ted to the Air­port and approved pri­or to imple­men­ta­tion. Fail­ure to do so will sub­ject the Per­mit­tee to revo­ca­tion of decals and or Per­mit Agreement.

Ter­mi­na­tion of Rights Grant­ed: The Air­port has the right to ter­mi­nate the Per­mit Agreement/​Concessions Agree­ment imme­di­ate­ly with or with­out notice for fail­ure to com­ply with the Rules & Reg­u­la­tions estab­lished by the Air­port, or upon fail­ure to com­ply with the terms and con­di­tions of the Per­mit Agreement.

Note: In addi­tion to penal­ties not­ed here­in, the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor or designee retains the right to sus­pend or ter­mi­nate per­mits and or badges for vio­la­tions as deemed detri­men­tal to the wel­fare of the airport.

When assess­ing cumu­la­tive penal­ties each vio­la­tion will remain on the dri­vers per­mit his­to­ry for a peri­od of two years.

In addi­tion to penal­ties not­ed here­in, the Air­port retains the right to ter­mi­nate the per­mit or badge in accor­dance with default pro­vi­sions set forth in the Per­mit Agree­ment, as well as deny­ing access to air­port prop­er­ties for those indi­vid­u­als in vio­la­tion of these CGTRR and Air­port Rules and Regulations.




Varies Driver’s Appli­ca­tion and Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Badge. One badge per year will be issued at no charge. Should a driver’s sta­tus change requir­ing a new badge with­in a giv­en year, a badge fee of $25.00 may be charged.

$50.00 Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Badge Replace­ment Fee

Fin­ger­prints Actu­al Cost at the appli­cants expense (on-line is cur­rent­ly $24.00)

Crim­i­nal His­to­ry checks can be obtained on line from the Flori­da Depart­ment of Law Enforce­ment at: https://​web​.fdle​.state​.fl​.us/s… Pay­ment needs to be paid at this FDLE web­site and the rate is cur­rent­ly $24.00. The dri­ver will need to bring the results to the Air­port Police Depart­ment to com­plete the appli­ca­tion process.

Drug Screen will be obtained at the applicant’s expense.

In the event your Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Badge is lost, stolen or destroyed, it must be report­ed imme­di­ate­ly to the Air­port Police Depart­ment at (850) 7696033.

Pay­ment for applic­a­ble Appli­ca­tion fees, Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Badge issuance and/​or re-issuance may be made in the form of cash, cred­it cards or checks. Checks must be made payable to the Pana­ma City – Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al District.


None Vehi­cle Appli­ca­tion and Permit

Vehi­cle Per­mits must be replaced annu­al­ly on the anniver­sary date of the Application.

Pay­ment for Vehi­cle Per­mits may be made in the form of cash, cred­it cards or checks. Checks must be made payable to Pana­ma City Airport.

**If a per­mit­ted vehi­cle is removed from ser­vice, the Air­port Police Depart­ment must be noti­fied with­in ten days of removal**


Copies of the hand­book and/​or rules can be obtained on the Air­ports web­site at:

http://​www​.ifly​beach​es​.com/​u​p​l​o​a​d​s​/​d​o​c​s​/​G​r​o​u​n​d​_​T​r​a​n​s​p​o​r​t​a​t​i​o​n​_​R​u​l​e​s​_​a​n​d​_​R​e​g​u​l​a​t​i​o​n​s​_Fina l_030113.pdf

and at:
