The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., August 25, 2021 by Chair Glen McDonald.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Holly Melzer.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair McDonald.
The Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated all the Board members were present in person with the exception of Mr. James Johnson and Mr. Jason Cutshaw.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair McDonald asked if there were any Items on the Agenda, including the Consent Agenda, that any Board member would like to move, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Parker McClellan presented the Activity Reports. Mr. McClellan reported the passenger count for July 2021 once again exceeded all other previous months and years.
Mrs. Darlene Gordon presented the Financial Reports.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – July 28, 2021
This Item provided for Board approval of the July 28, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes.
- Approve Consent to Assignment of James Lee, Sr. Land Lease to Continental Pacific
This item provided for Board approval of the assignment of the James T. Lee, Sr. Land Lease Agreement between James T. Lee and the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District (District) to Continental Pacific, LLC.
Staff was recently contacted by James Lee, and informed he had sold his hangar, located at 5231 Johnny Reaver Road #A‑3, to Continental Pacific, LLC, and requested consent and approval from the District to assign the lease to Continental Pacific, LLC.
Under the current Lease Agreement between James Lee and the District, Mr. Lee cannot assign or otherwise transfer rights and obligations under the lease without the prior written consent from the District.
The approval of this lease assignment will have no impact on the FY21 Airport Operating & Capital Budget. Staff recommended that the Board approve the lease assignment from James T. Lee to Continental Pacific, LLC.
- Approve Exception to Purchasing Policy for Airport Wi-Fi Access Points
This item provided for the Board’s approval of deviation from established Purchasing Policy requiring three (3) written quotes for Wi-Fi Access Point Acquisition and Installation.
As a major service component of the Airport’s Information Technology System several wireless access points are located in the Terminal Building to provide a full-coverage, Wi-Fi, web for use by all tenant and public users of the Terminal.
Airport users are using wireless technologies to enhance service. Airline tenants are using Wi-Fi to process flights via wireless, handheld, boarding document scanners. Passengers are increasingly accessing, and storing, boarding passes on mobile devices. This significant increase in demand for wireless service has severely tasked the Airport’s Wi-Fi capabilities. On numerous occasions to the point of overloading the system causing denied Wi-Fi access and/or extremely slow service.
Recent testing and inspection of the Airport Wi-Fi system revealed the need to upgrade both speed and access point hardware in order to accommodate the significantly increased demand. It was determined that immediate action was required to eliminate the technology slowdown as quickly as possible, so as not to impact passenger and airline operations.
In deviation to the Airport’s Purchasing Policy, Staff obtained a single quote for Access Point upgrade and replacement from the current Wi-Fi support contractor and authorized the provider to perform the required work to ensure Wi-Fi availability.
The overall cost of this effort was $8,968 and was purchased within current FY21 fiscal parameters.
- Extension of Contract for Clear Channel Airports Advertising
This item provided information to the Board for extending the Airport Advertising Concession Agreement with Clear Channel Airports (Clear Channel).
In June 2005, the Board awarded the Advertising Concession to Interspace Airport Advertising, now Clear Channel Airports, and an agreement between the District and Clear Channel was executed. The original Agreement also allows for one or more additional five-year extensions with the mutual agreement of the parties
In June 2009, before the relocation of the Airport, the Board agreed that Clear Channel had met or exceeded all of the standards, and an extension of the term was granted through September 2015.
In September 2015, and additional 5‑year extension was granted based on the several improvements and additions to the contract and advertising program. These improvements and contract modifications have proven to be successful and improved our ability to deliver messaging as you leave the main doors in the Terminal.
With the reduction in passengers and the unknown future demand, it was mutually determined at the August 2020 Board Meeting that a one-year extension under the same terms and conditions with a September 30, 2021 end date would be the best approach to ensure the continued success of our Terminal Airport Advertising Program. The recent COVID-19 Pandemic had a significant impact on the advertising business and our industry.
As Staff was developing the new RFP, it was determined the amount of time allocated to develop a good response by proposers was not adequate, and as a result Staff is requesting a 90-day extension of the existing contract.
Clear Channel Airports was contacted to see if this was a viable option and Clear Channel advised that a 90-day extension would be acceptable. It will have no fiscal impact, and Staff recommended that the Board extend the advertising concession with Clear Channel Airports for a 90-day period ending no later than December 31, 2021.
- Accept Staff Recommendation on Republic Parking Bonus
This item provided for Board approval of an incentive bonus for Republic Parking for the period from June 2020 through May 2021.
The Republic Parking Management Contract provides for a bonus of up to 100% of the annual management fee for the operation and management of the parking facilities based on an evaluation of performance completed by Airport Staff. The evaluation has been completed and the rating, based on this evaluation, is 81.3%. When this rating is applied to the annual management fee of $31,212.00, a bonus of $25,375.36 is calculated.
Republic Parking continues to provide excellent service to our Airport and focuses on customer service. The bonus amount is included in the current approved FY21 Budget, and Staff recommended Board approval of the incentive bonus as noted above.
- Approve Trane HVAC Maintenance Agreement
This item provided for Board approval of a sole source agreement for HVAC Systems Scheduled Services on the Airport’s HVAC System.
The Airport owns, operates, and maintains an extensive Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) that provides environmental conditions control in airport facility buildings. The system includes chillers, air handling units, mixing boxes, cooling towers, and an elaborate system of chill water piping and air handling ductwork. The system also includes a proprietary computer software and plant controller that monitors and controls system settings. System components, including controlling software, are proprietary and can only be upgraded, updated, and repaired by TRANE personnel. The Airport’s current three-year Agreement with Trane is expiring and requires renewal. The initial term of the new agreement is three years.
In accordance with State of Florida statute, a notice of intended Sole-Source purchase was publicly posted twice to determine if any other vendors are available to perform the required services. No responses or comments were received.
Costs associated with the Scheduled Service Agreement are provided for in the FY22 Airport’s Operating & Capital Budget. Cost for three-year agreement is $10,241/year, and Staff recommended approval of the sole source scheduled service agreement from TRANE U.S., Inc. in an amount not to exceed $10,241/year.
- Establish Marketing Evaluation Committee
- This item provided for the Board to establish a Marketing Services Selection Committee (Selection Committee) to assist the District in the selection of a firm to provide advertising, marketing and public relations services.
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- The Selection Committee would be responsible for the following: establish evaluation criteria; evaluate proposals; and rank and recommend the proposals of qualified firms.
- The following people are recommended to comprise the Marketing Services Selection Committee:
- Parker McClellan – Executive Director
Richard McConnell – Deputy Executive Director - Darlene Gordon – Director of Finance and Administration
- Jason Cutshaw – Board Member
- The Selection Committee will present the results and ranking of the evaluation and a recommendation to the Board for their final approval. Establishment of a Marketing Services Selection Committee will have no impact on the budget, and Staff recommended that the Board establish a Marketing Services Selection Committee comprised of the recommended persons.
- ZHA Task Order #51B – General Project Planning
- This item provided for the Board approval of Task Order #51‑B to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform various preliminary planning services and to assist Staff in the evaluation of various capital projects and development alternatives. Additionally, the Task Order will allow ZHA to assist with various planning efforts as part of the day-to-day operation of the Airport.
- Over the last several years, we have developed concepts for numerous projects and developed potential alternatives for capital projects utilizing a variety of available funds. This Task Order allows for Staff to develop alternatives and concepts for capital development projects.
- Additionally, it will allow for additional planning services including, but not limited to, exhibit development, concept development, and project cost estimating.
- The overall cost of this Task Order is $30,000 and it is included in the FY21 Operating & Capital Budget along with future Budgets as needed.
- Audit Engagement – Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain
- This item requested approval by the Board for the acceptance of a Letter of Engagement with Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain (“TMGC”) to perform the FY21 financial audit.
- TMGC has submitted an Engagement Letter which details their audit procedures and a proposal of their fees. The audit will meet or exceed the requirements specified by Florida Statute for Special Districts.
- Staff believes it to be in the best interest of the District to continue its working relationship with TMGC and is satisfied with the audit services provided. A budget of $25,285 is proposed for this work effort. Funding will be provided in the Airport FY22 Operating & Capital Budget.
- Staff recommended approval of an audit Engagement Letter with Tipton, Marler, Garner & Chastain and authorization for the Board Chair or designee to execute the Audit Engagement Letter.
Mr. Les McFatter made a motion to accept the Consent Agenda, and Mr. Cramer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
- ZHA Task Order #19M – Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS) and Mitigation Monitoring for September 2021 through August 2024
This item provided for Board approval of a Task Order to ZHA as the Airport’s continuing engineering consultant to perform the required qualified mitigation supervision (QMS) and mitigation monitoring at 19 sites as required under our environmental permits, for September 2021 through August 2024.
- The Airport is required to provide QMS to oversee all aspects of mitigation site implementation, management, and corrective actions and mitigation monitoring in accordance with the FDEP WRP Permit #03 – 0212186-004-DF. These services were provided by the ZHA and their sub-consultant ERC over the past nine years (September 2012 thru August 2021). The Permit requires continuous inspection presence on-site to monitor mitigation activities.
- The required services include qualified mitigation supervision of all aspects of mitigation construction activities on the airport’s mitigation site located south of SR 388 and the Airport. Up to 170 days of on-site coordination and inspection of mitigation construction activities will be provided each year. ZHA shall also provide annual mitigation monitoring in accordance with the Airport Relocation Mitigation Plan dated October 2006 and monitor the stations and methods established during the initial baseline quantitative monitoring conducted in the of Fall 2006.
- This includes quantitative monitoring for ecological community classification, description, and mapping. Established permanent photo-point stations will also be utilized for each quantitative field plot for photographs recording each monitoring event. Qualitative reconnaissance and inspection of larger mitigation areas, characterization, ground-truth stations, and specific work plan areas (hydrologic restoration sites, road removal areas, thinning units, burn units, trash removal sites, etc.) will be conducted in association with the quantitative monitoring, based on set travel routes that are repeated over time.
- Statistical analysis of the quantitative monitoring data will be evaluated based on before and after comparison of overall community classification. Individual vegetation layer components from the quantitative data will also be evaluated. Comparisons with similar natural communities will be used as supporting documentation.
- The consultant shall meet regularly with the Contractor to review work plans, schedule of work activities, in-field progress, quality of the work inspections, and other related construction issues. The consultant will review the periodic payment requests of the contractor, determine their appropriateness for payment, revise as necessary, approve the revised payment application and process them for payment. The consultant will provide in-field inspection of the Contractor’s activities, monitoring progress, quality of work, compliance with Contract requirements, Permit, approved work plans and record and log findings and observations.
- Additionally, the consultant will provide aerial photography and photo interpretation as required to assist in the mitigation efforts required by the FDEP Permit as well as by the Airport.
- The consultant shall prepare two reports per annual period: an annual report for each period, Sept. to August; and a mitigation monitoring report for each period, September to August. The annual report shall be prepared within ninety (90) days after the end of the data collection and submit it to the Airport for review and approval to send to the agencies.
The total Task Order 19‑M, including fees and expenses will be $633,300. The overall cost of this Task Order is $633,300. $211,100 is included in the FY22 Operating & Capital Budget, and the balance will be budgeting in future years.
Mr. McClellan asked ZHA President Rick Mellin to address the Board and describe the mitigation in more detail for the new Board members who might not be familiar with it. Mr. Mellin explained that as part of our original Permit since 2010, there are just under 10,000 acres on the other side of S.R. 388 that has to be mitigated over time with the intent to make it like the savannah and wooded area of 100 years ago, which includes moving ditch blocks and changing roads and streams, adding pines and palmettos, and most importantly, doing prescribed burnings annually. He said all of the planting has been done and
- most of the construction has been done (prior to Hurricane Michael), leaving the prescribed burning, which is on a 3‑year cycle and done by Wildlands Fire Services (since 2014).
- Mr. Mellin informed the Board that the QMS involves the monitoring and the twice-a-year reporting with the objective of getting the construction done, and prescribed burning to a lesser frequency. At that point, it becomes “long-term management” no longer needing QMS, though the long-term management (maintenance and burning) would be in perpetuity. Mr. McClellan added that the reason we will probably not reach “long-term management” in the 3 years is because of the weather – it has either been too dry to burn, or too wet to burn.
- Mr. Mellin explained that the mitigation requirements were part of St. Joe’s West Bay Sector Plan, and it mitigates all wetlands on the 4,000 acres of the Airport.
Staff recommended Board approval of the Task Order for Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS) and Mitigation Monitoring as discussed above.
Mayor Mark Sheldon made a motion to approve ZHA Task Order #19M – Qualified Mitigation Supervision (QMS) and Mitigation Monitoring for September 2021 through August 2024, and Vice Chair Melzer seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Construction Update (information only):
- Aircraft Parking Apron Expansion
Mr. Richard McConnell reported the Transient Apron Phase 1 Expansion is substantially complete with only the excess soil removal pending. Mr. McConnell reported we approached S.R. 388 project contractor to see if they would be interested in the soil, and they appear to be and will be looking at it this afternoon.
- Airport Entrance Roundabout and State Road (SR) 388 Realignment
Mr. McConnell reported the S.R. 388/Airport Entrance Roundabout completion date has been extended to the beginning of 2024 due to weather. Mr. McConnell informed the Board that the Roundabout detour has been pushed to December due to this schedule extension. He said one other reason they had to extend the schedule was because they had to go 15% deeper on the bridge pilings due to unanticipated soil. Mr. McConnell stated that even with the schedule extension, they are still on contract and on their anticipated schedule.
Bay EDA Update:
Bay EDA President Ms. Becca Hardin reported that last week Mr. McClellan helped host three international site selection consultants with the Transatlantic Business Investment Council, and she and her leadership team spent 2 ½ days touring them through Bay County giving them a mock prospect tour, along with strategic planning on how we can enhance our foreign investment recruitment efforts. Ms. Hardin informed the Board that the endeavor resulted in our receiving certification as an FDI Community meaning the economic team can add that certification to their marketing tools proving we met the criteria showing we have the knowledge, resources and assets to be able to recruit international companies. Ms.
Hardin explained that a very extensive, detailed questionnaire was required for certification, and the information gathered can now provide Airport and other sites’ infrastructure and utilities information to
future prospects. She said we are the only ones in the State of Florida, and only five other communities in
the U.S. with that certification, and we were told by the consultants that of all those who applied and of all those who received certification, their visit here in Bay County was the most extensive and the best.
Ms. Hardin said that the Airport Authority, and Venture Crossings (owned by St. Joe Company) properties, have a total of seven projects with the most important being Project Tiger, a project that would use the northern site, next to the Fuel Farm, next to the runway. Ms. Hardin said they are in the design stage for building a hangar for Mr. McClellan to review in the next couple of weeks, and they are getting their general project overview together planning for approximately 50 – 75 jobs and a capital investment of $10M. She said the Bay EDA will be working with local resources and the Triumph Gulf Coast for the incentive package.
Ms. Hardin reported that the second hot project is Project Lightning Strike looking to lease the former GKN Aerospace facility at Venture Crossings. She said they are not an aerospace company, but would bring 200 jobs and utilize assets on our Airport. Ms. Hardin said the leadership team would be visiting tomorrow and reviewing the lease for that facility.
She said that with travel opening up, as part of the Transatlantic Business Investment Council leadership, Vice President Ben Moorman will be visiting companies and pitching our sites in Germany and Austria. Ms. Hardin reported the Bay EDA will be attending the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) tradeshow in Vegas in October; and the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Europe Show in Amsterdam. Ms. Hardin said that as part of the trip they will be meeting with Project Venus and hopefully have them visit in September.
The Moore Agency Update:
Ms. Katie Spillman of The Moore Agency reported on five main items: 1) Wheels Up Summer Music Series, 2) The “ECP Tag You’re It” campaign, 3) the FSU football official yearbook ad, 4) the earned media highlight, and 5) the social media highlight.
Ms. Spillman informed the Board of the live music in the Terminal from 12 – 3pm on Saturdays from July 24 — August 21 with three musical artists performing, resulting in positive passenger feedback.
She reported the “ECP Tag You’re It” campaign invites passengers to scan the QR Code on one of five oversized ECP luggage tag signs throughout the Terminal, entering them into prize drawings (airline gift cards, a piece of carryon luggage, ECP-branded promo items, and FSU football game tickets). She said from a marketing standpoint the campaign will increase brand affinity, passenger loyalty, social media engagement, brand awareness among target audiences, and online traffic to the ECP website as we amplify engagement with them.
Ms. Spillman reported that 15% of the football game attendees at the FSU games this season are expected to purchase an official team yearbook (2019 saw over 380K fans at the games) and our ad and a QR Code on the back cover puts us in the Tallahassee market. She added that the yearbook may have some emotional sentiment with the recent passing of Coach Bobby Bowden and become a collectors’ item for some, and those who scan the QR Code have the possibility of winning a pair of FSU game tickets.
Ms. Spillman informed the Board of the Washington Business Journal’s article wrote about ECP’s being a top destination for D.D. flyers traveling beachside, and included quotes from Mr. McClellan and other travel and tourism industry leaders. Ms. Spillman concluded her report giving an example of the way we attract, engage, and delight passengers through our social media engagements sharing posts with their photos.
Executive Director Report:
Mr. McClellan shared a short video of Ms. Spillman singing in the Terminal as part of the Wheels Up Summer series and he congratulated her on her promotion to Sr. Director at The Moore Agency. Mr. McClellan spoke about our expected “Summer Softening” and “catching our breath” from the busy, record-breaking summer season. Mr. McClellan informed the Board of the Gate 7 Ramp emergency repair needed (the old asphalt is starting to shift). He reported that as COVID continues to be an issue, the restaurant and concessions have made adjustments to their hours due to very limited staff. Mr. McClellan concluded his report assuring Mayor Sheldon that the ROI for the Crosswind Runway will be provided at the next Board Meeting, and reminded the Board of the Budget Workshop next Wednesday.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:38 a.m.
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Kathy Gilmore, Executive Assistant Glen McDonald, Chair