The NORTH­WEST FLORI­DA BEACH­ES INTER­NAL AIR­PORT (“ECP”) is the oper­a­tor and Spon­sor of the tick­et give­away (the GIVE­AWAY”), which begins and ends on the fol­low­ing days and times:Begins at 12:00:00 AM Cen­tral Time on August 1, 2019.Ends at 11:59:59 PM Cen­tral Time on August 172019.

  1. ELI­GI­BIL­I­TY: The give­away is open to nat­ur­al per­sons who are legal res­i­dents of the 50 Unit­ed States and the Dis­trict of Colum­bia, who are 18 years of age or old­er at the time of entry. Employ­ees, offi­cers and direc­tors of ECP, Pep­si Gulf Coast Jam, Pana­ma City-Bay Coun­ty Air­port and Indus­tri­al Dis­trict, The Moore Agency, and their respec­tive par­ent com­pa­nies; affil­i­ates; sub­sidiaries; adver­tis­ing, mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion agen­cies; and con­test and ful­fill­ment sub-con­trac­tors in any way asso­ci­at­ed with the give­away, their imme­di­ate fam­i­lies (par­ent, child, sib­ling & spouse and their respec­tive spous­es, regard­less of where they reside) and per­sons liv­ing in the same house­holds as such indi­vid­u­als (whether relat­ed or not) are not eli­gi­ble to par­tic­i­pate. By par­tic­i­pat­ing, you (“Par­tic­i­pant”) agree to these Offi­cial Rules and to the deci­sions of the Spon­sor and Prize Spon­sor, which are final and bind­ing in all respects. Void where pro­hib­it­ed by law, rule or reg­u­la­tion. All fed­er­al, state and local laws and reg­u­la­tions apply.
  2. HOW TO PAR­TIC­I­PATE ONLINE: To become an eli­gi­ble Par­tic­i­pant, you must do all of the fol­low­ing:
    Here’s how you can enter for your chance to win a pair of Pep­si Gulf Coast Jam Tick­ets:
    • Like, share and tag your con­cert bud­dy on our social media post for your chance to win a FREE pair of tick­ets to this year’s Pep­si Gulf Coast Jam!
    • Enter your name and email address in the form fields on the offi­cial sweep­stakes webpage.
  3. PRIZE AND APPROX­I­MATE RETAIL VAL­UE FOR EACH GIVE­AWAY: The Approx­i­mate Retail Val­ue (“ARV”) includ­ing any applic­a­ble tax­es and fees, or each prize (two tick­ets) is $458.00 USD. Each win­ner will be award­ed a pair of 3‑Day Gen­er­al Admis­sion tick­ets via email. The win­ner must print tick­ets and present the tick­ets at the tick­et entry point to be admitted.
  4. PRIZE DRAW­INGS AND ODDS: Two win­ners will be award­ed based on ran­dom draw­ings held on Thurs­day, August 18, 2019. The win­ners will be announced on the North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port Face­book page by Fri­day, August 19, and oth­er social media pages. The win­ner will also be noti­fied via the plat­form he or she pro­vid­ed their entry. The win­ner will have 24 hours from the time of the noti­fi­ca­tion to claim the prize, or he/​she will be dis­qual­i­fied, and the Spon­sor may then select a run­ner-up.

    Two prize win­ners will be select­ed on August 18 based on a ran­dom draw­ing.

    The odds of win­ning will depend on the num­ber of entries.

    For a list of win­ners, you may sub­mit a request by send­ing an email to info@​pcairport.​com by Sep­tem­ber 5, 2019.

    The Spon­sor will make the bind­ing deci­sion on all mat­ters relat­ing to the Giveaway.

  5. MIS­CEL­LA­NEOUS: Spon­sor and Give­away Par­ties are not respon­si­ble for late, lost, incom­plete, cor­rupt­ed, stolen, gar­bled, dam­aged, delayed, unde­liv­ered or mis­di­rect­ed entries, all of which are void. By sub­mit­ting an entry, Par­tic­i­pant war­rants that he or she is a nat­ur­al per­son, that the entry is made in his or her legal name and con­tains his or her e‑mail address. Any dis­crep­an­cy shall, in the unfet­tered dis­cre­tion of Spon­sor, void the entry. Par­tic­i­pants are respon­si­ble for ensur­ing that the con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed at the time of entry is cur­rent and accu­rate. The Spon­sor shall not be respon­si­ble for incor­rect or inac­cu­rate entry infor­ma­tion caused by any of the equip­ment or pro­gram­ming asso­ci­at­ed with or uti­lized in the Give­away or by any tech­ni­cal or human error which may occur in the pro­cess­ing of the entries in the Give­away. The Spon­sor assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty for any error, omis­sion, inter­rup­tion, dele­tion, theft or destruc­tion, or unau­tho­rized access to, or alter­ation of entries.

  6. RELEASE: BY ENTER­ING THE GIVE­AWAY, PAR­TIC­I­PANTS AGREE TO RELEASE, DIS­CHARGE AND HOLD HARM­LESS SPON­SOR, GIVE­AWAY PAR­TIES, SOCIAL MEDIA ENTI­TIES (DEFINED BELOW), PEP­SI GULF COAST JAM, BAY COUN­TY, THE CITY OF PANA­MA CITY BEACH, AND THE CITY OF PANA­MA CITY AND THE RESPEC­TIVE OFFI­CERS, DIREC­TORS, AND AGENTS OF EACH, FROM ANY AND ALL LIA­BIL­I­TY FOR ANY INJURY, LOSS, OR DAM­AGE OF ANY KIND TO PER­SONS, INCLUD­ING DEATH, AND PROP­ER­TY, WHETHER DIRECT OR INDI­RECT, WHICH MAY BE DUE TO OR ARISE OUT OF PAR­TIC­I­PA­TION IN THE GIVE­AWAY OR ANY POR­TION THERE­OF, OR THE ACCEP­TANCE, USE/MISUSE OR POS­SES­SION OF PRIZES, OR ANY PRIZE-RELAT­ED TRAV­EL OR ACTIV­I­TY. PAR­TIC­I­PANTS WAIVE ALL WAR­RANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUD­ING BUT NOT LIM­IT­ED TO IMPLIED WAR­RANTIES OF MER­CHANTABIL­I­TY AND FIT­NESS FORPAR­TIC­U­LAR PUR­POSE. As a con­di­tion of enter­ing the Give­away, Par­tic­i­pant agrees that (1) Par­tic­i­pant waives all rights to claim puni­tive, inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial or any oth­er dam­ages, and any claims, judg­ments or awards shall be lim­it­ed to actu­al out-of-pock­et expens­es; (2) all caus­es of action aris­ing out of or con­nect­ed with this Give­away, or any prizes award­ed, shall be resolved indi­vid­u­al­ly, with­out resort to any form class action; and (3) in no event will any Par­tic­i­pant be enti­tled to receive attor­neys’ fees.

  7. DIS­CLAIMER: Spon­sor and Give­away Par­ties are not respon­si­ble for print­ing or typo­graph­i­cal errors in these Offi­cial Rules or in any Give­away-relat­ed mate­ri­als. Spon­sor reserves the right, in its sole dis­cre­tion, to dis­qual­i­fy any indi­vid­ual that tam­pers with the entry process. Spon­sor also reserves the right to ter­mi­nate, sus­pend, can­cel or mod­i­fy the Give­away and award the prizes for the Give­away from among all eli­gi­ble, non-sus­pect entries in a ran­dom draw­ing if for any rea­son this Give­away is not capa­ble of run­ning as planned due to any rea­son, includ­ing infec­tion by com­put­er virus, bugs, tam­per­ing, fraud, unau­tho­rized inter­ven­tion, tech­ni­cal fail­ures or oth­er caus­es that may cor­rupt or impair the integri­ty, fair­ness or prop­er play of the Give­away. Spon­sor and Give­away Par­ties are not respon­si­ble or liable for any events which may cause errors and/​or the Give­away to be stopped, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to any error, omis­sion, inter­rup­tion, dele­tion, defect, delay in oper­a­tion or trans­mis­sion, com­mu­ni­ca­tions line fail­ure, theft or destruc­tion or unau­tho­rized access to, or alter­ation of, entries, nor are they respon­si­ble for any prob­lems or tech­ni­cal mal­func­tion of any tele­phone, net­work or tele­phone lines, com­put­er on-line sys­tems, servers, or cable, satel­lite, or Inter­net Ser­vice Providers, com­put­er equip­ment, soft­ware or any oth­er fail­ure of any email or entry to be received by Spon­sor on account of tech­ni­cal prob­lems, human error or traf­fic con­ges­tion on the Inter­net or at any web site, or any com­bi­na­tion there­of, includ­ing any injury or dam­age to Par­tic­i­pan­t’s or any oth­er per­son­’s com­put­er relat­ing to or result­ing from par­tic­i­pa­tion in this Give­away or down­load­ing any mate­ri­als in this Give­away. Spon­sor and Give­away Par­ties are not respon­si­ble for com­put­er, mechan­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, elec­tron­ic, net­work or oth­er errors or prob­lems, includ­ing any errors or prob­lems that may occur in con­nec­tion with the admin­is­tra­tion of the Give­away, the pro­cess­ing of entries, or in any oth­er Give­away-relat­ed materials.

  8. CAU­TION: ANY ACT OR ATTEMPT BY AN PAR­TIC­I­PANT TO DELIB­ER­ATE­LY DAM­AGE ANY WEB SITE OR UNDER­MINE THE LEGIT­I­MATE OPER­A­TION OF THIS GIVE­AWAY ISVIO­LA­TION OF CRIM­I­NAL AND CIV­IL LAWS. SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPON­SOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAM­AGES AND OTH­ER REME­DIES (INCLUD­ING ATTOR­NEYSFEES) FROM ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL(S) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PER­MIT­TED BY LAW. 15. CHOICE OF LAW AND JURIS­DIC­TION: Except where pro­hib­it­ed, Par­tic­i­pant agrees that any and all dis­putes, claims and caus­es of action aris­ing out of, or con­nect­ed with, the Give­away or any prize award­ed shall be resolved indi­vid­u­al­ly, with­out resort to any form of class action, and exclu­sive­ly by the appro­pri­ate court locat­ed in Bay Coun­ty, Flori­da. All issues and ques­tions con­cern­ing the con­struc­tion, valid­i­ty, inter­pre­ta­tion and enforce­abil­i­ty of these Offi­cial Rules, Participant’s rights and oblig­a­tions, or the rights and oblig­a­tions of the Spon­sors in con­nec­tion with the Give­away, shall be gov­erned by, and con­strued in accor­dance with, the laws of the state of Flori­da, with­out giv­ing effect to any choice of law or con­flict of law rules (whether of the state of Flori­da or any oth­er juris­dic­tion), which would cause the appli­ca­tion of the laws of any juris­dic­tion oth­er than the state of Florida.

  9. TAX INFOR­MA­TION: All fed­er­al, state, local, and income tax­es on prizes and any oth­er costs and expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with prize accep­tance and use not spec­i­fied here­in as being pro­vid­ed, are the sole respon­si­bil­i­ty of the applic­a­ble win­ner. A 1099 tax form will be issued to the win­ner of any prize total­ing $600.00 or more.

  10. RELEASE OF SOCIAL MEDIA ENTI­TIES: The Spon­sor may have post­ed Give­away infor­ma­tion on var­i­ous social media plat­forms or may have adver­tised or pro­mot­ed the Give­away on var­i­ous social media plat­forms. Par­tic­i­pant acknowl­edges that Face­book, Insta­gram, Snapchat, Twit­ter, or any oth­er social media plat­form used in con­nec­tion with the Give­away, along with the own­ers, par­ent com­pa­nies, or sub­sidiaries of any of the above (col­lec­tive­ly, the Social Media Enti­ties”) are not spon­sors or oper­a­tors of this Give­away and the Give­away is no way spon­sored, endorsed or admin­is­tered by, or asso­ci­at­ed with, the Social Media Enti­ties. Par­tic­i­pant ful­ly releas­es and holds harm­less the Social Media Enti­ties and will not seek relief from the Social Media Enti­ties in the event that Par­tic­i­pant is not treat­ed fair­ly in this Give­away or has been harmed direct­ly or indi­rect­ly, in whole or in part, from the par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Give­away or from the receipt or use of any prize or activ­i­ty relat­ed to the receipt or use of any prize. Give­away Par­tic­i­pants acknowl­edge and agree that by enter­ing the Give­away, Par­tic­i­pants are pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion to ECP and Pep­si Gulf Coast Jam, and not to the Social Media Enti­ties.

    North­west Flori­da Beach­es Inter­na­tion­al Air­port (ECP)
    6300 West Bay Park­way, Suite A, Pana­ma City, FL 32409

    Pep­si Gulf Coast Jam
    24 Mid­dle­ton Street Nashville, TN 37210