Fact Sheet


The North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (ECP) offi­cial­ly opened on May 23, 2010 as the first inter­na­tion­al air­port built in the Unit­ed States post-Sep­tem­ber 11. ECP is locat­ed in Bay Coun­ty on 4,000 acres, with a large amount of real estate sur­round­ing the air­port avail­able for com­mer­cial devel­op­ment. The Air­port is owned and oper­at­ed by Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict. The Airport’s ter­mi­nal is 125,000 square feet with sev­en gates. The run­way is 10,000 feet long and 150 feet wide. The Airport’s ele­va­tion is 69 feet/​21 meters above sea lev­el. The air­port offers free Wi-Fi for passengers.


6300 West Bay Parkway

Pana­ma City, FL 32409

Pas­sen­ger Airlines

  • Delta Air­lines
  • Unit­ed Airlines
  • South­west Airlines

Non-Stop Des­ti­na­tions Served

  • Atlanta, GA (ATL)
  • Austin, TX (AUS)
  • Bal­ti­more, MD (BWI)
  • Chica­go, IL (ORD)
  • Dal­las, TX (DFW)
  • Hous­ton, TX (HOU) and (IAH)
  • Nashville, TN (BNA)
  • St. Louis, MO (STL)

Gen­er­al Aviation

North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Airport’s gen­er­al avi­a­tion ser­vices are pro­vid­ed by Sheltair Avi­a­tion. As our exclu­sive Fixed Base Oper­a­tor (FBO), Sheltair

offers pilots and cor­po­rate exec­u­tives com­plete FBO ser­vices includ­ing hangar and office space and Ram­p/tie-down options.


Din­ing options remain open around all flight sched­ules. Menu options include burg­ers, sand­wich­es, sal­ads, bev­er­ages and more. For more infor­ma­tion, contact

(850)2345798. The Dive In Restau­rant is locat­ed on Lev­el 1 near the entrance to the Air­port. The Surf’s Up Bar & Grill and Gray­ton Beer Land­ing Strip are locat­ed in the Con­course on Lev­el 2.


Gift shops are locat­ed on Lev­el 1 and Lev­el 2 and offer news­pa­pers, gifts, and con­ve­nience items. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact (850)2331771.

On-Site Park­ing

There are cur­rent­ly 2,000 spaces in the airport’s con­ve­nient cov­ered, long-term and short-term park­ing facil­i­ties. The park­ing facil­i­ty is patrolled 24-hours a day by the Air­port Police Depart­ment. All park­ing facil­i­ties accept cash, check, Visa, Mas­ter­Card, Dis­cov­er and Amer­i­can Express. Curb­side park­ing at the ter­mi­nal is lim­it­ed to load­ing and unload­ing only. For inquiries, con­tact Repub­lic Park­ing at (850)6368971.

Stan­dard Park­ing Rates* 

  • First 20 min­utes are free, after that: 
  • $1 for 20 minutes 
  • $2 for 40 minutes 
  • $3 per hour 

Max­i­mum Dai­ly Cost* 

  • $9 for long-term lot 
  • $11 for short-term lot 
  • $13 for cov­ered parking 

*Rates do not include sales tax

Park­ing Rewards

The ECP Trav­el­er Rewards Pro­gram enables air­port pas­sen­gers to earn 1 air­line mile per dol­lar spent when park­ing at ECP. Reg­is­ter any cred­it or deb­it card at http://​www​.thanksagain​.com/ECP or on your mobile phone by tex­ting FLY­ECP” to 82257


A vari­ety of ground trans­porta­tion is avail­able at the airport:

  1. Sev­en rental car com­pa­nies oper­ate at the air­port: Alamo, Avis, Bud­get, Enter­prise, Hertz, Nation­al, and Thrifty.
  2. Taxi, shut­tles and limo ser­vices as well as pre­mi­um trans­porta­tion from Sun­shine Shut­tle & Limousine.
  3. Trans­porta­tion Net­work Com­pa­nies: Uber & Lyft.
  4. Area hotel shut­tle services.

Mil­i­tary Wel­come Center

The Mil­i­tary Wel­come Cen­ter at North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port offers a qui­et place for active duty, retired mil­i­tary per­son­nel and Depart­ment of Defense employ­ees to relax while wait­ing for a flight or a ride home. Open dai­ly from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., the Cen­ter offers snacks, drinks, tele­vi­sion, inter­net access, Wi-Fi, postage stamps, mail­ing ser­vices, and a children’s play area.


North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port employs approx­i­mate­ly 300 air­line, ground trans­porta­tion, con­ces­sion­aire, secu­ri­ty, air­port ten­ant, and air­port admin­is­tra­tion employees.