The Board Meeting of the Panama City-Bay County Airport and Industrial District was called to order at 9:00 a.m., April 19, 2017 by Chairman Mathis.
The Invocation was read by Mr. Parke McClellan.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Mathis.
The Interim Executive Secretary called the roll and indicated that all Board Members were present except Mr. Carey Scott.
Mr. McClellan presented and reviewed the Activity Report.
Ms. Darlene Nelson presented and reviewed the Financial Report.
Consent Agenda:
- Board Meeting Minutes – March 22, 2017
This item provides for Board approval of the March 22, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes.
2. Supplemental JPA – Terminal Ramp Rehabilitation
This item provides for the acceptance of a supplemental FDOT Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) that will provide funding for the Terminal Ramp Rehabiliation Project. It is anticipated that FAA will participate in the project as well as local participation.
3. Replacement CCTV System Component Purchase
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of replacement CCTV system components in support of the Airport’s overall Airport Security Program.
4. Equipment Purchase – Red Defense Trace Detection System
This item provides for Board approval for the purchase of XCAT Handheld Detection System, Base Unit, 3 year warranty, protective case, and supplies. This unit will be utilized in support of the Airport’s Security Program.
Ms. Sims made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. McDonald seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Business Items:
a. FEMA Project Update
A presentation was given by Mr. Rick Mellin of ZHA.
This item was for informational purposes only and required no formal action by the Board.
b. FEMA Project 4177.1 Award to Phoenix Construction Services
This item allows for Board award of the Stormwater Project 4177.1 to Phoenix Construction Services.
In late April 2014, there was storm water/rain event that had a substantial adverse impact on the airport. There was approximately 16 inches of rain in a very short period of time and cause a great deal of damage to our property and elements of the stormwater system. The Storm was declared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as Storm 4177.
In response to this damage, the airport and its consultants prepared the damage descriptions, scope of works, estimates and mitigation proposals. It was determined that the Airport because of vital and essential role it plays in the community would submit detailed repairs and mitigation plans to be reviewed and approved as part of the FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Program. The PA Program will fund the effort at 75% FEMA, 12.5% Florida SERT and 12.5% Airport Funds. Project 4177.1 is one of two projects to repair and mitigate damages to the storm water system as a direct result of the declared flooding event spring 2014.
Over the past 36 months, we have worked with FEMA and SERT for approval and obligation of funds throughout numerous staff changes, procedure changes and program overhauls. Funds for this project, $2,351,146 have been approved with the exception of mitigation work at 7 of the sites. We have requested a review of this decision which may result in addition funding of up to
The general scope of work is construction of site repairs and mitigation for the airport on airport property at 18 sites, as follows: damaged areas from flooding during declared event during spring 2014. Repairs include regrading berms, ditches and swales, removing silt, replacing culverts and mitered ends, soil amendments and sodding for erosion control, raising and regrading the maintenance road, outfall and drainage modifications, repaired sump bottoms, apron areas, concrete matts, skimmers and pipes. Site 8 included a directional boring under West Bay Parkway. Mitigation to damaged areas from flooding during declared event during spring 2014 to prevent future damages. Mitigation includes ArmorFlex Mats, filter point mats, new larger box culverts, concrete mats, outfall modifications, and new rip rap.
ZHA coordinated the repair and mitigation scope and production of Contract Documents by Buchanan & Harper and McNeil Carroll. Bid Documents were released on December 8, 2016. Bids were received on January 12, 2017, by four of the four prequalified horizontal contractors. The bid documents included a base bid with the Airport having the following award condition: “After consideration of price and other factors, the contract will be awarded to the Bidder whose bid proposal is determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder as determined by the Owner.”
On January 12, 2017, Phoenix Construction Services, Inc. was the apparent low bidder. Phoenix’s bid of $2,993,400, is $216,000 (approximately 7%) lower than the highest bidder (GAC at $3,209,400) and $89,802 lower (approximately 3%) than the next lowest bid (Marshall Brothers at $3,192,000).
Upon review of the bids received in January 2017, it was determined that there was insufficient funding for the project. Following discussions with the airport’s legal counsel, it was determined that a Deductive Bid Request would be issued to all contractors that submitted responses. A Deductive Bid was issued by ZHA on March 20th, 2017 to include deleting work at Site 1 (north of rental car storage area); substituting means and material at Site 8 to include an open cut and placement of concrete pipe in lieu of a directional bore; deleting work at Site 17 (grass at the airfield) and Site 19 (outfall at Kelly Basin). The deductive bid at Site 8 was to reduce costs and also allow for repair to the surface and base at West Bay Parkway during the installation of larger storm water pipes. The deduct included omitting the directional bore (deduct #2) and laying storm water pipe which included three options: reinforced concrete, polypropylene E HP Storm, and Steel Reinforced Polyethylene Pipe (add #3). Three of the four contractors responded with the deduct bids.
After consideration of price and other factors, staff and ZHA’s recommendation is to award the contract to Phoenix Construction Services to include work at all sites per drawings for 4177.1 as detailed except: change to an open cut at Site 8 and delete all work at Site 17. Site 8 recommendation includes deducting the directional bore (deduct #2 for -$1,003,000) and adding reinforced concrete pipe (add #3 for $400,935) for a cost savings of $602,065. The bid amount is $2,993,400 with a deduct for Site 8 alternative method and material and a deduct for omitting Site 17 ($2,993,400 — $602,065 — $599,000 = $1,792,335). This recommendation is within the current FEMA funds for construction and includes an owner’s contingency of $123,033.
Phoenix Construction’s bid proposal has been determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder for the scope of work to complete Storm water 4177.1 per contract documents for a total contract amount of $1,792,335.00.
It should be noted the total project budget based on FEMA eligibility and estimation tools, including construction, professional fees and contingency is $2,351,146.00. FEMA has approved funds in the amount of $2,351,146 for this project, which included all of the requested repairs and mitigation with the exception of mitigation at 7 of the sites. We have requested a review of this decision which may result in addition funding of up to $474,387.
The funding for this project will be FEMA 75%, FL SERT 12.5% and Airport 12.5% utilizing reserves for the project.
Following discussion that the Board will review and receive updates on change orders received from Phoenix Constructions Services, Inc., Mr. Lee made a motion to authorize the Board Chairman or designee to execute the necessary contract documentation, following satisfactory legal review. The motion was seconded by Ms. Sims. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
c. Ground Transportation Update
This item provides for Board approval for current Ground Transportation companies with a “Queue” contract to convert to a “Pre-Arranged Pickup” contract.
Following the Board’s approval of the Transportation Network Company (TNC) contract last month, research began to determine the impact that TNCs have on the current Ground Transportation (GT) companies at ECP. It was determined that in 2016 there were 21 GT companies and in 2017 there were 31 GT companies providing services to passengers resulting in a decrease in the number of rides each company provided each month. A working group was formed with six of the current GTs to further determine the impact Uber was having on their business since their inception date of March 10th, 2017. One of the companies provided documentation that their number of rides were down 30% and they had been forced to diversify their business and began offering prearranged pickups and shuttle service in town. The other companies have not provided documentation but have verbally acknowledged that their business is down 25 to 30%.
Uber reported that they had 512 pickups in the 21 days they were operating in March. Camera footage at ECP has ascertained this number to be closer to 540 curbside pickups by queue contract companies. Uber has had the most significant impact on the queue.
Ms. Sims made a motion to allow Ground Transportation Concessionaires with current
Queue contracts to convert to Pre-Arranged contracts. Mr. Tusa seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
Executive Director Report:
Ms. Scarlett Phaneuf, with the Bay EDA, addressed the Board regarding upcoming events at the MRO Air Show in Orlando related to the Pompano Project. Ms. Becca Hardin and Mr.
McClellan will meet the Enterprise Florida regarding a proposal for maintenance, repair, and overhaul for the Pompano Project. They will also meet with several companies during the show to promote what ECP and Bay County have to offer.
Ms. Phaneuf also announced that GKN is moving along and the official welcome in Venture Crossings will be May 9th. GKN will be recruiting for employees at two upcoming job fairs hosted by Career Sou8rce on April 26th and 27th.
Mr. McClellan informed the Board on the estimate for the parking ticket machine awnings. USA Shades estimates $25,000 to $30,000 per awning; there would be a need for four awnings. The Airport is awaiting a response with more detailed information pertaining to material used and height restrictions. However, because the cost is prohibitive at this time, discussions will continue as the budget allows for the expense.
Mr. McClellan summarized Governor Rick Scott’s Zika Preparedness Roundtable on Monday, April 17th, regarding the importance of helping to stop the spread of Zika. This is done through prevention, by dumping standing water; Steelfield Landfill will be holding amnesty days April 21st & 22nd to allow residents to rid their yards of items and containers that may hold standing water.
Mr. McClellan updated the Board on upcoming Super Saturdays. Southwest will begin using Gate 2 on April 29th and will continue to use it 4 to 5 times through the summer. The increased number of flights will help to grow revenue.
Mr. McClellan informed the Board that discussions with JetBlue have not yielded a decision to bring their business to ECP. ECP will continue to keep in touch in hopes of attracting their business.
Mr. McClellan reminded the Board that the Gulf Coast Salute Airshow at Tyndall Air Force Base is on April 22nd & 23rd. Currently, Tora! Tora! Tora! has World War II era planes parked at Sheltair in preparation for the bomb run performance at the airshow.
Mr. McClellan read an email to the Board that was received from a passenger commending the officers and firemen that had assisted her sister in a medical emergency the previous day.
Ms. Katie Spillman, of Moore Communications Group, briefly reviewed the Communications Activity Report. There were almost 5,000 direct clicks to airlines through the ECP website and that number is expected to go up with the anticipated Escape landing page. The Escape promotion will be highlighted in the newspaper, on billboards and a creative video will be finalized soon. ECP Perk Days have been a big hit with passengers, who are encouraged to share their photos online and use hashtags promoting the ECP brand.
Public Comments:
No public comments.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:05 a.m.
Talisa Price, Interim Executive Secretary Russ Mathis, Chairman