The Special Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 8:30 a.m., April 13, 2023 by Chair Holly Melzer.
The Invocation was given by Vice Chair Sheldon.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Holly Melzer.
Roll was called. In attendance were: Mrs. Victoria Williams, Mr. Matt Algarin, Mr. Les McFatter, Mr. Glen McDonald, Mr. Will Cramer, Vice Chair Mark Sheldon and Chair Holly Melzer.
Chair Melzer asked if there were any Public Comments. There were no Public Comments.
Chair Melzer asked if any Board Member would like to discuss the Agenda Item, and if not, to make a motion to accept the Agenda.
Mr. Matt Algarin made a motion to accept the Agenda, and Mr. Les McFatter seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
Business Item:
4. Approve Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee for North Terminal Expansion Program Ranking
Mr. Parker McClellan explained the process for scoring the proposals for the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR). He said the Airport would like to get the CMAR involved before the design phase of the Project is completed. The Selection Committee that completed the scoring for the CMAR were Mr. McClellan, Mr. Richard McConnell, Mr. Darlene Gordon, Mr. Mark Adams, and Mr. Rick Mellin (ZHA), with Cole Davis (Legal Counsel). The Board addressed Mr. McClellan, Mr. David Scruggs with ZHA, and Legal Counsel with questions regarding the scoring of the candidates.
This item provides for Board approval of the recommended ranking by the Committee for the Construction Manager at Risk for North Terminal Expansion Program. The role of the CMAR will be to provide pre-construction, scheduling, budgeting and construction management and close-out services for the North Terminal Expansion Program.
On March 2, 2023, the Airport Authority received five (5) responses to the Request for Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk for Terminal Expansion Project from the following firms:
Allstate Construction, Inc.
Hensel Phelps
Wharton – Smith
White Construction
Whitesell – Green
The Evaluation Committee met and reviewed each submittal on April 3, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. and interviews were held on April 4, 2023. All meetings were held in accordance with Florida’s Sunshine Law.
The Evaluation Committee members were provided a copy of each firm’s submittal for review and comment. Each member was given the opportunity to express their thoughts about each submittal. The comments focused around the identified key evaluation criteria, which included five primary areas of interest; Company Profile, Experience, Project Management, Financial and References.
Following the interviews, the Committee ranked all the firms based on individual review of each proposal, presentation and discussion with regard to the evaluation criteria and review of proposal documentation. The attached summary of the ranking, reflects the individual scores by each member and the summary (Attachment 1). The Evaluation Committee ranked CMAR proposals, as follows in descending order.
Hensel Phelps
Allstate Construction, Inc.
Wharton – Smith
White Construction
Whitesell – Green
The next step in the process will be to negotiate the Preconstruction fee to provide Preconstruction Services which will include:
- Project Evaluation & Consulting
- Design Reviews
- Bidder Market Analysis
- Estimating
- Schedule Development
- Project Phasing
- Bidder Interest Stimulation
- GMP Development
At the conclusion of the Preconstruction services, the CMAR will present a GMP Amendment for construction of the approved project. The final terms and conditions of the contract will be negotiated and incorporated in the GMP Amendment. There will be no budget impact. Fees will be approved at a later date.
Staff recommends the Board approve the Evaluation Committee Recommendations and Ranking and authorize Staff and Legal Counsel to negotiate with the top ranked firm and bring back a proposed Preconstruction Agreement with the CMAR for approval following satisfactory legal review.
Mr. Will Cramer made a motion to approve the Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee for North Terminal Expansion Program Ranking, and Mr. Matt Algarin seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
There were no Public Comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:45 a.m.
Next meeting is scheduled: April 26, 2023 – Board Meeting 9:00 a.m.
Lisa Brady, Executive Assistant
Holly Melzer, Chair