CLAS­SI­FI­CA­TION: Air­port Oper­a­tions Agent

DEPART­MENT: Oper­a­tions

SUPER­VI­SOR: Deputy Exec­u­tive Director 

EFFEC­TIVE DATE: Octo­ber 12023

PAY LEV­EL: 140 ($37,364.19 — $69,931.77)


DEF­I­N­I­TION: This posi­tion is entry lev­el respon­si­ble for assist­ing senior Air­port Staff with a vari­ety of tasks includ­ing reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance, project coor­di­na­tion, and oper­a­tional issues relat­ing to the ter­mi­nal and land­side func­tions, includ­ing ground trans­porta­tion. Assists with coor­di­na­tion of cus­tomer ser­vice for the ter­mi­nal facil­i­ties to pro­vide for the safe­ty and con­ve­nience of pas­sen­gers and busi­ness­es at the ter­mi­nal. Pro­vides sup­port in all aspects of the oper­a­tion of a small hub, com­mer­cial air­port includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to; pub­lic rela­tions, oper­a­tional and con­struc­tion issues, and oth­er projects. Sup­ports admin­is­tra­tive and office func­tions by pro­vid­ing phone and walk-in cus­tomer service.

EXAM­PLES OF DUTIES: Per­forms day-to-day rou­tine activ­i­ties that are required to keep the air­port oper­at­ing effi­cient­ly and effec­tive­ly. Task­ing will be from a wide range of areas requir­ing ana­lyt­i­cal and con­struc­tive think­ing to devel­op com­mon sense solu­tions. Com­piles and ver­i­fies com­plex and/​or tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion. Pre­pares reports, charts or tables. Eval­u­ates data and makes rec­om­men­da­tions based on data gath­ered and infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed. Research­es and assem­bles a vari­ety of data from office records, res­o­lu­tions, or orders for incor­po­ra­tion into var­i­ous report­ing pur­pos­es. Sup­ports projects by coordinating/​assisting with project relat­ed doc­u­men­ta­tion, research and data col­lec­tion, coor­di­na­tion with ten­ants, stake­hold­ers, pas­sen­gers, air car­ri­ers and staff. Ensures com­pli­ance of FAA Part 139 and TSA Part 1542 reg­u­la­tions. Pro­vides oper­a­tional sup­port to var­i­ous depart­ments and sup­port­ing agen­cies. Inter­ac­tion with the trav­el­ing pub­lic, ter­mi­nal and non-ter­mi­nal air­port ten­ants, and employ­ees. Ensures time­ly response to e‑mail requests, research­es infor­ma­tion to answer tech­ni­cal ques­tions, and pro­vides cus­tomer ser­vice while resolv­ing con­cerns. Makes use of avail­able tools to ensure effi­cien­cy and accu­ra­cy of work.

QUAL­I­FI­CA­TIONS: Four-year degree from an accred­it­ed col­lege or uni­ver­si­ty in the area of avi­a­tion man­age­ment, air­port man­age­ment, busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion, pub­lic admin­is­tra­tion, or sim­i­lar area. One year of increas­ing­ly respon­si­ble expe­ri­ence or com­bi­na­tion of expe­ri­ence and edu­ca­tion at a pub­lic ser­vice air­port facil­i­ty high­ly desir­able. Must be able to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly in both oral and writ­ten form. Must pos­sess a valid Flori­da driver’s license. Pilot’s license desirable.

WORK­ING ENVI­RON­MENT: Both indoor and out­door work­ing envi­ron­ment with expo­sure to dust and pollen; sub­ject to a vari­ety of extreme weath­er con­di­tions; expo­sure to con­stant noise as well as fumes and odors.

MIS­CEL­LA­NEOUS REQUIRE­MENTS: Must pass pre-employ­ment drug test­ing as well as peri­od­ic test­ing in accor­dance with air­port pol­i­cy; must pass a 10-year, fin­ger­print-based, crim­i­nal his­to­ry records check as required by the Trans­porta­tion Secu­ri­ty Admin­is­tra­tion. Sched­ule will require shift-work to include evenings, week­ends, and hol­i­days to meet the needs of the air­port. Sub­ject to emer­gency call-out.